1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

来12:1 所以,我们既然有这么多的见证人,像云彩围绕着我们,就应该脱下各样的拖累,和容易缠住我们的罪,以坚忍的心奔跑那摆在我们面前的赛程;

来12:1 For this reason, as we are circled by so great a cloud of witnesses, putting off every weight, and the sin into which we come so readily, let us keep on running in the way which is marked out for us,

来12:2 专一注视耶稣,就是我们信心的创始者和完成者。他因为那摆在面前的喜乐,就忍受了十字架,轻看了羞辱,现在就坐在 神宝座的右边。

来12:2 Having our eyes fixed on Jesus, the guide and end of our faith, who went through the pains of the cross, not caring for the shame, because of the joy which was before him, and who has now taken his place at the right hand of God's seat of power.

来12:3 这位忍受罪人那样顶撞的耶稣,你们要仔细思想,免得疲倦灰心。

来12:3 Give thought to him who has undergone so much of the hate of sinners against himself, so that you may not be tired and feeble of purpose.

来12:4 你们与罪恶斗争,还没有对抗到流血的地步;

来12:4 Till now you have not given your blood in your fight against sin:

来12:5 你们又忘记了那劝你们好像劝儿子的话,说:“我儿!你不可轻看主的管教,受责备的时候也不要灰心;

来12:5 And you have not kept in mind the word which says to you as to sons, My son, do not make little of the Lord's punishment, and do not give up hope when you are judged by him;

来12:6 因为主所爱的,他必管教,他又鞭打所收纳的每一个儿子。”

来12:6 For the Lord sends punishment on his loved ones; everyone whom he takes as his son has experience of his rod.

来12:7 为了接受管教,你们要忍受,因为 神待你们好像待儿子一样;哪有儿子不受父亲管教的呢?

来12:7 It is for your training that you undergo these things; God is acting to you as a father does to his sons; for what son does not have punishment from his father?

来12:8 作儿子的都受过管教。如果你们没有受管教,就是私生子,不是儿子了。

来12:8 But if you have not that punishment of which we all have our part, then you are not true sons, but children of shame.

来12:9 还有,肉身的父亲管教我们,我们尚且敬重他们;何况那万灵的父,我们不是更要顺服他而得生吗?

来12:9 And again, if the fathers of our flesh gave us punishment and had our respect, how much more will we be under the authority of the Father of spirits, and have life?

来12:10 肉身的父亲照着自己的意思管教我们,只有短暂的日子;唯有 神管教我们,是为着我们的好处,使我们在他的圣洁上有分。

来12:10 For they truly gave us punishment for a short time, as it seemed good to them; but he does it for our profit, so that we may become holy as he is.

来12:11 但是一切管教,在当时似乎不觉得快乐,反觉得痛苦;后来却为那些经过这种操练的人,结出平安的果子来,就是义。

来12:11 At the time all punishment seems to be pain and not joy: but after, those who have been trained by it get from it the peace-giving fruit of righteousness.

来12:12 所以,你们要把下垂的手和发软的腿挺直起来;

来12:12 For this cause let the hands which are hanging down be lifted up, and let the feeble knees be made strong,

来12:13 也要把你们所走的道路修直,使瘸子不至于扭脚,反而得到复原。

来12:13 And make straight roads for your feet, so that the feeble may not be turned out of the way, but may be made strong.

来12:14 你们要竭力寻求与众人和睦,并且要竭力追求圣洁。如果没有圣洁,谁也不能见主。

来12:14 Let your desire be for peace with all men, and to be made holy, without which no man may see the Lord;

来12:15 你们要小心,免得有人失去了 神的恩典;免得有苦根长起来缠绕你们,因而污染了许多人;

来12:15 Looking with care to see that no man among you in his behaviour comes short of the grace of God; for fear that some bitter root may come up to be a trouble to you, and that some of you may be made unclean by it;

来12:16 又免得有人成为淫乱的和贪恋世俗的,好像以扫一样,为了一点点食物,竟把自己长子的名分出卖了。

来12:16 And that there may not be any evil liver, or any man without respect for God, like Esau, who let his birthright go for a plate of food.

来12:17 你们知道,后来以扫想要承受祝福,却被拒绝了;他虽然带着眼泪寻求,还是没有反悔的余地。

来12:17 For you have knowledge that even long after, when he was desiring the blessing for his heritage, he was turned away, though he made his request frequently and with weeping; because the past might not be changed.

来12:18 你们不是来到那座摸得着的山。那里有烈火、密云、幽暗、暴风、

来12:18 You have not come to a mountain which may be touched, and is burning with fire, and to a black cloud, and a dark smoke, and a violent wind,

来12:19 号筒的响声和说话的声音;那些听见这声音的人,都请求 神不要再向他们多说话;

来12:19 And to the sound of a horn, and the voice of words, the hearers of which made request that not a word more might be said to them:

来12:20 因为他们担当不起那命令:“就是走兽挨近这山,也要用石头把牠打死。”

来12:20 For the order which said, If the mountain is touched even by a beast, the beast is to be stoned, seemed hard to them;

来12:21 当时,显出的景象是那么可怕,连摩西也说:“我非常恐惧战兢。”

来12:21 And the vision was so overpowering that even Moses said, I am shaking and full of fear.

来12:22 你们却是来到锡安山和永活的 神的城,就是天上的耶路撒冷;在那里有千万的天使聚集,

来12:22 But you have come to the mountain of Zion, to the place of the living God, to the Jerusalem which is in heaven, and to an army of angels which may not be numbered,

来12:23 有名字登记在天上众长子的教会,有审判众人的 神,有被成全的义人的灵魂,

来12:23 To the great meeting and church of the first of those who are named in heaven, and to God the judge of all, and to the spirits of good men made complete,

来12:24 有新约的中保耶稣,还有他所洒的血。这血所传的信息比埃布尔的血所传的更美。

来12:24 And to Jesus by whom the new agreement has been made between God and man, and to the sign of the blood which says better things than Abel's blood.

来12:25 你们要谨慎,不要弃绝那位说话的,因为从前的人弃绝了那位在地上警戒他们的,尚且不能逃罪;何况现在我们背弃那位从天上警戒我们的呢?

来12:25 See that you give ear to his voice which comes to you. For if those whose ears were shut to the voice which came to them on earth did not go free from punishment, what chance have we of going free if we give no attention to him whose voice comes from heaven?

来12:26 当时他的声音震动了地;现在他却应许说:“下一次,我不但要震动地,还要震动天。”

来12:26 Whose voice was the cause of the shaking of the earth; but now he has made an oath, saying, There will be still one more shaking, not only of the earth, but of heaven.

来12:27 “下一次”这句话,是表明那些被震动的,要像被造之物那样被除去,好使那些不能震动的可以留存,

来12:27 And the words, Still one more, make it clear that there will be a taking away of those things which are shaking, as of things which are made, so that there may be only those things of which no shaking is possible.

来12:28 因此,我们既然领受了不能震动的国,就应该感恩,照着 神所喜悦的,用虔诚敬畏的心事奉他;

来12:28 If then, we have a kingdom which will never be moved, let us have grace, so that we may give God such worship as is pleasing to him with fear and respect:

来12:29 因为我们的 神是烈火。

来12:29 For our God is an all-burning fire.

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