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雅5:1 你们富有的人哪,应当为那将要临到你们的灾祸哭泣哀号。

雅5:1 Come now, you men of wealth, give yourselves to weeping and crying because of the bitter troubles which are coming to you.

雅5:2 你们的财物朽坏了,你们的衣服给蛀了,

雅5:2 Your wealth is unclean and insects have made holes in your clothing.

雅5:3 你们的金银生锈,这锈要成为控告你们的铁证,又要像火一样吞吃你们的肉。你们竟然在这末世积聚财宝。

雅5:3 Your gold and your silver are wasted and their waste will be a witness against you, burning into your flesh. You have put by your store in the last days.

雅5:4 看哪,工人为你们收割庄稼,你们竟然克扣他们的工资;那工资必为他们呼冤;收割者的呼声,已经达到万军之主的耳中了。

雅5:4 See, the money which you falsely kept back from the workers cutting the grass in your field, is crying out against you; and the cries of those who took in your grain have come to the ears of the Lord of armies.

雅5:5 你们在世上穷奢极侈,养肥了自己,竟不知屠宰的日子到了。

雅5:5 You have been living delicately on earth and have taken your pleasure; you have made your hearts fat for a day of destruction.

雅5:6 你们把义人定罪杀害,但他并没有反抗。

雅5:6 You have given your decision against the upright man and have put him to death. He puts up no fight against you.

雅5:7 所以,弟兄们,你们应当忍耐,直到主来。看哪,农夫等待着地里宝贵的出产,为它忍耐,直到获得秋霖春雨。

雅5:7 Go on waiting calmly, my brothers, till the coming of the Lord, like the farmer waiting for the good fruit of the earth till the early and late rains have come.

雅5:8 你们也应当忍耐,坚定自己的心;因为主再来的日子近了。

雅5:8 Be as calm in your waiting; let your hearts be strong: because the coming of the Lord is near.

雅5:9 弟兄们,不要彼此抱怨,免得你们受审判。看哪,审判的主已经站在门前了。

雅5:9 Say no hard things against one another, brothers, so that you will not be judged; see, the judge is waiting at the doors.

雅5:10 弟兄们,你们应当效法奉主的名说话的先知,以他们为受苦忍耐的榜样。

雅5:10 Take as an example of pain nobly undergone and of strength in trouble, the prophets who gave to men the words of the Lord.

雅5:11 看哪,那些忍耐的人,我们称他们是有福的;你们听过约伯的忍耐,也看见了主赐给他的结局,知道主是满有怜悯和仁慈的。

雅5:11 We say that those men who have gone through pain are happy: you have the story of Job and the troubles through which he went and have seen that the Lord was full of pity and mercy in the end.

雅5:12 我的弟兄们,最要紧的是不可起誓:不可指着天起誓,也不可指着地起誓,任何的誓都当禁绝。你们的话,是就说是,不是就说不是;免得你们落在审判之下。

雅5:12 But most of all, my brothers, do not take oaths, not by the heaven, or by the earth, or by any other thing: but let your Yes be Yes, and your No be No: so that you may not be judged.

雅5:13 你们中间有人受苦吗?他就应该祷告。有人心情愉快吗?他就应该歌颂。

雅5:13 Is anyone among you in trouble? let him say prayers. Is anyone glad? let him make a song of praise.

雅5:14 你们中间有人患病吗?他就应该请教会的长老来,让他们奉主的名为他抹油祈祷。

雅5:14 Is anyone among you ill? let him send for the rulers of the church; and let them say prayers over him, putting oil on him in the name of the Lord.

雅5:15 出于信心的祈祷,可以使病人康复,主必叫他起来;他若犯了罪,也必蒙赦免。

雅5:15 And by the prayer of faith the man who is ill will be made well, and he will be lifted up by the Lord, and for any sin which he has done he will have forgiveness.

雅5:16 所以你们应当彼此认罪,互相代求,这样你们就可以痊愈。义人祈祷所发出的力量,是大有功效的。

雅5:16 So then, make a statement of your sins to one another, and say prayers for one another so that you may be made well. The prayer of a good man is full of power in its working.

雅5:17 以利亚是与我们性情相同的人;他恳切祈求不要下雨,地上就三年零六个月没有雨;

雅5:17 Elijah was a man of flesh and blood as we are, and he made a strong prayer that there might be no rain; and there was no rain on the earth for three years and six months.

雅5:18 他又祈祷,天就下雨,地就生出土产来。

雅5:18 And he made another prayer, and the heaven sent down rain and the earth gave her fruit.

雅5:19 我的弟兄们,你们中间若有人被骗离开了真道,如果有人使他回头,

雅5:19 My brothers, if one of you has gone out of the way of the true faith and another has made him see his error,

雅5:20 你们应该知道,那使罪人从歧途上转回的,就会拯救他的灵魂脱离死亡,也会遮盖许多罪恶。

雅5:20 Be certain that he through whom a sinner has been turned from the error of his way, keeps a soul from death and is the cause of forgiveness for sins without number.

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