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腓1:1 基督耶稣的仆人保罗和提摩太,写信给所有住在腓立比,在基督耶稣里的圣徒、监督和执事。

腓1:1 Paul and Timothy, servants of Jesus Christ, to all the saints in Christ Jesus at Philippi, with the Bishops and Deacons of the church:

腓1:2 愿恩惠平安从我们的父 神和主耶稣基督临到你们。

腓1:2 Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

腓1:3 我每逢想到你们,就感谢我的 神;

腓1:3 I give praise to my God at every memory of you,

腓1:4 每次为你们大家祈求的时候,总是欢欢喜喜地祈求。

腓1:4 And in all my prayers for you all, making my request with joy,

腓1:5 为了你们从头一天直到现在都在福音的事工上有分,我就感谢我的 神。

腓1:5 Because of your help in giving the good news from the first day till now;

腓1:6 我深信那在你们中间开始了美好工作的,到了基督耶稣的日子,必成全这工作。

腓1:6 For I am certain of this very thing, that he by whom the good work was started in you will make it complete till the day of Jesus Christ:

腓1:7 为你们众人我有这样的意念是很恰当的,因为你们常常在我的心里,无论我是在捆锁之中,或是在辩护和证实福音的时候,你们都和我一同分享 神的恩典。

腓1:7 So it is right for me to take thought for you all in this way, because I have you in my heart; for in my chains, and in my arguments before the judges in support of the good news, making clear that it is true, you all have your part with me in grace.

腓1:8 我是怎样以基督耶稣的心肠,切切地想念你们众人,这是 神可以为我作证的。

腓1:8 For God is my witness, how my love goes out to you all in the loving mercies of Christ Jesus.

腓1:9 我所祷告的,是要你们的爱心,在充足的知识和各样的见识上,多而又多,

腓1:9 And my prayer is that you may be increased more and more in knowledge and experience;

腓1:10 使你们可以辨别是非,成为真诚无可指摘的人,直到基督的日子,

腓1:10 So that you may give your approval to the best things; that you may be true and without wrongdoing till the day of Christ;

腓1:11 靠着耶稣基督结满了公义的果子,使 神得着荣耀和赞美。

腓1:11 Being full of the fruits of righteousness, which are through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God.

腓1:12 弟兄们,我愿意你们知道,我所遭遇的反而使福音更加兴旺了,

腓1:12 Now it is my purpose to make clear to you, brothers, that the cause of the good news has been helped by my experiences;

腓1:13 以致宫里的卫队和其余的人,都知道我是为了基督才受捆锁的;

腓1:13 So that it became clear through all the Praetorium, and to all the rest, that I was a prisoner on account of Christ;

腓1:14 而且大多数主内的弟兄,因我所受的捆锁,就笃信不疑,毫无畏惧,更勇敢地传讲 神的道。

腓1:14 And most of the brothers in the Lord, taking heart because of my chains, are all the stronger to give the word of God without fear.

腓1:15 有些人传扬基督是出于嫉妒和纷争,但也有些人是出于好意。

腓1:15 Though some are preaching Christ out of envy and competition, others do it out of a good heart:

腓1:16 这些人是出于爱心,知道我是派来为福音辩护的。

腓1:16 These do it from love, conscious that I am responsible for the cause of the good news:

腓1:17 那些人传讲基督却是出于自私,动机并不纯正,只想加重我在捆锁中的烦恼。

腓1:17 But those are preaching Christ in a spirit of competition, not from their hearts, but with the purpose of giving me pain in my prison.

腓1:18 那有什么关系呢?真心也好,假意也好,无论怎么样,基督总被传开了,为此我就欢喜;并且我还要欢喜,

腓1:18 What then? only that in every way, falsely or truly, the preaching of Christ goes on; and in this I am glad, and will be glad.

腓1:19 因为我知道,借着你们的祈求和耶稣基督的灵的帮助,我一定会得到释放。

腓1:19 For I am conscious that this will be for my salvation, through your prayer and the giving out of the stored wealth of the Spirit of Jesus Christ,

腓1:20 我所热切期待和盼望的,就是在凡事上我都不会羞愧,只要满有胆量,不论生死,总要让基督在我身上照常被尊为大。

腓1:20 In the measure of my strong hope and belief that in nothing will I be put to shame, but that without fear, as at all times, so now will Christ have glory in my body, by life or by death.

腓1:21 因为我活着就是基督,我死了就有益处。

腓1:21 For to me life is Christ and death is profit.

腓1:22 但如果我仍在世上活着,能够使我的工作有成果,我就不知道应该怎样选择了!

腓1:22 But if I go on living in the flesh--if this is the fruit of my work--then I do not see what decision to make.

腓1:23 我处于两难之间,情愿离世与基督同在,因为那是好得无比的。

腓1:23 I am in a hard position between the two, having a desire to go away and be with Christ, which is very much better:

腓1:24 可是为了你们,我更需要活在世上。

腓1:24 Still, to go on in the flesh is more necessary because of you.

腓1:25 我既然这样深信,就知道还要活下去,并且要继续和你们大家在一起,使你们在信心上有长进,有喜乐,

腓1:25 And being certain of this, I am conscious that I will go on, yes, and go on with you all, for your growth and joy in the faith;

腓1:26 以致你们因为我要再到你们那里去,就在基督耶稣里更加以我为荣。

腓1:26 So that your pride in me may be increased in Christ Jesus through my being present with you again.

腓1:27 不过,你们行事为人应当和基督的福音相配。这样,无论我来见你们或是不在你们中间,都可以听到你们的情况,就是你们有同一的心志,站立得稳,为了福音的信仰齐心努力,

腓1:27 Only let your behaviour do credit to the good news of Christ, so that if I come and see you or if I am away from you, I may have news of you that you are strong in one spirit, working together with one soul for the faith of the good news;

腓1:28 什么事都不怕有反对你们的人,这就证明他们要灭亡,你们要得救,这都是出于 神。

腓1:28 Having no fear of those who are against you; which is a clear sign of their destruction, but of your salvation, and that from God;

腓1:29 因为 神为了基督的缘故赐恩给你们,使你们不单是信基督,也是要为他受苦;

腓1:29 Because to you it has been given in the cause of Christ not only to have faith in him, but to undergo pain on his account:

腓1:30 你们面对的争战,和你们在我身上所见过,现在又听到的是一样的。

腓1:30 Fighting the same fight which you saw in me, and now have word of in me.

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