1 2 3

鸿2:1 尼尼微啊!那分散邦国的必上来攻击你,你要固守堡垒,严防要道,束紧你的腰,大大增强你的力量。(本节在《马索拉抄本》为2:2)

鸿2:1 A crusher has come up before your face: keep a good look-out, let the way be watched, make yourself strong, let your power be greatly increased.

鸿2:2 然而,耶和华必恢复雅各的光荣,好像以色列的光荣一样;因为劫掠的人曾把他们劫掠一空,又把他们的葡萄枝子毁坏了。

鸿2:2 For the Lord will make good the vine of Jacob, as well as the vine of Israel: for the wasters have made them waste and sent destruction on the branches of their vine.

鸿2:3 他勇士的盾牌是红的,战士的衣服是朱红的。在他预备出击的时候,战车的钢铁闪烁如火,骑兵疾驰。

鸿2:3 The body-covers of his fighting men have been made red, the men of war are clothed in bright red: the war-carriages are like flames of fire in the day when he gets ready, the horses are shaking.

鸿2:4 战车在街上狂奔,在广场上东奔西驰;它们看起来像火把,跑起来像闪电。

鸿2:4 The war-carriages are rushing through the streets, pushing against one another in the wide ways, looking like burning lights, running like thunder-flames.

鸿2:5 亚述王召集他的权臣,他们碰碰跌跌而来,急急忙忙走上城墙,竖起了防御的挡牌。

鸿2:5 He takes the record of his great men: they go falling on their way; they go quickly to the wall, the cover is made ready.

鸿2:6 河闸都被打开,宫殿也给摧毁了。

鸿2:6 The river doorways are forced open, and the king's house is flowing away.

鸿2:7 王后赤身被掳去;她的宫女都哀哭,声如鸽子,各人搥胸痛哭。

鸿2:7 And the queen is uncovered, she is taken away and her servant-girls are weeping like the sound of doves, hammering on their breasts.

鸿2:8 自古以来,尼尼微一直都像个水池,池水不断流出;虽然有人呼叫:“止住!止住!”却没有回转的。

鸿2:8 But Nineveh is like a pool of water whose waters are flowing away; Keep your place, they say; but no one is turning back.

鸿2:9 你们劫掠银子,抢夺金子吧!积蓄的财宝无穷无尽,珍贵的器皿不可胜数。

鸿2:9 Take silver, take gold; for there is no end to the store; take for yourselves a weight of things to be desired.

鸿2:10 现在却空虚、荒凉,一无所有;人心惊惶,两膝发抖,全身疼痛,面无血色。

鸿2:10 Everything has been taken from her, all is gone, she has nothing more: the heart is turned to water, the knees are shaking, all are twisted in pain, and colour has gone from all faces.

鸿2:11 狮子的洞穴在哪里?喂养幼狮的地方在哪里?公狮、母狮和幼狮不受惊吓之处,可以闲游的地方又在哪里呢?

鸿2:11 Where is the lions' hole, the place where the young lions got their food, where the lion and the she-lion were walking with their young, without cause for fear?

鸿2:12 公狮为幼狮撕碎足够的食物,为母狮掐死活物;把猎物塞满了牠的洞,把撕碎的填满了牠的穴。

鸿2:12 Food enough for his young and for his she-lions was pulled down by the lion; his hole was full of flesh and his resting-place stored with meat.

鸿2:13 万军之耶和华说:看哪!我必攻击你,我要把你的战车焚烧成烟,刀剑必吞灭你的幼狮;我必从地上除去你的猎物,你使者的声音也必不再有人听见。

鸿2:13 See, I am against you, says the Lord of armies, and I will have your war-carriages burned in the smoke, and your young lions will be food for the sword: you will no longer get your food by force on the earth, and the voice of your she-lions will be stopped for ever.

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