1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

歌8:1 但愿你像我的兄弟,像吃我母亲奶的兄弟。这样,我在外面遇见你,就可以吻你,不会被人藐视。

歌8:1 Oh that you were my brother, who took milk from my mother's breasts! When I came to you in the street, I would give you kisses; yes, I would not be looked down on.

歌8:2 我要引领你,领你到我母亲家里去;从小她就教导我。我要给你喝香酒。

歌8:2 I would take you by the hand into my mother's house, and she would be my teacher. I would give you drink of spiced wine, drink of the pomegranate.

歌8:3 他的左手托住我的头,他的右手拥抱着我。

歌8:3 His left hand would be under my head, and his right hand about me.

歌8:4 耶路撒冷的众女子啊!我恳求你们,不要惊动他,不要挑起他的爱情,等它自发吧。

歌8:4 I say to you, O daughters of Jerusalem, do not let love be moved till it is ready.

歌8:5 那从旷野上来,靠在她爱人身旁的是谁呢?我在苹果树下唤醒了你;在那里你的母亲怀了你;在那里生育你的为你受生产的痛苦。

歌8:5 Who is this, who comes up from the waste places, resting on her loved one? It was I who made you awake under the apple-tree, where your mother gave you birth; there she was in pain at your birth.

歌8:6 求你把我放在你心上如印记,把我带在你臂上如戳印;因为爱情像死亡一般的坚强;嫉妒如阴间一般的坚稳;它的烈焰是火的烈焰,是非常猛烈的火焰。

歌8:6 Put me as a sign on your heart, as a sign on your arm; love is strong as death, and wrath bitter as the underworld: its coals are coals of fire; violent are its flames.

歌8:7 爱情,众水不能熄灭,洪流不能淹没;如果有人拿自己家里所有的财产去换取爱情,就必被藐视。

歌8:7 Much water may not put out love, or the deep waters overcome it: if a man would give all the substance of his house for love, it would be judged a price not great enough.

歌8:8 我们有一个小妹妹,她的两乳还未发育完全;有人来提亲的时候,我们当为她怎样办理呢?

歌8:8 We have a young sister, and she has no breasts; what are we to do for our sister in the day when she is given to a man?

歌8:9 她若是墙,我们就要在她上面建造银塔;她若是门,我们就要用香柏木板围护她。

歌8:9 If she is a wall, we will make on her a strong base of silver; and if she is a door, we will let her be shut up with cedar-wood.

歌8:10 我是墙,我的两乳像其上的塔;我在他的眼中像寻得安乐的人。

歌8:10 I am a wall, and my breasts are like towers; then was I in his eyes as one to whom good chance had come.

歌8:11 所罗门在巴力.哈们有个葡萄园;他把这葡萄园租给看守的人,各人要为葡萄园所得的果子付一万一千四百克银子。

歌8:11 Solomon had a vine-garden at Baal-hamon; he let out the vine-garden to keepers; every one had to give a thousand bits of silver for its fruit.

歌8:12 我自己的葡萄园却在我面前,所罗门哪,一万一千四百克归给你,二千二百八十克归给那些看守果子的人。

歌8:12 My vine-garden, which is mine, is before me: you, O Solomon, will have the thousand, and those who keep the fruit of them two hundred.

歌8:13 你这住在园中的啊!我的同伴都在细听你的声音;愿你使我也听见。

歌8:13 You who have your resting-place in the gardens, the friends give ear to your voice; make me give ear to it.

歌8:14 我的良人哪!愿你快来,像羚羊或小鹿,在香草山上!

歌8:14 Come quickly, my loved one, and be like a roe on the mountains of spice.

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