1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

歌4:1 我的佳偶啊!你很美丽;你很美丽。你的眼在纱后面好像鸽子的眼睛;头发如同从基列山下来的山羊群。

歌4:1 See, you are fair, my love, you are fair; you have the eyes of a dove; your hair is as a flock of goats, which take their rest on the side of Gilead.

歌4:2 你的牙齿像新剪毛的一群母羊,刚刚洗净那样洁白整齐;它们成双成对,没有单独一只的。

歌4:2 Your teeth are like a flock of sheep whose wool is newly cut, which come up from the washing; every one has two lambs, and there is not one without young.

歌4:3 你的嘴唇像一条朱红线,你的小嘴美丽;你的两颊在面纱后面,如同切开的石榴。

歌4:3 Your red lips are like a bright thread, and your mouth is fair of form; the sides of your head are like pomegranate fruit under your veil.

歌4:4 你的颈项像大卫的城楼,建造得十分整齐、雅观;其上悬挂着一千个盾牌,都是勇士的武器。

歌4:4 Your neck is like the tower of David made for a store-house of arms, in which a thousand breastplates are hanging, breastplates for fighting-men.

歌4:5 你的两乳像双生的母羚羊,是在百合花中吃草的一对小鹿。

歌4:5 Your two breasts are like two young roes of the same birth, which take their food among the lilies.

歌4:6 等到晚风徐来,日影消逝的时候,我要亲自到没药山,要往乳香冈去。

歌4:6 Till the evening comes, and the sky slowly becomes dark, I will go to the mountain of myrrh, and to the hill of frankincense.

歌4:7 我的佳偶啊!你全然美丽,毫无瑕疵。

歌4:7 You are all fair, my love; there is no mark on you.

歌4:8 我的新妇啊!与我同去黎巴嫩山。与我前往黎巴嫩山。从亚玛拿山顶,从示尼珥和黑门山顶,从狮子洞,从豹子山俯望。

歌4:8 Come with me from Lebanon, my bride, with me from Lebanon; see from the top of Amana, from the top of Senir and Hermon, from the places of the lions, from the mountains of the leopards.

歌4:9 我的妹妹,我的新妇啊!你夺去了我的心。你用你的眼神、用你项链上的一颗珍珠夺去了我的心。

歌4:9 You have taken away my heart, my sister, my bride; you have taken away my heart, with one look you have taken it, with one chain of your neck!

歌4:10 我的妹妹,我的新妇啊!你的爱情多么美丽。你的爱情多么美好,比酒更美、更好。你膏油的香气胜过一切香料。

歌4:10 How fair is your love, my sister! How much better is your love than wine, and the smell of your oils than any perfume!

歌4:11 我的新妇啊!你的嘴唇滴蜜,好像蜂房滴蜜;你的舌下有蜜有奶;你衣服的香气好像黎巴嫩山的香气。

歌4:11 Your lips are dropping honey; honey and milk are under your tongue; and the smell of your clothing is like the smell of Lebanon.

歌4:12 我的妹妹,我的新妇,是上了闩的园子,是上了锁的水井,是封闭了的泉源。

歌4:12 A garden walled-in is my sister, my bride; a garden shut up, a spring of water stopped.

歌4:13 你所栽种的是一所石榴园,有极美的果子,有凤仙花和哪达树。

歌4:13 The produce of the garden is pomegranates; with all the best fruits, henna and spikenard,

歌4:14 有哪达和番红花,菖蒲和肉桂,以及各种乳香树、没药和沉香,与各样精选的香料。

歌4:14 Spikenard and safron; calamus and cinnamon, with all trees of frankincense; myrrh and aloes, with all the chief spices.

歌4:15 你是园中的泉源,是活水的井,是从黎巴嫩山流下来的溪水。

歌4:15 You are a fountain of gardens, a spring of living waters, and flowing waters from Lebanon.

歌4:16 北风啊!兴起。南风啊!吹来。吹进我的园里,让其中的香气散播出来。愿我的良人进入他自己的园中,享用他佳美的果子。

歌4:16 Be awake, O north wind; and come, O south, blowing on my garden, so that its spices may come out. Let my loved one come into his garden, and take of his good fruits.

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