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林后8:1 弟兄们,我现在把 神赐给马其顿众教会的恩典告诉你们:

林后8:1 And now we give you news, brothers, about the grace of God which has been given to the churches of Macedonia;

林后8:2 他们在患难中受到极大的考验的时候,他们满溢的喜乐和极度的贫乏,汇流出丰厚的慷慨来。

林后8:2 How while they were undergoing every sort of trouble, and were in the greatest need, they took all the greater joy in being able to give freely to the needs of others.

林后8:3 我可以作证,他们是按着能力,并且是超过了能力,

林后8:3 For I give them witness, that as they were able, and even more than they were able, they gave from the impulse of their hearts,

林后8:4 自动地再三恳求我们,准许他们在供应圣徒的事上有分。

林后8:4 Seriously requesting us that they might have a part in this grace of being servants to the needs of the saints:

林后8:5 他们超过了我们所期望的,照着 神的旨意,先把自己献给主,然后献给我们。

林后8:5 And going even farther than our hope, they first gave themselves to the Lord and to us after the purpose of God.

林后8:6 因此,我们勉励提多,既然开始了这慈善的事,就应当在你们那里把这事办好。

林后8:6 So that we made a request to Titus that, as he had made a start before, so he might make this grace complete in you.

林后8:7 你们在一切事上,就如信心、口才、知识、热情和爱我们的心,既然都是富足的,那么,在这慈善的事上,也要显出你们是富足的。

林后8:7 And that as you are full of every good thing, of faith, of the word, of knowledge, of a ready mind, and of love to us, so you may be full of this grace in the same way.

林后8:8 我这样说,不是吩咐你们,而是借着别人的热心来考验你们的爱心是否真实。

林后8:8 I am not giving you an order, but using the ready mind of others as a test of the quality of your love.

林后8:9 你们是知道我们的主耶稣基督的恩典的:他本来富足,却为你们成了贫穷,要使你们因他的贫穷成为富足。

林后8:9 For you see the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, how though he had wealth, he became poor on your account, so that through his need you might have wealth.

林后8:10 我在这里表示我的意见,这对你们是有益的:你们不仅一年前就在办这事,而且早就想这样作了,

林后8:10 And in this I give my opinion: for it is to your profit, who were the first to make a start a year before, not only to do this, but to make clear that your minds were more than ready to do it.

林后8:11 现在就应当把这事办好;这样,你们既然有愿意作的心,因着你们尽了自己所能的,就可以完成。

林后8:11 Then make the doing of it complete; so that as you had a ready mind, you may give effect to it as you are able.

林后8:12 因为人要是有愿意作的心,按照他所有的,必蒙悦纳,不是按照他所没有的。

林后8:12 For if there is a ready mind, a man will have God's approval in the measure of what he has, and not of what he has not.

林后8:13 这不是要别人轻省,你们受累,而是要大家都均等。

林后8:13 And I am not saying this so that others may get off free, while the weight comes on you:

林后8:14 现在你们富裕,就要补助他们的缺乏,到了他们富裕的时候,也可以补助你们的缺乏,这样就均等了;

林后8:14 But so that things may be equal; that from those things of which you have more than enough at the present time their need may be helped, and that if you are in any need they may be a help to you in the same way, making things equal.

林后8:15 正如经上所记:“多的,没有剩余,少的,也不缺乏。”

林后8:15 As it says in the Writings, He who had taken up much had nothing over and he who had little had enough.

林后8:16 感谢 神,他把我对你们那样的热情,放在提多的心里。

林后8:16 But praise be to God, who puts the same care for you into the heart of Titus.

林后8:17 提多一方面接受了劝勉,但他自己更加热心,自愿到你们那里去。

林后8:17 For while he gladly gave ear to our request, he was interested enough to go to you from the impulse of his heart.

林后8:18 我们还派了一位弟兄和他同去,(这人在福音的事工上,得到了众教会的称赞。

林后8:18 And with him we have sent a brother whose praise in the good news has gone through all the churches;

林后8:19 不但这样,众教会更选派了他作我们的旅伴。我们办理这慈善的事,是为了主的荣耀,也是为了我们的心愿。)

林后8:19 And not only so, but he was marked out by the churches to go with us in the grace of this giving which we have undertaken to the glory of the Lord and to make clear that our mind was ready:

林后8:20 免得有人因为我们经管的捐款太多,就毁谤我们。

林后8:20 And so that no man might be able to say anything against us in the business of this giving which has been put into our hands:

林后8:21 因为我们努力去作的,不仅是主认为是美的事,也是众人认为是美的事。

林后8:21 For the business has been so ordered by us as to have the approval, not only of the Lord, but of men.

林后8:22 我们还派了另一位弟兄与他们同去;我们在许多的事上多次考验过他,知道他很热心;现在他对你们大有信心,就更加热心了。

林后8:22 And we have sent with them our brother, whose ready spirit has been made clear to us at times and in ways without number, but it is now all the more so because of the certain faith which he has in you.

林后8:23 至于提多,他是我的同伴,为你们的缘故作了我的同工;还有我们那两位弟兄,他们是众教会所派的,是基督的荣耀。

林后8:23 If any question comes up about Titus, he is my brother-worker, working with me for you; or about the others, they are the representatives of the churches to the glory of Christ.

林后8:24 所以,你们要在众教会面前,向他们证明你们的爱心和我们所夸耀你们的。

林后8:24 Make clear then to them, as representatives of the churches, the quality of your love, and that the things which we have said about you are true.

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