1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

斯1:1 亚哈随鲁在位的时候,他统治从印度到古实共一百二十七省。

斯1:1 Now it came about in the days of Ahasuerus, (that Ahasuerus who was ruler of a hundred and twenty-seven divisions of the kingdom, from India as far as Ethiopia:)

斯1:2 他在书珊城登了国位。

斯1:2 That in those days, when King Ahasuerus was ruling in Shushan, his strong town,

斯1:3 他执政第三年,曾为众领袖和臣仆摆设筵席;波斯和玛代的权贵,以及各省的贵族和领袖都在他面前。

斯1:3 In the third year of his rule he gave a feast to all his captains and his servants; and the captains of the army of Persia and Media, the great men and the rulers of the divisions of his kingdom, were present before him;

斯1:4 他把自己尊荣之国的财富和伟大威风的荣华,向他们展现很多日子,共有一百八十天。

斯1:4 And for a long time, even a hundred and eighty days, he let them see all the wealth and the glory of his kingdom and the great power and honour which were his.

斯1:5 这些日子过了,王又为所有在书珊城的人民,无论尊卑大小,在御园的院子里摆设筵席七天。

斯1:5 And at the end of that time, the king gave a feast for all the people who were present in Shushan, the king's town, small as well as great, for seven days, in the outer square of the garden of the king's house.

斯1:6 御园中有白色绵织的帷幕、蓝色的幔子,细麻绳、紫色绳悬在银环里和大理石柱上;有金银的床榻摆在红色、白色、黄色和黑色的大理石所铺的地上。

斯1:6 There were fair hangings of white and green and blue, fixed with cords of purple and the best linen to silver rings and pillars of polished stone: the seats were of gold and silver on a floor of red and white and yellow and black stone.

斯1:7 赐饮都用金器皿;器皿与器皿各有不同;御酒很多,足显王的厚赐。

斯1:7 And they gave them drink in gold vessels, every vessel being different, and wine of the kingdom, freely given by the king.

斯1:8 饮酒都照着定例,不准勉强;因为王对他宫里的所有臣仆立下规矩,要照着各人的意愿而行。

斯1:8 And the drinking was in keeping with the law; no one was forced: for the king had given orders to all the chief servants of his house to do as was pleasing to every man.

斯1:9 王后瓦实提也在亚哈随鲁王的王宫中,为妇女们摆设筵席。

斯1:9 And Vashti the queen gave a feast for the women in the house of King Ahasuerus.

斯1:10 第七日,亚哈随鲁王因饮酒心里高兴,就吩咐侍候在他面前的七个太监:米户幔、比斯他、哈波拿、比革他、亚拔他、西达、甲迦,

斯1:10 On the seventh day, when the heart of the king was glad with wine, he gave orders to Mehuman, Biztha, Harbona, Bigtha, and Abagtha, Zethar, and Carcas, the seven unsexed servants who were waiting before Ahasuerus the king,

斯1:11 去请王后瓦实提,戴着后冕到王面前,使众人和大臣欣赏她的美丽;因为她的容貌很美。

斯1:11 That Vashti the queen was to come before him, crowned with her crown, and let the people and the captains see her: for she was very beautiful.

斯1:12 王后瓦实提却不肯遵照王借着太监所传的命令,所以王非常生气,怒火中烧。

斯1:12 But when the servants gave her the king's order, Vashti the queen said she would not come: then the king was very angry, and his heart was burning with wrath.

斯1:13 王就咨询通达时务的哲士;因为当时按照王的常规,王要处理一事,必先问问面前所有精通法令和审断的朝臣。

斯1:13 And the king said to the wise men, who had knowledge of the times, (for this was the king's way with all who were expert in law and in the giving of decisions:

斯1:14 那时在王身边的有甲示拿、示达、押玛他、他施斯、米力、玛西拿、米母干等七位波斯、玛代的大臣;他们都是常见王面,在国中居首位的。

斯1:14 And second only to him were Carshena, Shethar, Admatha, Tarshish, Meres, Marsena, and Memucan, the seven rulers of Persia and Media, who were friends of the king, and had the first places in the kingdom:)

斯1:15 王问他们说:“王后瓦实提不遵行亚哈随鲁王借着太监所传的命令,按照法令应怎样办理呢?”

斯1:15 What is to be done by law to Vashti the queen, because she has not done what King Ahasuerus, by his servants, gave her orders to do?

斯1:16 米母干在王和众领袖面前回答:“王后瓦实提不但得罪了皇上,而且还得罪了亚哈随鲁王各省的臣民。

斯1:16 And before the king and the captains, Memucan gave his answer: Vashti the queen has done wrong, not only to the king, but to all the captains and to all the peoples in all the divisions of the kingdom of King Ahasuerus;

斯1:17 因为王后这事必传到所有妇女的耳中,会使她们眼中轻视自己的丈夫,因为她们说:‘亚哈随鲁王吩咐人带王后瓦实提到王面前,她却没有来。’

斯1:17 For news of what the queen has done will come to the ears of all women, and they will no longer give respect to their husbands when it is said to them, King Ahasuerus gave orders for Vashti the queen to come before him and she came not.

斯1:18 现在波斯和玛代的公主贵妇听见王后这件事,就必照样告诉王的大臣,这样轻视和忿怒的事就常有了。

斯1:18 And the wives of the captains of Persia and Media, hearing what the queen has done, will say the same to all the king's captains. So there will be much shame and wrath.

斯1:19 王若是赞成,可以下一道谕旨,并且写在波斯和玛代的法令中,永不废除。不准瓦实提再到亚哈随鲁王面前来,又请王把她王后的位分赐给另一位比她好的人。

斯1:19 If it is pleasing to the king, let an order go out from him, and let it be recorded among the laws of the Persians and the Medes, so that it may never be changed, that Vashti is never again to come before King Ahasuerus; and let the king give her place to another who is better than she.

斯1:20 王颁布的谕旨传遍全国的时候,所有的妇女都必敬重她们的丈夫,不论丈夫尊卑贵贱。”

斯1:20 And when this order, given by the king, is made public through all his kingdom (for it is great), all the wives will give honour to their husbands, great as well as small.

斯1:21 王和众领袖都赞成米母干的话;王就照着他的话去行,

斯1:21 And this suggestion seemed good to the king and the captains; and the king did as Memucan said;

斯1:22 把诏书送到王的各省,每一省都用各省的文字,每一族都用各族的方言,使作丈夫的都在家中作主,说话有权威。

斯1:22 And sent letters to all the divisions of the kingdom, to every division in the writing commonly used there, and to every people in the language which was theirs, saying that every man was to be the ruler in his house, and that this order was to be given out in the language of his people.

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