1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

林后9:1 关于供应圣徒的事,我本来没有写信给你们的必要,

林后9:1 But there is no need for me to say anything in my letter about the giving to the saints:

林后9:2 因为我知道你们有这个心愿。我对马其顿人称赞你们,说:“亚该亚人去年已经预备好了。”你们的热心就激励了许多的人。

林后9:2 For I have before made clear to those of Macedonia my pride in your ready mind, saying to them that Achaia has been ready for a year back; and a great number have been moved to do the same by your example.

林后9:3 我派了那几位弟兄前来,为了要使我们在这事上对你们的称赞不至落空,好让你们可以照着我所说的准备妥当,

林后9:3 But I have sent the brothers, so that the good things we said about you may be seen to be true, and that, as I said, you may be ready:

林后9:4 免得一旦马其顿人和我一同来到的时候,见你们还没有准备好,我们就因为这样信任你们而感到羞愧,你们就更不用说了。

林后9:4 For fear that, if any from Macedonia come with me, and you are not ready, we (not to say, you) might be put to shame in this thing.

林后9:5 因此,我认为必须劝那几位弟兄先到你们那里去,使你们事先筹足从前所答应的捐款。那么,你们这样的准备,就是出于乐意的,不是勉强的。

林后9:5 So it seemed to me wise for the brothers to go before, and see that the amount which you had undertaken to give was ready, so that it might be a cause for praise, and not as if we were making profit out of you.

林后9:6 还有,少种的少收,多种的多收。

林后9:6 But in the Writings it says, He who puts in only a small number of seeds, will get in the same; and he who puts them in from a full hand, will have produce in full measure from them.

林后9:7 各人要照着心里所决定的捐输,不要为难,不必勉强,因为捐得乐意的人,是 神所喜爱的。

林后9:7 Let every man do after the purpose of his heart; not giving with grief, or by force: for God takes pleasure in a ready giver.

林后9:8 神能把各样的恩惠多多地加给你们,使你们凡事常常充足,多作各样的善事。

林后9:8 And God is able to give you all grace in full measure; so that ever having enough of all things, you may be full of every good work:

林后9:9 如经上所说:“他广施钱财,赒济穷人;他的仁义,存到永远。”

林后9:9 As it is said in the Writings, He has sent out far and wide, he has given to the poor; his righteousness is for ever.

林后9:10 但那赐种子给撒种的,又赐食物给人吃的 神,必定把种子加倍地供给你们,也必增添你们的义果。

林后9:10 And he who gives seed for putting into the field and bread for food, will take care of the growth of your seed, at the same time increasing the fruits of your righteousness;

林后9:11 你们既然凡事富裕,就可以慷慨地捐输,使众人借着我们,对 神生出感谢的心。

林后9:11 Your wealth being increased in everything, with a simple mind, causing praise to God through us.

林后9:12 因为这供应的事,不仅补足了圣徒的缺乏,也使许多人对 神感谢的心格外增多。

林后9:12 For this work of giving not only takes care of the needs of the saints, but is the cause of much praise to God;

林后9:13 众圣徒因为你们承认和服从了基督的福音,并且慷慨地捐输给他们和众人,借着你们在这供应的事上所得的凭据,就把荣耀归给 神。

林后9:13 For when, through this work of giving, they see what you are, they give glory to God for the way in which you have given yourselves to the good news of Christ, and for the wealth of your giving to them and to all;

林后9:14 因着 神在你们身上的厚恩,他们就为你们祷告,切切地想念你们。

林后9:14 While their hearts go out to you in love and in prayer for you, because of the great grace of God which is in you.

林后9:15 感谢 神,他的恩赐难以形容。

林后9:15 Praise be to God for what he has given, which words have no power to say.

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