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多3:1 你要提醒他们服从执政的和掌权的,听从他们,随时准备作各种善工。

多3:1 Make clear to them that they are to put themselves under rulers and authorities, to do what they are ordered, to be ready for every good work,

多3:2 不可毁谤人,要与人无争,谦恭有礼,向众人表现充分温柔的心。

多3:2 To say no evil of any man, not to be fighters, to give way to others, to be gentle in behaviour to all men.

多3:3 我们从前也是无知、不顺服、受了迷惑、被各种私欲和逸乐所奴役,生活在恶毒和嫉妒之中,是可憎可恶的,并且互相仇视。

多3:3 For in the past we were foolish, hard in heart, turned from the true way, servants of evil desires and pleasures, living in bad feeling and envy, hated and hating one another.

多3:4 然而,到了 神我们的救主显明他的恩慈和怜爱的时候,

多3:4 But when the mercy of God our Saviour, and his love to man was seen,

多3:5 他就救了我们,并不是由于我们所行的义,而是照着他的怜悯,借着重生的洗和圣灵的更新。

多3:5 Not by works of righteousness which we did ourselves, but in the measure of his mercy, he gave us salvation, through the washing of the new birth and the giving of new life in the Holy Spirit,

多3:6 圣灵就是 神借着我们的救主耶稣基督丰丰富富浇灌在我们身上的,

多3:6 Which he gave us freely through Jesus Christ our Saviour;

多3:7 使我们既然因着他的恩典得称为义,就可以凭着永生的盼望成为后嗣。

多3:7 So that, having been given righteousness through grace, we might have a part in the heritage, the hope of eternal life.

多3:8 这话是可信的,我愿你确实地强调这些事,使信 神的人常常留心作善工;这些都是美事,并且是对人有益的。

多3:8 This is a true saying; and it is my desire that you may give certain witness about these things, so that those who have had faith in God may give attention to good works. These things are good and of profit to men;

多3:9 你要远避愚昧的辩论、家谱、纷争和律法上的争执,因为这都是虚妄无益的。

多3:9 But have nothing to do with foolish questionings, and lists of generations, and fights and arguments about the law; for they are of no profit and foolish.

多3:10 分门结党的人,警戒一两次之后,就要和他绝交。

多3:10 A man whose opinions are not those of the church, after a first and second protest, is to be kept out of your society;

多3:11 你知道这种人已经背道,常常犯罪,定了自己的罪。

多3:11 Clearly he is in error and a sinner, being self-judged.

多3:12 我派亚提马或推基古到你那里去的时候,你要赶快到尼哥波立来见我,因为我已决定在那里过冬。

多3:12 When I send Artemas or Tychicus to you, do your best to come to me at Nicopolis: for it is my purpose to be there for the winter.

多3:13 你要尽力资助西纳律师和亚波罗的旅程,使他们不致缺乏。

多3:13 Send Zenas, the man of law, and Apollos on their journey with all care, so that they may be in need of nothing.

多3:14 我们自己的人也应当学习作善工,供应日常的需要,免得不结果子。

多3:14 And let our people go on with good works for necessary purposes, so that they may not be without fruit.

多3:15 同我在一起的人都向你问安。请你问候那些因信而爱我们的人。愿恩惠与你们众人同在。

多3:15 All who are with me send you their love. Give our love to our friends in the faith. Grace be with you all.

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