1 2 3 4 5 6

Eph6:1 Sons, obey ye to your father and mother, in the Lord; for this thing is rightful [for this thing is just, or rightful ].

Eph6:2 Honour thou thy father and mother, that is the first commandment in [the] promise;

Eph6:3 that it be well to thee, and that thou be long living on the earth.

Eph6:4 And, [ye] fathers, do not ye provoke your sons to wrath; but nourish ye them in the teaching and chastising of the Lord [but nourish them in the discipline and correction, or chastising , of the Lord].

Eph6:5 Servants, obey ye to fleshly lords with dread and trembling, in simpleness of your heart, as to Christ;

Eph6:6 not serving at the eye [not serving at eye], as pleasing to men, but as servants of Christ; doing the will of God by discretion,

Eph6:7 with good will serving as to the Lord, and not as to men [and not to men];

Eph6:8 witting that each man, whatever good thing he shall do, he shall receive this of the Lord [this he shall receive of the Lord], whether servant, whether free man.

Eph6:9 And, ye lords, do the same things to them, forgiving menacings [forgiving menaces]; witting that both their Lord and yours is in heavens, and the taking of persons is not with God.

Eph6:10 Here afterward, brethren, be ye comforted in the Lord, and in the might of his virtue.

Eph6:11 Clothe you with the armour of God, that ye be able to stand against the ambushings [the ambushings, or assailings ,] of the devil.

Eph6:12 For why striving is not to us against flesh and blood [For striving, or battle , is not to us against flesh and blood], but against [the] princes and potentates, against governors of the world of these darknesses, against spiritual things of wickedness, in heavenly things.

Eph6:13 Therefore take ye the armour of God, that ye be able to against-stand in the evil day; and in all things stand perfect.

Eph6:14 Therefore stand ye, and be girded about your loins in soothfastness [Therefore stand ye, girded about your loins in soothfastness], and clothed with the habergeon of rightwiseness,

Eph6:15 and your feet shod in making ready of the gospel of peace.

Eph6:16 In all things take ye the shield of faith, in which ye be able to quench all the fiery darts of him that is most wicked. [ a ]

Eph6:17 And take ye the helmet of health, and the sword of the Ghost, that is, the word of God.

Eph6:18 By all prayer and beseeching pray ye all time in Spirit, and in him waking in all busyness, and beseeching for all holy men, [By all prayer and beseeching praying all time in Spirit, and in him waking in all busyness, and beseeching for all saints,]

Eph6:19 and for me; that word be given to me in opening of my mouth, with trust to make known the mystery of the gospel,

Eph6:20 for which I am set in message in a chain [for which I am set in legacy, or message , in this chain]; so that in it I be hardy to speak, as it behooveth me [ to speak out ].

Eph6:21 And [that] ye know, what things be about me, what I do, Tychicus, my most dear brother, and true minister in the Lord, shall make all things known to you;

Eph6:22 whom I sent to you for this same thing, that ye know what things be about us, and that he comfort your hearts.

Eph6:23 Peace to brethren, and charity, with faith of God our Father, and of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Eph6:24 Grace with all men that love our Lord Jesus Christ in uncorruption. Amen, that is, So be it . [Grace with all that love our Lord Jesus in uncorruption. Amen.]

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