1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

林前1:1 奉 神旨意蒙召作基督耶稣使徒的保罗,和苏提尼弟兄,

林前1:1 Paul, an Apostle of Jesus Christ by the purpose of God, and Sosthenes the brother,

林前1:2 写信给在哥林多 神的教会,就是在基督耶稣里已经被分别为圣,蒙召为圣徒的人,和所有在各地呼求我们主耶稣基督的名的人。基督是他们的主,也是我们的主。

林前1:2 To the church of God which is in Corinth, to those who have been made holy in Christ Jesus, saints by the selection of God, with all those who in every place give honour to the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, their Lord and ours:

林前1:3 愿恩惠平安从我们的父 神和主耶稣基督临到你们。

林前1:3 Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

林前1:4 我因着 神在基督耶稣里赐给你们的恩典,常常为你们感谢我的 神,

林前1:4 I give praise to my God for you at all times, because of the grace of God which has been given to you in Christ Jesus;

林前1:5 因为你们在他里面凡事都富足,很有口才,知识丰富,

林前1:5 So that in him you have wealth in all things, in word and in knowledge of every sort;

林前1:6 就如我们为基督所作的见证在你们中间得到坚立一样,

林前1:6 Even as the witness of the Christ has been made certain among you:

林前1:7 以致你们在恩赐上一无所缺,殷切盼望着我们主耶稣基督的显现;

林前1:7 So that having every grace you are living in the hope of the revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ;

林前1:8 他也必坚定你们到底,使你们在我们主耶稣基督的日子无可指摘。

林前1:8 Who will give you strength to the end, to be free from all sin in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ.

林前1:9 神是信实的,他呼召了你们,是要你们与他的儿子我们主耶稣基督连合在一起。

林前1:9 God is true, through whom you have been given a part with his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.

林前1:10 弟兄们,我凭着我们主耶稣基督的名,劝你们大家要同心,在你们中间不要分党,只要在同一的心思、同一的意念上团结起来。

林前1:10 Now I make request to you, my brothers, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you will all say the same thing, and that there may be no divisions among you, so that you may be in complete agreement, in the same mind and in the same opinion.

林前1:11 我的弟兄们,革来氏家里的人向我提到你们,说你们中间有纷争。

林前1:11 Because it has come to my knowledge, through those of the house of Chloe, that there are divisions among you, my brothers.

林前1:12 我的意思就是,你们各人说,我是保罗派的,我是亚波罗派的,我是矶法派的,我是基督派的。

林前1:12 That is, that some of you say, I am of Paul; some say, I am of Apollos; some say, I am of Cephas; and some say, I am Christ's.

林前1:13 基督是分开的吗?保罗为你们钉了十字架吗?你们受洗是归入保罗的名下吗?

林前1:13 Is there a division in Christ? was Paul nailed to the cross for you? or were you given baptism in the name of Paul?

林前1:14 我感谢 神,除了基利司布和该犹以外,我没有给你们任何人施过洗,

林前1:14 I give praise to God that not one of you had baptism from me, but Crispus and Gaius;

林前1:15 所以你们没有人可以说是受洗归入我名下的。

林前1:15 So that no one may be able to say that you had baptism in my name.

林前1:16 我也给司提反一家的人施过洗;此外,有没有给别人施过洗,我就不记得了。

林前1:16 And I gave baptism to the house of Stephanas; but I am not certain that any others had baptism from me.

林前1:17 基督差遣我,不是要我去施洗,而是去传福音;不是靠着智慧的言论去传,免得基督的十字架失去了效力。

林前1:17 For Christ sent me, not to give baptism, but to be a preacher of the good news: not with wise words, for fear that the cross of Christ might be made of no value.

林前1:18 因为十字架的道理,对走向灭亡的人来说是愚笨的,但对我们这些得救的人,却是 神的大能。

林前1:18 For the word of the cross seems foolish to those who are on the way to destruction; but to us who are on the way to salvation it is the power of God.

林前1:19 因为经上记着说:“我要灭绝智慧人的智慧,废弃聪明人的聪明。”

林前1:19 As it says in the holy Writings, I will put an end to the wisdom of the wise, and will put on one side the designs of those who have knowledge.

林前1:20 智慧人在哪里?经学家在哪里?今世的辩士在哪里? 神不是使属世的智慧变成了愚笨吗?

林前1:20 Where is the wise? where is he who has knowledge of the law? where is the man of this world who has a love of discussion? has not God made foolish the wisdom of this world?

林前1:21 因为在 神的智慧里,世人凭自己的智慧,既然不能认识 神, 神就乐意借着所传的愚笨的道理,去拯救那些信的人。

林前1:21 For because, by the purpose of God, the world, with all its wisdom, had not the knowledge of God, it was God's pleasure, by so foolish a thing as preaching, to give salvation to those who had faith in him.

林前1:22 犹太人要求神迹,希腊人寻找智慧,

林前1:22 Seeing that the Jews make request for signs, and the Greeks are looking for knowledge:

林前1:23 我们却传扬钉十字架的基督;在犹太人看来是绊脚石,在外族人看来是愚笨的,

林前1:23 But we give the good news of Christ on the cross, a hard thing to the Jews, and a foolish thing to the Gentiles;

林前1:24 但对那些蒙召的人,不论是犹太人或希腊人,基督是 神的能力, 神的智慧。

林前1:24 But to those of God's selection, Jews and Greeks, Christ is the power and the wisdom of God.

林前1:25 因为 神的愚笨总比人智慧, 神的软弱总比人刚强。

林前1:25 Because what seems foolish in God is wiser than men; and what seems feeble in God is stronger than men.

林前1:26 弟兄们,你们想想,你们这些蒙召的,按人来看有智慧的不多,有权势的不多,出身尊贵的也不多。

林前1:26 For you see God's design for you, my brothers, that he has not taken a great number of the wise after the flesh, not the strong, not the noble:

林前1:27 但是 神却拣选了世上愚笨的,使那些有智慧的羞愧。他也拣选了世上软弱的,使那些刚强的羞愧。

林前1:27 But God made selection of the foolish things of this world so that he might put the wise to shame; and the feeble things that he might put to shame the strong;

林前1:28 他也拣选了世上卑贱的和被人轻视的,以及算不得什么的,为了要废弃那些自以为是的,

林前1:28 And the low things of the world, and the things without honour, did God make selection of, yes, even the things which are not, so that he might make as nothing the things which are:

林前1:29 使所有的人在 神面前都不能自夸。

林前1:29 So that no flesh might have glory before God.

林前1:30 你们因着 神得以在基督耶稣里,他使基督成了我们的智慧;就是公义、圣洁和救赎,

林前1:30 But God has given you a place in Christ Jesus, through whom God has given us wisdom and righteousness and salvation, and made us holy:

林前1:31 正如经上所说的:“夸口的应当靠着主夸口。”

林前1:31 So that, as it is said in the holy Writings, Whoever has a desire for glory, let his glory be in the Lord.

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