1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

摩2:1 “耶和华这样说:‘摩押三番四次犯罪,我必不收回惩罚他的命令;因为他把以东王的骸骨焚烧成灰。

摩2:1 These are the words of the Lord: For three crimes of Moab, and for four, I will not let its fate be changed; because he had the bones of the king of Edom burned to dust.

摩2:2 我必降火在摩押,烧毁加略的堡垒;在扰攘、吶喊、吹角声中,摩押必被消灭。

摩2:2 And I will send a fire on Moab, burning up the great houses of Kerioth: and death will come on Moab with noise and outcries and the sound of the horn:

摩2:3 我必剪除他的掌权者,也把他所有的领袖一同杀死。’这是耶和华说的。

摩2:3 And I will have the judge cut off from among them, and all their captains I will put to death with him, says the Lord.

摩2:4 “耶和华这样说:‘犹大三番四次犯罪,我必不收回惩罚他的命令;因为他弃绝耶和华的律法,不遵守他的典章;反被他们列祖跟从的偶像,使他们走错了路。

摩2:4 These are the words of the Lord: For three crimes of Judah, and for four, I will not let its fate be changed; because they have given up the law of the Lord, and have not kept his rules; and their false ways, in which their fathers went, have made them go out of the right way.

摩2:5 我必降火在犹大,烧毁耶路撒冷的堡垒。’

摩2:5 And I will send a fire on Judah, burning up the great houses of Jerusalem.

摩2:6 “耶和华这样说:‘以色列三番四次犯罪,我必不收回惩罚他的命令;因为他为了银子卖义人,为了一双鞋卖穷人。

摩2:6 These are the words of the Lord: For three crimes of Israel, and for four, I will not let its fate be changed; because they have given the upright man for silver, and the poor for the price of two shoes;

摩2:7 他们践踏穷人的头,好像践踏地面的尘土;他们把困苦人应有的权益夺去;儿子和父亲与同一个女子亲近,故意亵渎我的圣名。

摩2:7 Crushing the head of the poor, and turning the steps of the gentle out of the way: and a man and his father go in to the same young woman, putting shame on my holy name:

摩2:8 他们在各祭坛旁,躺卧在别人抵押的衣服上面;在他们 神的殿中,饮用拿剥削回来的钱所买的酒。

摩2:8 By every altar they are stretched on clothing taken from those who are in their debt, drinking in the house of their god the wine of those who have made payment for wrongdoing.

摩2:9 我不是在他们面前把亚摩利人消灭了吗?亚摩利人虽像香柏树高大,像橡树那样坚固;我却要灭绝它树上的果子,拔除树下的根。

摩2:9 Though I sent destruction on the Amorite before them, who was tall as the cedar and strong as the oak-tree, cutting off his fruit from on high and his roots from under the earth.

摩2:10 我不是带你们出埃及地,领你们在旷野度过四十年,叫你们得着亚摩利人的地为业吗?

摩2:10 And I took you up out of the land of Egypt, guiding you for forty years in the waste land, so that you might take for your heritage the land of the Amorite.

摩2:11 我从你们子孙中兴起先知,从年轻人中兴起拿细耳人;以色列人哪!这不是事实吗?’这是耶和华的宣告。

摩2:11 And some of your sons I made prophets, and some of your young men I made separate for myself. Is it not even so, O children of Israel? says the Lord.

摩2:12 ‘但你们迫使拿细耳人喝酒,吩咐先知说:不要说预言。

摩2:12 But to those who were separate you gave wine for drink; and to the prophets you said, Be prophets no longer.

摩2:13 看哪!我要使你脚下的地摇荡,好像满载禾捆的车子摇荡一样。

摩2:13 See, I am crushing you down, as one is crushed under a cart full of grain.

摩2:14 行动迅速的不能逃走,强而有力的不能施展他的勇力,勇士也不能救自己;

摩2:14 And flight will be impossible for the quick-footed, and the force of the strong will become feeble, and the man of war will not get away safely:

摩2:15 拿弓的人站立不住,跑得快的不能逃走,骑马的也不能救自己。

摩2:15 And the bowman will not keep his place; he who is quick-footed will not get away safely: and the horseman will not keep his life.

摩2:16 到那日,最勇敢的战士,也是赤身逃跑。’这是耶和华的宣告。”

摩2:16 And he who is without fear among the fighting men will go in flight without his clothing in that day, says the Lord.

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