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帖后1:1 保罗、西拉和提摩太,写信给帖撒罗尼迦、在我们的父 神和主耶稣基督里的教会。

帖后1:1 Paul and Silvanus and Timothy, to the church of the Thessalonians in God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ:

帖后1:2 愿恩惠平安从父 神和主耶稣基督临到你们。

帖后1:2 Grace to you and peace from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

帖后1:3 弟兄们,我们应该常常为你们感谢 神,这是合适的。因为你们的信心格外长进,你们众人彼此相爱的心也在增加。

帖后1:3 It is right for us to give praise to God at all times for you, brothers, because of the great increase of your faith, and the wealth of your love for one another;

帖后1:4 所以我们在 神的众教会里,亲自夸奖你们,因为你们在所受的一切迫害患难中,仍然存着坚忍和信心。

帖后1:4 So that we ourselves take pride in you in the churches of God for your untroubled mind and your faith in all the troubles and sorrows which you are going through;

帖后1:5 这正是 神公义判断的明证,使你们可以算是配得上他的国;你们也是为了 神的国而受苦。

帖后1:5 Which is a clear sign of the decision which God in his righteousness has made; to give you a part in his kingdom, for which you have undergone this pain;

帖后1:6 神既然是公义的,主耶稣和他有能力的天使从天上显现在火焰中的时候,就使你们这些受灾难的人,可以和我们同享安息;却以灾难报应那些把灾难加给你们的人。

帖后1:6 For it is an act of righteousness on God's part to give trouble as their reward to those who are troubling you,

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帖后1:7 And to you who are troubled, rest with us, when the Lord Jesus comes from heaven with the angels of his power in flames of fire,

帖后1:8 又要报应那些不认识 神、不听从我们主耶稣的福音的人。

帖后1:8 To give punishment to those who have no knowledge of God, and to those who do not give ear to the good news of our Lord Jesus:

帖后1:9 当主来的时候,他们要受永远沉沦的惩罚,就是离开主的面和他权能的荣光。在那一天,他要在圣徒身上得着荣耀,又要在所有信徒身上受到尊崇(你们也在他们当中,因为你们信了我们向你们所作的见证)。

帖后1:9 Whose reward will be eternal destruction from the face of the Lord and from the glory of his strength,

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帖后1:10 At his coming, when he will have glory in his saints, and will be a cause of wonder in all those who had faith (because our witness among you had effect) in that day.

帖后1:11 因此,我们常常为你们祷告,愿我们的 神看你们是配得上所蒙的召,又用大能成就你们所羡慕的一切良善和信心的工作,

帖后1:11 For this reason, you are ever in our prayers, that you may seem to our God such as may have a part in his purpose and that by his power he will make all his good purpose, and the work of faith, complete;

帖后1:12 使我们主耶稣的名,照着我们的 神和主耶稣基督的恩,在你们身上得着荣耀,你们也在他身上得着荣耀。

帖后1:12 So that glory may be given to the name of our Lord Jesus through you, and you may have glory in him, by the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ.

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