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哀5:1 耶和华啊!求你记念我们所遭遇的!垂顾关注我们的耻辱。

哀5:1 Keep in mind, O Lord, what has come to us: take note and see our shame.

哀5:2 我们的产业转归外人,我们的房屋归给异族。

哀5:2 Our heritage is given up to men of strange lands, our houses to those who are not our countrymen.

哀5:3 我们成为孤儿,没有父亲,我们的母亲好像寡妇一样。

哀5:3 We are children without fathers, our mothers are like widows.

哀5:4 我们所喝的水要用银子买,我们的柴也付代价而得。

哀5:4 We give money for a drink of water, we get our wood for a price.

哀5:5 我们被人追赶,颈项带上重轭;我们疲乏,得不着歇息。

哀5:5 Our attackers are on our necks: overcome with weariness, we have no rest.

哀5:6 我们臣服埃及和亚述,为要得着粮食充饥。

哀5:6 We have given our hands to the Egyptians and to the Assyrians so that we might have enough bread.

哀5:7 我们的先祖犯了罪,现在他们不在了;我们却要担负他们的罪孽。

哀5:7 Our fathers were sinners and are dead; and the weight of their evil-doing is on us.

哀5:8 奴仆辖制我们;没有人救我们脱离他们的手。

哀5:8 Servants are ruling over us, and there is no one to make us free from their hands.

哀5:9 因为旷野有刀剑的威胁,我们要冒生命的危险才得到粮食。

哀5:9 We put our lives in danger to get our bread, because of the sword of the waste land.

哀5:10 我们因饥饿而发烧,我们的皮肤好像火炉一般的热。

哀5:10 Our skin is heated like an oven because of our burning heat from need of food.

哀5:11 妇女在锡安被污辱,处女在犹大的城镇被强暴。

哀5:11 They took by force the women in Zion, the virgins in the towns of Judah.

哀5:12 众领袖被敌人吊起来;长老也不受人尊敬。

哀5:12 Their hands put princes to death by hanging: the faces of old men were not honoured.

哀5:13 青年人推磨吃苦;孩童因背木柴而跌倒。

哀5:13 The young men were crushing the grain, and the boys were falling under the wood.

哀5:14 众长老不再坐在城门口;青年人不再唱歌作乐。

哀5:14 The old men are no longer seated in the doorway, and the music of the young men has come to an end.

哀5:15 我们心里不再欢乐;我们的舞蹈变为哀哭。

哀5:15 The joy of our hearts is ended; our dancing is changed into sorrow.

哀5:16 冠冕从我们的头上掉下来。我们有祸了;因为我们犯了罪。

哀5:16 The crown has been taken from our head: sorrow is ours, for we are sinners.

哀5:17 为了这事,我们心里愁烦;为了这事,我们的眼睛昏花;

哀5:17 Because of this our hearts are feeble; for these things our eyes are dark;

哀5:18 因为锡安山荒凉,野狗就在山上到处出没。

哀5:18 Because of the mountain of Zion which is a waste; jackals go over it.

哀5:19 但耶和华啊,你永远坐着为王;你的宝座代代长存。

哀5:19 You, O Lord, are seated as King for ever; the seat of your power is eternal.

哀5:20 你为什么永远忘记我们?为什么长久离弃我们?

哀5:20 Why have we gone from your memory for ever? why have you been turned away from us for so long?

哀5:21 耶和华啊!除非你真的弃绝我们,你向我们所发的怒气难收,不然,求你使我们归向你,好使我们回转过来;求你更新我们的日子,像古时一样。

哀5:21 Make us come back to you, O Lord, and let us be turned; make our days new again as in the past.

哀5:22 - - -

哀5:22 But you have quite given us up; you are full of wrath against us.

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