1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

歌2:1 我是沙仑平原的水仙花,是谷中的百合花。

歌2:1 I am a rose of Sharon, a flower of the valleys.

歌2:2 我的佳偶在女子中,正像荆棘里的百合花。

歌2:2 As the lily-flower among the thorns of the waste, so is my love among the daughters.

歌2:3 我的良人在男子中,好像树林里的一棵苹果树;我欢欢喜喜地坐在它的荫下,它的果子香甜合我口味。

歌2:3 As the apple-tree among the trees of the wood, so is my loved one among the sons. I took my rest under his shade with great delight, and his fruit was sweet to my taste.

歌2:4 他带我进入酒室,含情脉脉地望着我。

歌2:4 He took me to the house of wine, and his flag over me was love.

歌2:5 求你们用葡萄饼增补我力,用苹果恢复我的精神,因为我因爱成病。

歌2:5 Make me strong with wine-cakes, let me be comforted with apples; I am overcome with love.

歌2:6 他的左手托住我的头,他的右手拥抱着我。

歌2:6 His left hand is under my head, and his right hand is round about me.

歌2:7 耶路撒冷的众女子啊!我指着田野的羚羊、母鹿恳求你们,不要惊动他,不要挑起他的爱情,等它自发吧。

歌2:7 I say to you, O daughters of Jerusalem, by the roes of the field, do not let love be moved till it is ready.

歌2:8 听啊!这是我良人的声音,他蹿山越岭而来。

歌2:8 The voice of my loved one! See, he comes dancing on the mountains, stepping quickly on the hills.

歌2:9 我的良人像羚羊,像小鹿。看哪!他站在我们的墙后;从窗口观看,从窗格往里面探视。

歌2:9 My loved one is like a roe; see, he is on the other side of our wall, he is looking in at the windows, letting himself be seen through the spaces.

歌2:10 我的良人对我说:“我的佳偶啊!你起来吧。我的佳丽啊!你来吧。

歌2:10 My loved one said to me, Get up, my love, my fair one, and come away.

歌2:11 因为冬天已过,雨水止息,已经过去了。

歌2:11 For, see, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone;

歌2:12 地上百花齐放,百鸟齐鸣的时候已经来到;斑鸠的声音在我们境内也听见了。

歌2:12 The flowers are come on the earth; the time of cutting the vines is come, and the voice of the dove is sounding in our land;

歌2:13 无花果树的果子渐渐成熟,葡萄树开花发香,我的佳偶啊!你起来吧。我的佳丽啊!你来吧。

歌2:13 The fig-tree puts out her green fruit and the vines with their young fruit give a good smell. Get up from your bed, my beautiful one, and come away.

歌2:14 我的鸽子啊!在岩石的穴中,在悬崖石的隐密处,让我看看你的容貌;让我听听你的声音;因为你的声音甜美,你的容貌秀丽。

歌2:14 O my dove, you are in the holes of the mountain sides, in the cracks of the high hills; let me see your face, let your voice come to my ears; for sweet is your voice, and your face is fair.

歌2:15 要为我们捉拿狐狸,就是毁坏葡萄园的小狐狸,因为我们的葡萄园正在开花。”

歌2:15 Take for us the foxes, the little foxes, which do damage to the vines; our vines have young grapes.

歌2:16 我的良人属我,我也属他,他在百合花中细赏。

歌2:16 My loved one is mine, and I am his: he takes his food among the flowers.

歌2:17 我的良人啊!等到天起凉风,日影消逝的时候,愿你归来,好像崎岖山上的羚羊或是小鹿。

歌2:17 Till the evening comes, and the sky slowly becomes dark, come, my loved one, and be like a roe on the mountains of Bether.

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