1 2 3 4 5

哀1:1 从前人烟稠密的城中,现在怎么竟然孤独地坐在那里。从前在列国中为大的,现在怎么竟然像个寡妇。从前在众省分中为王后的,现在怎么竟然成了奴隶。

哀1:1 See her seated by herself, the town which was full of people! She who was great among the nations has become like a widow! She who was a princess among the countries has come under the yoke of forced work!

哀1:2 她在夜间痛哭,泪流满面。在她所有亲爱的人中,没有一个安慰她的。她所有的朋友都以诡诈待她,都成了她的仇敌。

哀1:2 She is sorrowing bitterly in the night, and her face is wet with weeping; among all her lovers she has no comforter: all her friends have been false to her, they have become her haters.

哀1:3 犹大受尽痛苦,饱经劳役,更遭流徙异地。她住在列国中,找不着安居之所。在困境之中,追赶她的人把她追上了。

哀1:3 Judah has been taken away as a prisoner because of trouble and hard work; her living-place is among the nations, there is no rest for her: all her attackers have overtaken her in a narrow place.

哀1:4 通往锡安道路悲哀,因为没有人去守节。锡安一切的城门冷落,祭司唉哼,处女忧伤,锡安也受尽痛苦。

哀1:4 The ways of Zion are sad, because no one comes to the holy meeting; all her doorways are made waste, her priests are breathing out sorrow: her virgins are troubled, and it is bitter for her.

哀1:5 锡安的敌人成为主人;她的仇敌亨通。因为她的过犯众多,耶和华就使她受苦。她的孩童在敌人面前被掳去。

哀1:5 Those who are against her have become the head, everything goes well for her haters; for the Lord has sent sorrow on her because of the great number of her sins: her young children have gone away as prisoners before the attacker.

哀1:6 锡安(“锡安”原文作“锡安的女子”)所有的尊荣,都离开了她的居民。她的众领袖都像找不着牧场的鹿;在追赶的人面前无力逃走。

哀1:6 And all her glory has gone from the daughter of Zion: her rulers have become like harts with no place for food, and they have gone in flight without strength before the attacker.

哀1:7 耶路撒冷在困苦飘流的日子,就追念她昔日的一切珍宝。她的人民落在敌人手里的时候,没有人帮助她。敌人看见她,就讥笑她的灭亡。

哀1:7 Jerusalem keeps in mind, in the days of her sorrow and of her wanderings, all the desired things which were hers in days gone by; when her people came into the power of her hater and she had no helper, her attackers saw their desire effected on her and made sport of her destruction.

哀1:8 耶路撒冷犯了大罪,因此成了不洁之物。素来尊敬她的现在都藐视她,因为看见她赤身露体;她自己也唉哼,转身退避。

哀1:8 Great is the sin of Jerusalem; for this cause she has become an unclean thing: all those who gave her honour are looking down on her, because they have seen her shame: now truly, breathing out grief, she is turned back.

哀1:9 她的污秽沾满了衣裙;她从不思想自己的结局。所以她令人惊异地败落了;没有人安慰她。她说:“耶和华啊!求你看看我的苦难,因为仇敌显为大。”

哀1:9 In her skirts were her unclean ways; she gave no thought to her end; and her fall has been a wonder; she has no comforter: see her sorrow, O Lord; for the attacker is lifted up.

哀1:10 敌人伸手夺取她的一切珍宝,她看着外族人闯入她的圣所:你曾禁止他们进入你的会中。

哀1:10 The hand of her hater is stretched out over all her desired things; for she has seen that the nations have come into her holy place, about whom you gave orders that they were not to come into the meeting of your people.

哀1:11 她所有的人民都在唉哼,到处寻觅食物;他们为了维持生命,拿自己的珍宝去换取粮食。她说:“耶和华啊!求你垂看,求你鉴察,因为我被人藐视。”

哀1:11 Breathing out grief all her people are looking for bread; they have given their desired things for food to give them life: see, O Lord, and take note; for she has become a thing of shame.

