
启10:1 我又看见一位大力的天使从天上降下来,身披云彩,头上有彩虹,脸像太阳,两脚像火柱一样,

启10:1 And I saw another strong angel coming down out of heaven, clothed with a cloud; and an arch of coloured light was round his head, and his face was like the sun, and his feet like pillars of fire;

启10:2 手里拿着展开的小书卷。他的右脚踏在海上,左脚踏在地上,

启10:2 And he had in his hand a little open book: and he put his right foot on the sea, and his left on the earth;

启10:3 大声呼喊,好像狮子吼叫。他呼喊的时候,就有七雷发声说话。

启10:3 And he gave a loud cry, like the angry voice of a lion: and at his cry the voices of the seven thunders were sounding.

启10:4 七雷说话的时候,我正要写下来,就听见有声音从天上出来,说:“七雷所说的你要封住,不可写出来!”

启10:4 And when the seven thunders had given out their voices, I was about to put their words down: and a voice from heaven came to my ears, saying, Keep secret the things which the seven thunders said, and do not put them in writing.

启10:5 我看见那站在海上和地上的天使,向天举起右手来,

启10:5 And the angel which I saw taking his position on the sea and on the earth, put up his right hand to heaven,

启10:6 指着那活到永永远远,创造天和天上之物、地和地上之物、海和海中之物的 神起誓,说:“必不再延迟了!

启10:6 And took his oath by him who is living for ever and ever, who made the heaven and the things in it, and the earth and the things in it, and the sea and the things in it, that there would be no more waiting:

启10:7 到第七位天使吹号的时候, 神向他的仆人众先知所宣告的奥秘,就要实现了。”

启10:7 But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when the sound of his horn is about to come, then will the secret of God be complete, of which he gave the good news to his servants the prophets.

启10:8 我先前听见那从天上来的声音又对我说:“你去,把那站在海上和地上的天使手中展开的书卷拿过来。”

启10:8 And the voice came to me again from heaven, saying, Go, take the book which is open in the hand of the angel who has his place on the sea and on the earth.

启10:9 我就走到天使那里,请他把小书卷给我。他对我说:“你拿着,吃下去。它必使你肚子苦涩,但是口里却好像蜜一样甘甜。”

启10:9 And I went to the angel, and said to him, Give me the little book. And he said to me: Put it in your mouth; and it will make your stomach bitter, but in your mouth it will be sweet as honey.

启10:10 我把小书卷从天使手中拿过来,吃了,在口里果然甘甜如蜜;但是吃完之后,我肚子就觉得苦涩。

启10:10 And I took the little book out of the angel's hand and did as he said; and it was sweet as honey in my mouth: and when I had taken it, my stomach was made bitter.

启10:11 他们又对我说:“论到许多民族、邦国、方言和君王,你必须再说预言。”

启10:11 And they said to me, You are to give word again of what is coming in the future to the peoples and nations and languages and kings.

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