1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

林后2:1 我自己决定了,到你们那里去的时候,不再是忧愁的。

林后2:1 But it was my decision for myself, not to come again to you with sorrow.

林后2:2 如果我使你们忧愁,除了那因我而忧愁的人以外,谁能使我快乐呢?

林后2:2 For if I give you sorrow, who then will make me glad, but he who is made sad by me?

林后2:3 我写了这样的信,免得我来的时候,应该使我快乐的人反而使我忧愁;我深信你们众人都以我的喜乐为你们的喜乐。

林后2:3 And I said this very thing in my letter, for fear that when I came I might have sorrow from those from whom it was right for me to have joy; being certain of this, that my joy is the joy of you all.

林后2:4 我从前心里痛苦难过,流着眼泪写信给你们,并不是要使你们忧愁,而是要你们知道我是多么爱你们。

林后2:4 For out of much trouble and pain of heart and much weeping I sent my letter to you; not to give you sorrow, but so that you might see how great is the love which I have to you.

林后2:5 如果有人使人忧愁,他不是使我忧愁,而是使你们众人都有一点忧愁;我只说有一点,是避免说得过分。

林后2:5 But if anyone has been a cause of sorrow, he has been so, not to me only, but in some measure to all of you (I say this that I may not be over-hard on you).

林后2:6 这样的人受了许多人的责备,也就够了,

林后2:6 Let it be enough for such a man to have undergone the punishment which the church put on him;

林后2:7 倒不如饶恕他,安慰他,免得他因忧愁过度而受不了。

林后2:7 So that now, on the other hand, it is right for him to have forgiveness and comfort from you, for fear that his sorrow may be over-great.

林后2:8 所以,我劝你们要向他确实显明你们的爱心。

林后2:8 For which cause my desire is that you will make your love to him clear by your acts.

林后2:9 为这缘故,我写了那封信,要考验你们是不是凡事都顺从。

林后2:9 And for the same reason I sent you a letter so that I might be certain of your desire to do my orders in all things.

林后2:10 你们饶恕谁,我也饶恕谁;我所饶恕了的(如果我饶恕过什么),是为了你们在基督面前饶恕的,

林后2:10 But if you give forgiveness to anyone, I do the same: for if I have given forgiveness for anything, I have done it because of you, in the person of Christ;

林后2:11 免得撒但有机可乘,因为我们并不是不晓得他的诡计。

林后2:11 So that Satan may not get the better of us: for we are not without knowledge of his designs.

林后2:12 从前我为基督的福音到了特罗亚,虽然主给我开了门,

林后2:12 Now when I came to Troas for the good news of Christ, and there was an open door for me in the Lord,

林后2:13 我心里仍然没有安宁,因为见不到提多弟兄。于是我辞别了那里的人,到马其顿去了。

林后2:13 I had no rest in my spirit because Titus my brother was not there: so I went away from them, and came into Macedonia.

林后2:14 感谢 神,他常常在基督里,使我们这些作俘虏的,列在凯旋的队伍当中,又借着我们在各地散播香气,就是使人认识基督。

林后2:14 But praise be to God who makes us strong to overcome in Christ, and makes clear through us in every place the value of the knowledge of him.

林后2:15 因为无论在得救的人或灭亡的人中间,我们都是基督的馨香,是献给 神的。

林后2:15 For we are a sweet perfume of Christ to God in those who are getting salvation and in those who are going to destruction;

林后2:16 对于灭亡的人,这是死亡的气味叫人死;对于得救的人,这却是生命的香气使人活。这些事谁够资格作呢?

林后2:16 To the one it is a perfume of death to death; to the other a perfume of life to life. And who is enough for such things?

林后2:17 我们不像那许多的人,为了图利而谬讲 神的道。相反地,我们讲话,是出于真诚,出于 神,是在 神面前、在基督里的。

林后2:17 For we are not like the great number who make use of the word of God for profit: but our words are true, as from God, being said as before God in Christ.

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