1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

摩6:1 那些在锡安平静安逸的,安稳在撒玛利亚山上的,有祸了!你们是这列国中为首之大国的领袖,是以色列家所归向的。

摩6:1 Sorrow to those who are resting in comfort in Zion, and to those who have no fear of danger in the mountain of Samaria, the noted men of the chief of the nations, to whom the people of Israel come!

摩6:2 你们要过去甲尼看看,从那里往哈马大城去,然后下到非利士的迦特;看你们是否比这些国家胜一筹?他们的领土是否比你们的领土还大?

摩6:2 Go on to Calneh and see; and from there go to Hamath the great; then go down to Gath of the Philistines: are you better than these kingdoms? or is your land wider than theirs?

摩6:3 你们认为灾祸的日子离开很远,你们的行为却招致残暴的审判。

摩6:3 You who put far away the evil day, causing the rule of the violent to come near;

摩6:4 你们卧在象牙床上,躺在榻上;你们吃羊群中的羊羔,和牛棚里的牛犊。

摩6:4 Who are resting on beds of ivory, stretched out on soft seats, feasting on lambs from the flock and young oxen from the cattle-house;

摩6:5 你们闲逸地弹琴奏乐,又为自己制造乐器,像大卫一样。

摩6:5 Making foolish songs to the sound of corded instruments, and designing for themselves instruments of music, like David;

摩6:6 你们用大碗喝酒,用最贵重的膏油抹身;但你们并没有为约瑟的败落而痛心。

摩6:6 Drinking wine in basins, rubbing themselves with the best oils; but they have no grief for the destruction of Joseph.

摩6:7 因此,你们将是最先被掳去的人,宴乐享受的日子必要消逝。

摩6:7 So now they will go away prisoners with the first of those who are made prisoners, and the loud cry of those who were stretched out will come to an end.

摩6:8 主耶和华指着自己起誓说:“我痛恨雅各所夸耀的,憎恶他的堡垒;我要把城市和城中的一切,都交给敌人。”这是耶和华万军的 神的宣告。

摩6:8 The Lord God has taken an oath by himself, says the Lord, the God of armies: the pride of Jacob is disgusting to me, and I have hate for his great houses: so I will give up the town with everything in it.

摩6:9 如果在一间房子里剩下十个人,他们都必死亡。

摩6:9 Then it will come about that if there are still ten men in a house, death will overtake them.

摩6:10 死者的亲属和殓葬的人把尸体从房子抬走,并问那躲在屋内深处的人:“还有人吗?”那人回答:“没有,不要再说话,不可再提耶和华的名。”

摩6:10 And when a man's relation, even the one who is responsible for burning his body, lifting him up to take his bones out of the house, says to him who is in the inmost part of the house, Is there still anyone with you? and he says, No; then he will say, Keep quiet, for the name of the Lord may not be named.

摩6:11 看哪!耶和华下令,大楼就粉碎,小屋也要破裂。

摩6:11 For see, at the order of the Lord the great house will be full of cracks and the little house will be broken.

摩6:12 马能在悬崖奔驰吗?人可在那里用牛耙地吗?但你使公正变为毒草,使公义的果子转为苦堇。

摩6:12 Is it possible for horses to go running on the rock? may the sea be ploughed with oxen? for the right to be turned by you into poison, and the fruit of righteousness into a bitter plant?

摩6:13 你们以夺取罗底巴为夸耀,说:“我们夺取加宁不是靠自己的力量吗?”

摩6:13 You whose joy is in a thing of no value, who say, Have we not taken for ourselves horns by the strength which is ours?

摩6:14 “看哪!以色列家,我要兴起一国攻击你们,这国要欺压你们,从哈马关口直至亚拉巴河。”这是万军耶和华 神的宣告。

摩6:14 For see, I will send against you a nation, O Israel, says the Lord, the God of armies, ruling you cruelly from the way into Hamath as far as the stream of the Arabah.

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