1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

但11:1 “玛代人大利乌王第一年,我曾经起来帮助米迦勒,使他坚强。

但11:1 And as for me, in the first year of Darius the Mede I was on his side to make his position safe and make him strong.

但11:2 现在我要把真理告诉你。看哪!在波斯还有三个王要兴起;第四个王必非常富有,远超过所有的王;他因富足成为强盛以后,就必煽动众民攻击希腊国。

但11:2 And now I will make clear to you what is true. There are still three kings to come in Persia, and the fourth will have much greater wealth than all of them: and when he has become strong through his wealth, he will put his forces in motion against all the kingdoms of Greece.

但11:3 后来必有一个英勇的王兴起,他必执掌大权,任意而行。

但11:3 And a strong king will come to power, ruling with great authority and doing whatever is his pleasure.

但11:4 他兴起的时候,他的国就破裂,向天的四方(“四方”原文作“四风”)分开,却不归给他的后代,国势也不及他掌权的时候;因为他的国必被拔出,归给他后代以外的人。

但11:4 And when he has become strong, his kingdom will be broken and parted to the four winds of heaven; but not to his offspring, for it will be uprooted; and his kingdom will be for the others and not for these: but not with the same authority as his.

但11:5 “南方的王必强盛,他的将领中必有一个比他更强盛的,这人必掌权,他的权势很大。

但11:5 And the king of the south will be strong, but one of his captains will be stronger than he and will be ruler; and his rule will be a great rule.

但11:6 过了多年,南方王的女儿必到北方王那里去修好,他们必互相结盟。但这女子的势力必存留不住;王和他的势力也站立不住;她连同那些带她来的、那生她的,和那帮助她的,都被交出处死。

但11:6 And at the end of years they will be joined together; and the daughter of the king of the south will come to the king of the north to make an agreement: but she will not keep the strength of her arm; and his offspring will not keep their place; but she will be uprooted, with those who were the cause of her coming, and her son, and he who took her in those times.

但11:7 但这女子的本家(“本家”原文作“根”)必另有一个儿子(“儿子”原文作“枝子”)兴起,继承父位;他必来攻击北方王的军队,进入北方王的堡垒,攻打他们,而且得胜。

但11:7 But out of a branch from her roots one will come up to take his place, who will come against the army, forcing his way into the strong place of the king of the north, and he will take them in hand and overcome them:

但11:8 他又把他们的神像、铸成的偶像,连同金银的宝器,都一起掳掠到了埃及去。此后数年之久,他不再去攻击北方王。

但11:8 And their gods and their metal images and their fair vessels of silver and gold he will take away into the south; and for some years he will keep away from the king of the north.

但11:9 后来北方王必侵入南方王的国土,然后撤退归回本国。

但11:9 And he will come into the kingdom of the king of the south, but he will go back to his land.

但11:10 “北方王的众子必备战,招集大军;这大军前进,如洪水泛滥,横扫南方王的国土;之后他又再去争战,直到南方王的堡垒。

但11:10 And his son will make war, and will get together an army of great forces, and he will make an attack on him, overflowing and going past: and he will again take the war even to his strong place.

但11:11 南方王必发大怒,出来和北方王交战;北方王必摆列大军,但这大军必交在南方王的手里。

但11:11 And the king of the south will be moved with wrath, and will come out and make war on him, on this same king of the north: and he will get together a great army, but the army will be given into his hand.

但11:12 这大军被扫除以后,南方王就心高气傲;他虽然使千万人倒毙,他的胜利却不能持久。

但11:12 And the army will be taken away, and his heart will be uplifted: he will be the cause of the downfall of tens of thousands, but he will not be strong.

但11:13 北方王必再招聚大军,比先前的更多;时机成熟的时候,他就率领装备好了的大军而来。

但11:13 And again the king of the north will get together an army greater than the first; and he will make an attack on him at the end of years, with a great army and much wealth.

但11:14 “那时,必有许多人起来攻击南方王,并且你同胞中的强暴人必挺身而起,要使那异象应验,但他们必失败。

但11:14 In those times, a number will take up arms against the king of the south: and the children of the violent among your people will be lifting themselves up to make the vision come true; but it will be their downfall.

但11:15 北方王必来,堆土筑垒攻取坚固城。南方的军力必抵挡不住,甚至精锐的部队也无力抵抗。

但11:15 So the king of the north will come, and put up earthworks and take a well-armed town: and the forces of the king of the south will make an attempt to keep their position, even the best of his army, but they will not have strength to do so.

