1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

拉4:1 犹大和便雅悯的敌人听见被掳回来的人为耶和华以色列的 神重建圣殿,

拉4:1 Now news came to the haters of Judah and Benjamin that the people who had come back were building a Temple to the Lord, the God of Israel;

拉4:2 就前来见所罗巴伯和众族长,对他们说:“请让我们与你们一起建造吧!因为我们也像你们那样寻求你们的 神。自从亚述王以撒哈顿把我们带上这里的日子以来,我们一直向他献祭。”

拉4:2 Then they came to Zerubbabel and to the heads of families, and said to them, Let us take part in the building with you; for we are servants of your God, even as you are; and we have been making offerings to him from the days of Esar-haddon, king of Assyria, who put us here.

拉4:3 但所罗巴伯、耶书亚和以色列其余的族长对他们说:“你们不能与我们一同建筑 神的殿,因为波斯王古列王吩咐我们自己为耶和华以色列的 神建殿。”

拉4:3 But Zerubbabel and Jeshua and the rest of the heads of families in Israel said to them, You have no part with us in the building of a house for our God; we ourselves will do the work together for the Lord, the God of Israel, as Cyrus, king of Persia, has given us orders.

拉4:4 于是那地方的居民使犹大人的手发软,惊扰他们的建筑工程。

拉4:4 Then the people of the land made the hands of the people of Judah feeble, troubling them with fear in their building;

拉4:5 又在波斯王古列的日子,直到波斯王大利乌在位的时候,常常贿买参谋,来敌对犹大人,要破坏他们的建殿计划。

拉4:5 And they gave payment to men who made designs against them and kept them from effecting their purpose, all through the time of Cyrus, king of Persia, till Darius became king.

拉4:6 亚哈随鲁在位的初期,他们写了诉状,控告犹大和耶路撒冷的居民。

拉4:6 And in the time of Ahasuerus, when he first became king, they put on record a statement against the people of Judah and Jerusalem.

拉4:7 在亚达薛西年间,比施兰、米特利达、他别和其余的同僚,也上书给波斯王亚达薛西,反对耶路撒冷人,奏文是用亚兰文写成,也用亚兰语译出。

拉4:7 And in the time of Artaxerxes, Bishlam, Mithredath, Tabeel, and the rest of his friends, sent a letter to Artaxerxes, king of Persia, writing it in the Aramaean writing and language.

拉4:8 省长利宏和秘书伸帅写奏本给亚达薛西王,控告耶路撒冷。奏文如下:

拉4:8 Rehum, the chief ruler, and Shimshai the scribe, sent a letter against Jerusalem, to Artaxerxes the king;

拉4:9 省长利宏、秘书伸帅和他们其余的同僚:法官、钦差、议员、官长(“法官、钦差、议员、官长”或译:“底拿人、亚法萨提迦人、他毗拉人、亚法撒人”),亚基卫人、巴比伦人、书珊人,就是以拦人,

拉4:9 The letter was sent by Rehum, the chief ruler, and Shimshai the scribe and their friends; the Dinaites and the Apharsathchites, the Tarpelites, the Apharsites, the Archevites, the Babylonians, the Shushanchites, the Dehaites, the Elamites,

拉4:10 还有伟大尊贵的亚斯那巴掳来,安置在撒玛利亚城和河西那边其余地方的居民,呈上奏文。

拉4:10 And the rest of the nations which the great and noble Osnappar took over and put in Samaria and the rest of the country over the river:

拉4:11 这就是他们呈给亚达薛西王的奏文副本:“你的臣仆,就是河西那边的人,上奏亚达薛西王:

拉4:11 This is a copy of the letter which they sent to Artaxerxes the king: Your servants living across the river send these words:

拉4:12 奏知大王:从你那里上到我们这里来的犹大人,已经到了耶路撒冷这座叛逆和邪恶的城;他们进行建造,并且已经修好根基,开始建造城墙。

拉4:12 We give news to the king that the Jews who came from you have come to us at Jerusalem; they are building up again that uncontrolled and evil town; the walls are complete and they are joining up the bases.

拉4:13 现在奏知大王:如果这城建成,墙垣筑好,他们就不再缴税、进贡和纳粮,王的国库收入必定受损。

拉4:13 The king may be certain that when the building of this town and its walls is complete, they will give no tax or payment in goods or forced payments, and in the end it will be a cause of loss to the kings.

拉4:14 现在我们既食王家的盐,不该见王受剥夺,因此上奏禀告王,

拉4:14 Now because we are responsible to the king, and it is not right for us to see the king's honour damaged, we have sent to give the king word of these things,

拉4:15 请王查考先王的记录,从记录中查知这城是叛逆的城,对列王和各省都有损害,自古以来,城中常有造反的事,因此这城被拆毁。

拉4:15 So that search may be made in the book of the records of your fathers: and you will see in the book of the records that this town has been uncontrolled, and a cause of trouble to kings and countries, and that there were outbursts against authority there in the past: for which reason the town was made waste.

拉4:16 我们告知王,如果这城建成,墙垣筑好,河西那边的地方就不再是王的了。”

拉4:16 We give you word, that if the building of this town and its walls is made complete, there will be an end of your power in the country across the river.

拉4:17 王把谕旨送交省长利宏、秘书伸帅,以及其余住在撒玛利亚和河西的同僚,说:“愿你们平安。

拉4:17 Then the king sent an answer to Rehum, the chief ruler, and Shimshai the scribe, and their friends living in Samaria, and to the rest of those across the river, saying, Peace to you:

拉4:18 你们呈给我们的奏本已经在我面前清楚诵读了。

拉4:18 And now the sense of the letter which you sent to us has been made clear to me,

拉4:19 我下令考查,发现这城自古以来反叛列王,城中常有造反叛乱的事。

拉4:19 And I gave orders for a search to be made, and it is certain that in the past this town has made trouble for kings, and that outbursts against authority have taken place there.

拉4:20 从前大能的君王统治耶路撒冷,治理河西那边的全地,接受他们缴税、进贡和纳粮。

拉4:20 Further, there have been great kings in Jerusalem, ruling over all the country across the river, to whom they gave taxes and payments in goods and forced payments.

拉4:21 现在你们要下令叫这些人停工,不得重建这城,等候我的谕令。

拉4:21 Give an order now, that these men are to do nothing more, and that the building of the town is to be stopped, till I give an order.

拉4:22 你们要留心,不可疏忽这事,使王的亏损增加。”

拉4:22 Be certain to do this with all care: do not let trouble be increased to the king's damage.

拉4:23 当亚达薛西王谕旨的副本在利宏和秘书伸帅,以及他们的同僚面前宣读出来以后,他们就急忙去耶路撒冷到犹大人那里,用武力强迫他们停工。

拉4:23 Then, after reading the king's letter, Rehum and Shimshai the scribe and their friends went quickly to Jerusalem, to the Jews, and had them stopped by force.

拉4:24 所以,在耶路撒冷的 神殿的工程就停止了,直到波斯王大利乌在位的第二年。

拉4:24 So the work of the house of God at Jerusalem came to an end; so it was stopped, till the second year of the rule of Darius, king of Persia.

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