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哈3:1 哈巴谷先知的祷告,配激动的音调。

哈3:1 A prayer of Habakkuk the prophet, put to Shigionoth.

哈3:2 耶和华啊!我听见你的声音,惧怕你的作为;求你在这些年间复兴,在这些年间彰显,发怒的时候以怜悯为怀。

哈3:2 O Lord, word of you has come to my ears; I have seen your work, O Lord; when the years come near make it clear; in wrath keep mercy in mind.

哈3:3 神由提幔而来,圣者从巴兰山临到。(细拉)他的荣光弥漫穹苍,赞美他的声音响彻寰宇。

哈3:3 God came from Teman, and the Holy One from Mount Paran. Selah. The heavens were covered with his glory, and the earth was full of his praise.

哈3:4 他的辉煌如光,手中四射光芒,就在其中隐藏着能力。

哈3:4 He was shining like the light; he had rays coming out from his hand: there his power was kept secret.

哈3:5 瘟疫在他面前行走,灾病在他脚下发出。

哈3:5 Before him went disease, and flames went out at his feet.

哈3:6 他站立,震撼全地;他观看,惊散列国。永在的山崩裂,长存的岭塌陷;他的道路存到永远。

哈3:6 From his high place he sent shaking on the earth; he saw and nations were suddenly moved: and the eternal mountains were broken, the unchanging hills were bent down; his ways are eternal.

哈3:7 我看见古珊的帐棚遭难,米甸地的帐幕惊惶。

哈3:7 The curtains of Cushan were troubled, and the tents of Midian were shaking.

哈3:8 耶和华啊!你骑上你的马,乘驾得胜的战车,难道是向江河发怒?是向海洋泄愤?

哈3:8 Was your wrath burning against the rivers? were you angry with the sea, that you went on your horses, on your war-carriages of salvation?

哈3:9 你的弓显露,你的箭上弦。(原文意义不明,这句参考RSV,JB等译本翻译)(细拉)你裂开大地为江河。

哈3:9 Your bow was quite uncovered. Selah. By you the earth was cut through with rivers.

哈3:10 诸山见你而颤抖,众水暴流而过;深渊发声,举手高扬。

哈3:10 The mountains saw you and were moved with fear; the clouds were streaming with water: the voice of the deep was sounding; the sun did not come up, and the moon kept still in her place.

哈3:11 日月停在本位,你的箭发射如光;你的矛闪烁辉耀。

哈3:11 At the light of your arrows they went away, at the shining of your polished spear.

哈3:12 你激愤践踏全地,你怀怒打碎列国。

哈3:12 You went stepping through the land in wrath, crushing the nations in your passion.

哈3:13 你出来救拔子民,拯救你所膏立的。你击打恶人的房顶,使根基全然显露(原文作“直到颈项”,这是闪族语言惯用语,意即“到了极点”﹝参赛8:8;诗75:5﹞;另一可能是“大石”、“盘石”的意思)。(细拉)

哈3:13 You went out for the salvation of your people, for the salvation of the one on whom your holy oil was put; wounding the head of the family of the evil-doer, uncovering the base even to the neck. Selah.

哈3:14 你用他的枪,刺透他战士的头。他们来如暴风,把我们驱散。他们的喜好,是暗中吞噬穷人。

哈3:14 You have put your spears through his head, his horsemen were sent in flight like dry stems; they had joy in driving away the poor, in making a meal of them secretly.

哈3:15 你乘马驰骋海上,大水汹涌翻腾。

哈3:15 The feet of your horses were on the sea, on the mass of great waters.

哈3:16 我一听见,就全身发抖;因这声音,我嘴唇震颤。腐烂侵蚀我骨,我在站立之地战兢。我静候灾难之日,犯境的民上来。

哈3:16 Hearing it, my inner parts were moved, and my lips were shaking at the sound; my bones became feeble, and my steps were uncertain under me: I gave sounds of grief in the day of trouble, when his forces came up against the people in bands.

哈3:17 无花果树纵不发芽,葡萄树不结果,橄榄树无所出,田里无收成,圈内没有羊,棚里也没有牛,

哈3:17 For though the fig-tree has no flowers, and there is no fruit on the vine, and work on the olive comes to nothing, and the fields give no food; and the flock is cut off from its resting-place, and there is no herd in the cattle-house:

哈3:18 我却要因耶和华欢喜,以救我的 神为乐。

哈3:18 Still, I will be glad in the Lord, my joy will be in the God of my salvation.

哈3:19 主耶和华是我的力量,他使我的脚快如母鹿的蹄,在高地上行走。交诗班长,用丝弦的乐器伴奏。

哈3:19 The Lord God is my strength, and he makes my feet like roes' feet, guiding me on my high places. For the chief music-maker on corded instruments.

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