但11:16 那来攻击南方王的,必任意而行;没有人能在他面前站立得住;他必站在那荣美之地,手握毁坏之权。

但11:16 And he who comes against him will do his pleasure, and no one will be able to keep his place before him: he will take up his position in the beautiful land and in his hand there will be destruction.

但11:17 他决意倾全国的力量而来,但他先和南方王修好,把自己的女儿给南方王为妻,好毁灭南国;可是他的计划没有成功,他自己也得不到什么好处。

但11:17 And it will be his purpose to come with the strength of all his kingdom, but in place of this he will make an agreement with him; and he will give him the daughter of women to send destruction on it; but this will not take place or come about.

但11:18 后来他必转向沿海的岛屿,夺取了许多海岛。但有一个将领要制止他的骄横,并且使他的骄横归回他身上。

但11:18 After this, his face will be turned to the islands, and he will take a number of them: but a chief, by his destruction, will put an end to the shame offered by him; and more than this, he will make his shame come back on him.

但11:19 于是他转向自己国中的堡垒,终于绊跌仆倒,不再存在了。

但11:19 Then his face will be turned to the strong places of his land: but his way will be stopped, causing his downfall, and he will not be seen again.

但11:20 “那时,必有一个人兴起来代替他;这人要派一个横征暴敛的人,为了王国的荣华,走遍全地;可是不多几日,这人就必被毁灭,不是因为忿怒,也不是因为战争。

但11:20 Then his place will be taken by one who will send out a man with the glory of a king to get wealth together; but after a short time destruction will overtake him, but not in wrath or in the fight.

但11:21 必另有一个卑鄙的人兴起来代替他;虽然人未曾把王国的尊荣给这人,这人却乘人不备的时候来到,用奉承的话夺得了王国。

但11:21 And his place will be taken by a low person, to whom the honour of the kingdom had not been given: but he will come in time of peace and will get the kingdom by fair words.

但11:22 必有无数的军兵在他面前像洪水冲没,并且溃败;立约的君也必这样。

但11:22 And his forces will be completely taken away from before him and broken; and even the ruler of the agreement will have the same fate.

但11:23 他结盟以后,就必行诡诈;他虽然只有少数的国民,却渐渐强盛起来。

但11:23 And from the time when they make an agreement with him, he will be working falsely: for he will take up arms suddenly with a small force,

但11:24 他必乘人不备的时候,侵入省内最富庶的地区,行他列祖和他列祖的祖先所未曾行过的;他把掳掠之物和财物分给自己的部属;又必设下计谋攻打堡垒,只是这都是暂时的。

但11:24 Against fertile places, and will make waste a part of the country; and he will do what his fathers have not done, or his fathers' fathers; he will make distribution among them of goods taken in war and by force, and of property: he will even make designs against the strong places for a time.

但11:25 他必竭尽己力,鼓起勇气,率领大军攻击南方王;南方王也必带领极强大的军队奋起还击,却抵挡不住,因为有人设下计谋陷害南方王。

但11:25 And he will put in motion his power and his strength against the king of the south with a great army; and the king of the south will go to war with a very great and strong army: but he will be forced to give way, because of their designs against him;

但11:26 那些吃王膳的必毁灭他;他的军队必被冲没,受重伤而倒毙的很多。

但11:26 And his fears will overcome him and be the cause of his downfall, and his army will come to complete destruction, and a great number will be put to the sword.

但11:27 至于那两个王,他们都存心不良;他们同桌吃饭,也彼此说谎;他们的阴谋却不成功,因为要到了指定的时候,结局才会来到。

但11:27 And as for these two kings, their hearts will be fixed on doing evil and they will say false words at one table; but it will come to nothing: for the end will be at the time fixed.

但11:28 “北方王必带着大批财物返回自己的国土去;他的心既然反对圣约,必任意而行,然后返回自己的国土去。

但11:28 And he will go back to his land with great wealth; and his heart will be against the holy agreement; and he will do his pleasure and go back to his land.

但11:29 “到了指定的时候,他必回来,再侵入南方的王国,不过这次的情况却不像前一次。

但11:29 At the time fixed he will come back and come into the south; but in the later time it will not be as it was before.

但11:30 因为基提的战船必来攻击他,他就丧胆而回;他又恼恨圣约,任意而行;他必回来,听取那些背弃圣约的人的建议。

但11:30 For those who go out from the west will come against him, and he will be in fear and will go back, full of wrath against the holy agreement; and he will do his pleasure: and he will go back and be united with those who have given up the holy agreement.