哀1:12 所有过路的人啊!你们毫不在意吗?你们要细察要观看,有没有痛苦像我所受的痛苦,就是耶和华在他发烈怒的日子使我所受的痛苦。

哀1:12 Come to me, all you who go by! Keep your eyes on me, and see if there is any pain like the pain of my wound, which the Lord has sent on me in the day of his burning wrath.

哀1:13 他从高天降火,使火进入我的骨头里。他设置网罗绊我的脚,使我退去。他使我孤单凄凉,终日愁烦。

哀1:13 From on high he has sent fire into my bones, and it has overcome them: his net is stretched out for my feet, I am turned back by him; he has made me waste and feeble all the day.

哀1:14 我的过犯像轭一样被绑好;是他亲手缠绑的。我的过犯加在我的颈上,他使我的气力衰弱。主把我交在我不能对抗的人手中。

哀1:14 A watch is kept on my sins; they are joined together by his hand, they have come on to my neck; he has made my strength give way: the Lord has given me up into the hands of those against whom I have no power.

哀1:15 主丢弃我中间的所有勇士;他招聚了一大群人来攻击我,要打碎我的青年人。主践踏犹大女儿中的处女,像践踏压酒池一样。

哀1:15 The Lord has made sport of all my men of war in me, he has got men together against me to send destruction on my young men: the virgin daughter of Judah has been crushed like grapes under the feet of the Lord.

哀1:16 为了这些事我不住哭泣,我的眼不住流下泪水;因为那安慰我、使我重新振作的,都远离了我。我的儿女孤单凄凉,因为仇敌得胜了。

哀1:16 For these things I am weeping; my eye is streaming with water; because the comforter who might give me new life is far from me: my children are made waste, because the hater is strong.

哀1:17 锡安伸出双手,但没有人安慰她。论到雅各,耶和华已经下令,使他四围的人都与他为敌;耶路撒冷在他们中间,已经成了不洁的东西。

哀1:17 Zion's hands are outstretched; she has no comforter; the Lord has given orders to the attackers of Jacob round about him: Jerusalem has become like an unclean thing among them.

哀1:18 耶和华是公义的,他这样待我,是因为我违背了他的命令。万民哪!请你们听我的话!看看我的痛苦!我的少女和青年人都已经被掳去了。

哀1:18 The Lord is upright; for I have gone against his orders: give ear, now, all you peoples, and see my pain, my virgins and my young men have gone away as prisoners.

哀1:19 我向我所爱的人呼求,他们却欺骗我。我的祭司和长老为了延续生命,寻找粮食的时候,就在城中气绝身亡了。

哀1:19 I sent for my lovers, but they were false to me: my priests and my responsible men were breathing their last breath in the town, while they were looking for food to give them new life.

哀1:20 耶和华啊!你看,患难临到我!我的心肠激动,我的心在我里面翻转,因为我曾经非常悖逆。街上有刀剑使人丧子,屋里也有死亡。

哀1:20 See, O Lord, for I am in trouble; the inmost parts of my body are deeply moved; my heart is turned in me; for I have been uncontrolled: outside the children are put to the sword, and in the house there is death.

哀1:21 有人听见我的唉哼,却没有人安慰我,我所有的仇敌都听见我的灾难;你作了这事,他们就欢乐。愿你使你所宣告的日子来临那时,他们就必像我一样。

哀1:21 Give ear to the voice of my grief; I have no comforter; all my haters have news of my troubles, they are glad because you have done it: let the day of fate come when they will be like me.

哀1:22 愿他们的一切恶行都摆在你面前,愿你对付他们,好像你因我的一切过犯对付我一样。因为我唉哼甚苦,我心里愁烦。

哀1:22 Let all their evil-doing come before you; do to them as you have done to me for all my sins: for loud is the sound of my grief, and the strength of my heart is gone.

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