1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

亚1:1 大利乌王第二年八月,耶和华的话临到易多的孙子、比利家的儿子撒迦利亚先知,说:

亚1:1 In the eighth month, in the second year of Darius, the word of the Lord came to Zechariah, the son of Berechiah, the son of Iddo the prophet, saying,

亚1:2 “耶和华曾对你们的列祖大发烈怒,

亚1:2 The Lord has been very angry with your fathers:

亚1:3 所以,你要对众民说:‘万军之耶和华这样说:你们要转向我(这是万军之耶和华的宣告),我就必转向你们(这是万军之耶和华说的)。

亚1:3 And you are to say to them, These are the words of the Lord of armies: Come back to me, says the Lord of armies, and I will come back to you.

亚1:4 不要效法你们的列祖那样,从前的先知呼唤他们:万军之耶和华这样说,你们要回转,离开你们的恶道和恶行。他们却不听从,也不理会我(这是耶和华的宣告)。

亚1:4 Be not like your fathers, to whom the voice of the earlier prophets came, saying, Be turned now from your evil ways and from your evil doings: but they did not give ear to me or take note, says the Lord.

亚1:5 你们的列祖在哪里呢?那些先知能永远活着吗?

亚1:5 Your fathers, where are they? and the prophets, do they go on living for ever?

亚1:6 然而我吩咐我的仆人众先知的话与条例,不是已报应在你们的列祖身上吗?所以他们就回转,说:万军之耶和华定意按着我们所作所行的对付我们,他已经这样行了。’”

亚1:6 But my words and my orders, which I gave to my servants the prophets, have they not overtaken your fathers? and turning back they said, As it was the purpose of the Lord of armies to do to us, in reward for our ways and our doings, so has he done.

亚1:7 大利乌王第二年十一月(就是细罢特月)二十四日,耶和华的话临到易多的孙子、比利家的儿子撒迦利亚先知,实情如下:

亚1:7 On the twenty-fourth day of the eleventh month, the month Shebat, in the second year of Darius, the word of the Lord came to Zechariah, the son of Berechiah, the son of Iddo the prophet, saying,

亚1:8 我夜间观看,看见有一个人骑着红马,站在低洼地上的石榴树中间;在他后面还有些红色、栗色和白色的马。

亚1:8 I saw in the night a man on a red horse, between the mountains in the valley, and at his back were horses, red, black, white, and of mixed colours.

亚1:9 我就问:“我主啊,这些是什么?”那与我说话的天使对我说:“我会指示你这些是什么。”

亚1:9 Then I said, O my lord, what are these? And the angel who was talking to me said to me, I will make clear to you what they are.

亚1:10 那站在石榴树中间的人回答:“这些就是耶和华所差遣在遍地巡逻的。”

亚1:10 And the man who was between the mountains, answering me, said, These are those whom the Lord has sent to go up and down through the earth.

亚1:11 那些骑士回报那站在石榴树中间的耶和华使者,说:“我们已经在遍地巡逻;看见全地都安定,一片平静。”

亚1:11 And the man who was between the mountains, answering, said to the angel of the Lord, We have gone up and down through the earth, and all the earth is quiet and at rest.

亚1:12 于是耶和华的使者说:“万军之耶和华啊!你不怜悯耶路撒冷和犹大的城镇,要到几时呢?这七十年来,你一直恼怒它们。”

亚1:12 Then the angel of the Lord, answering, said, O Lord of armies, how long will it be before you have mercy on Jerusalem and on the towns of Judah against which your wrath has been burning for seventy years?

亚1:13 耶和华就用满有恩慈和安慰的话回答那与我说话的天使。

亚1:13 And the Lord gave an answer in good and comforting words to the angel who was talking to me.

亚1:14 那与我说话的天使对我说:“你要宣告:‘万军之耶和华这样说:我为耶路撒冷和锡安心里充满嫉恨。

亚1:14 And the angel who was talking to me said to me, Let your voice be loud and say, These are the words of the Lord of armies: I am greatly moved about the fate of Jerusalem and of Zion.

亚1:15 我向那些安逸的列国大大恼怒,因为我只是稍微恼怒我的子民,他们却加深他们的祸害。

亚1:15 And I am very angry with the nations who are living untroubled: for when I was only a little angry, they made the evil worse.

亚1:16 因此,耶和华这样说:我要怀着怜悯的心回到耶路撒冷,我的殿必在城中重建(这是万军之耶和华的宣告)。绳子必拉在耶路撒冷之上。’

亚1:16 So this is what the Lord has said: I have come back to Jerusalem with mercies; my house is to be put up in her, says the Lord of armies, and a line is to be stretched out over Jerusalem.

亚1:17 你要再宣告:‘万军之耶和华这样说:我的城镇必再昌盛繁荣,耶和华必再怜悯锡安,必再拣选耶路撒冷。’”

亚1:17 And again let your voice be loud and say, This is what the Lord of armies has said: My towns will again be overflowing with good things, and again the Lord will give comfort to Zion and take Jerusalem for himself.

亚1:18 我又举目观看,看见有四个角。

亚1:18 And lifting up my eyes I saw four horns.

亚1:19 于是我问那与我说话的天使:“这些是什么?”他对我说:“这些就是把犹大、以色列和耶路撒冷赶散的角。”

亚1:19 And I said to the angel who was talking to me, What are these? And he said to me, These are the horns which have sent Judah, Israel, and Jerusalem in flight.

亚1:20 耶和华又使我看见四个匠人。

亚1:20 And the Lord gave me a vision of four metal-workers.

亚1:21 于是我说:“这些人来作什么?”那天使回答:“他们就是把犹大赶散的角,以致没有一人可以抬起头来;但这些匠人要来惊吓列国,打掉他们的角;这些列国就是曾经举起他们的角攻击犹大地,把犹大地的人赶散的。”(本章第18~21节在《马索拉抄本》为2:1~4)

亚1:21 Then I said, What have these come to do? And he said, These are the horns which sent Judah in flight, and kept him from lifting up his head: but these men have come to send fear on them and to put down the nations who are lifting up their horns against the land of Judah to send it in flight.

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