但11:31 他的军队必起来,亵渎圣殿,就是那堡垒,废除常献祭,又在殿里设立了那使地荒凉的可憎的像。

但11:31 And armies sent by him will take up their position and they will make unclean the holy place, even the strong place, and take away the regular burned offering and put in its place an unclean thing causing fear.

但11:32 那些作恶违背圣约的人,他必用奉承的话败坏他们;但认识 神的人民,必刚强行事。

但11:32 And those who do evil against the agreement will be turned to sin by his fair words: but the people who have knowledge of their God will be strong and do well.

但11:33 民中的智慧人必使许多人明白是非;但他们必有很多日子倒在刀剑之下,或被火烧,或被掳去,或被抢掠。

但11:33 And those who are wise among the people will be the teachers of the mass of the people: but they will come to their downfall by the sword and by the flame, being made prisoners and undergoing loss for a long time.

但11:34 他们仆倒的时候,必得到一些援助,必有许多人用奉承的话要和他们联盟。

但11:34 Now at the time of their downfall they will have a little help, but numbers will be joined to them in the town, and in their separate heritages.

但11:35 智慧人中有些仆倒的,为要锻炼他们,洁净他们,使他们成为雪白,直到末了,因为要到了指定的时候,结局才会来到。

但11:35 And some of those who are wise will have wisdom in testing themselves and making themselves clean, till the time of the end: for it is still for the fixed time.

但11:36 “那王必任意而行,自高自大,超过所有的神,又说一些怪诞的话攻击万神之 神。他必行事顺利,直到 神的忿怒完毕;因为所定的事必会实现。

但11:36 And the king will do his pleasure; he will put himself on high, lifting himself over every god, and saying things to be wondered at against the God of gods; and all will be well for him till the wrath is complete; for what has been purposed will be done.

但11:37 他必不尊重他列祖所拜的神,也不尊重妇女所爱慕的神,无论什么神他都不尊重,因为他必自大,高过一切。

但11:37 He will have no respect for the gods of his fathers or for the god desired by women; he will have no respect for any god: for he will put himself on high over all.

但11:38 他倒要敬拜堡垒的神,用金银宝石和各样珍宝去敬拜他列祖所不认识的神。

但11:38 But in place of this he will give honour to the god of armed places, and to a god of whom his fathers had no knowledge he will give honour with gold and silver and jewels and things to be desired.

但11:39 他必得着外族神的帮助,攻破坚固的堡垒;凡承认他的,他必使他们大得尊荣,又使他们管辖许多人,并且把土地分给他们作赏赐。

但11:39 And he will make use of the people of a strange god to keep his strongest places; to those whom he takes note of he will give high honour: and he will make them rulers over the mass of the people, and will make division of the land for a price.

但11:40 “到了末期,南方王要和他交战;北方王必带着战车、骑兵和大批战船,像暴风一般来到他那里;他必侵入列国,如洪水泛滥,横扫而过。

但11:40 And at the time of the end, the king of the south will make an attack on him: and the king of the north will come against him like a storm-wind, with war-carriages and horsemen and numbers of ships; and he will go through many lands like overflowing waters.

但11:41 他也必侵入那荣美之地;必有许多国倾覆;但那些以东人、摩押人和亚扪人的首领,必被拯救脱离他的手。

但11:41 And he will come into the beautiful land, and tens of thousands will be overcome: but these will be kept from falling into his hands: Edom and Moab and the chief of the children of Ammon.

但11:42 他必伸手攻击列国,埃及地也不能逃脱。

但11:42 And his hand will be stretched out on the countries: and the land of the south will not be safe from him.

但11:43 他必掌管埃及的金银宝藏和一切珍宝;吕彼亚人和古实人都必追随他。

但11:43 But he will have power over the stores of gold and silver, and over all the valued things of the south: and the Libyans and the Ethiopians will be at his steps.

但11:44 但从东方和北方必有消息传来,使他惊惶,他就在烈怒之下出兵,要把许多人杀尽灭绝。

但11:44 But he will be troubled by news from the east and from the north; and he will go out in great wrath, to send destruction on, and put an end to, great numbers.

但11:45 他必在海和荣美的圣山之间支搭如宫殿一般的帐幕;然而他们的结局来到,必没有人能帮助他。”

但11:45 He will put the tents of his great house between the sea and the beautiful holy mountain: but he will come to his end with no helper.

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