
王上7:1 所罗门为自己建造宫殿花了十三年才完成。

王上7:1 Solomon was thirteen years building a house for himself till it was complete.

王上7:2 他又建造黎巴嫩林宫,长四十四公尺,宽二十二公尺,高十三公尺半。有四行香柏木的柱子,柱子上有香柏木的横梁。

王上7:2 And he made the house of the Woods of Lebanon, which was a hundred cubits long and fifty cubits wide and thirty cubits high, resting on four lines of cedar-wood pillars with cedar-wood supports on the pillars.

王上7:3 柱子每行十五根,共四十五根;柱子上有厢房,是用香柏木盖屋顶的。

王上7:3 And it was covered with cedar over the forty-five supports which were on the pillars, fifteen in a line.

王上7:4 有窗框三行,窗与窗相对,共有三层。

王上7:4 There were three lines of window-frames, window facing window in every line.

王上7:5 所有的门和窗都有四方的框子,有窗三层,窗与窗相对。

王上7:5 And all the doors and windows had square frames, with the windows facing one another in three lines.

王上7:6 他又建造柱廊,长二十二公尺,宽十三公尺半。在柱廊前有廊子,在廊子前又有柱子和台阶。

王上7:6 And he made a covered room of pillars, fifty cubits long and thirty cubits wide, and ... with steps before it.

王上7:7 又建造王室座廊,就是审判廊,他在这里执行审判。由地板到天花板,都贴上香柏木板。

王上7:7 Then he made a covered room for his high seat when he gave decisions; this was the covered room of judging; it was covered with cedar-wood from floor to roof.

王上7:8 所罗门自己住的宫殿,是在廊后的另一个院内,建造法相同。他又为他娶法老的女儿建造一座宫院,建法与这廊子一样。

王上7:8 And the house for his living-place, the other open square in the covered room, was made in the same way. And then he made a house like it for Pharaoh's daughter, whom Solomon had taken as his wife.

王上7:9 从根基到屋檐,从外院到大院,这一切都是用贵重的石块,按尺寸凿好,用锯子内外锯齐的石块建成的。

王上7:9 All these buildings were made, inside and out, from base to crowning stone, and outside to the great walled square, of highly priced stone, cut to different sizes with cutting-instruments.

王上7:10 根基也都是用贵重的大石块;有长四公尺的,也有长三公尺半的。

王上7:10 And the base was of great masses of highly priced stone, some ten cubits and some eight cubits square.

王上7:11 上面有按着尺寸凿好的贵重石块和香柏木。

王上7:11 Overhead were highly priced stones cut to measure, and cedar-wood.

王上7:12 大院的周围有凿好的石头三层,香柏木一层,与耶和华的内院和殿廊一样。

王上7:12 The great outer square all round was walled with three lines of squared stones and a line of cedar-wood boards, round about the open square inside the house of the Lord and the covered room of the king's house.

王上7:13 所罗门王派人去把户兰从推罗接来。

王上7:13 Then King Solomon sent and got Hiram from Tyre.

王上7:14 户兰是拿弗他利支派中一个寡妇的儿子;他父亲是推罗人,是个铜匠。户兰满有智能、聪明和知识,能作各样铜工;他来到所罗门王那里,作王的一切工作。

王上7:14 He was the son of a widow of the tribe of Naphtali, and his father was a man of Tyre, a worker in brass; he was full of wisdom and knowledge and an expert worker in brass. He came to King Solomon and did all his work for him.

王上7:15 他铸造了两根铜柱,每根高八公尺,圆周五公尺三公寸。

王上7:15 He it was who made the two brass pillars; the first pillar was eighteen cubits high, and a line of twelve cubits went round it; and the second was the same.

王上7:16 他又用铜铸造了两个柱顶,安放在柱头上,每个柱顶高两公尺两公寸。

王上7:16 And he made the two crowns to be put on the tops of the pillars, of brass made soft in the fire; the crowns were five cubits high.

王上7:17 他又为柱头上的柱头顶做了两块网子和辫结成的链子,每个柱顶有七块。

王上7:17 There were nets of open-work for the crowns on the tops of the pillars, a net of open-work for one and a net of open-work for the other.

王上7:18 他又做了两行石榴围绕在柱头上,柱顶的网子上,两个柱顶都是这样。

王上7:18 And he made ornaments of apples; and two lines of apples all round over the network, covering the crowns of the pillars, the two crowns in the same way.

王上7:19 廊子里柱头上的柱顶,刻有百合花细工。

王上7:19 The crowns on the tops of the pillars were ornamented with a design of flowers, and were four cubits across.

王上7:20 两根柱子上柱顶的鼓肚上,网子旁边,各有石榴二百个,分两行环绕着。

王上7:20 And there were crowns on the two pillars near the round part by the network, and there were two hundred apples in lines round every crown.

王上7:21 他把这两根柱子竖立在殿廊的前面。竖立在南边的柱子,他起名叫雅斤;竖立在北面的柱子,起名叫波阿斯。

王上7:21 He put up the pillars at the doorway of the Temple, naming the one on the right Jachin, and that on the left Boaz.

王上7:22 在柱子的上头刻有百合花的细工。这样,做柱子的工作就完成了。

王上7:22 The tops of the pillars had a design of flowers; and the work of making the pillars was complete.

王上7:23 他又铸造了一座圆形的铜海,从这边到那边四公尺四公寸,高两公尺两公寸,圆周十三公尺两公寸。

王上7:23 And he made a great metal water-vessel ten cubits across from edge to edge, five cubits high and thirty cubits round.

王上7:24 在铜海边缘以下有匏瓜围绕着,每四十五公分十个。匏瓜共有两行,是铸造铜海的时候,一并铸造上去的。

王上7:24 And under the edge of it, circling it all round for ten cubits, were two lines of flower buds, made together with it from liquid metal.

王上7:25 铜海安放在十二头铜牛背上,三头向北,三头向西,三头向南,三头向东,铜海是在铜牛之上,牛尾都向内。

王上7:25 It was supported on twelve oxen, with their back parts turned to the middle of it, three of them facing to the north, three to the west, three to the south, and three to the east; the vessel was resting on top of them.

王上7:26 铜海厚七公分半,边缘好像杯子的边缘,又好像百合花蕾,能盛水四万公升。

王上7:26 It was as thick as a man's open hand, and was curved like the edge of a cup, like the flower of a lily: it would take two thousand baths.

王上7:27 他又做了十个铜盆座;每个长一公尺八公寸,宽一公尺八公寸,高一公尺三公寸。

王上7:27 And he made ten wheeled bases of brass; every one four cubits long, four cubits wide, and three cubits high.

王上7:28 盆座的做法是这样:盆座有数边,各边都连接在盆架中。

王上7:28 And the bases were made in this way; their sides were square, fixed in a framework;

王上7:29 在盆架间的各边上,有狮子、牛和基路伯。盆架上有座,狮子和牛的上下都有花纹的浮雕。

王上7:29 And on the square sides between the frames were lions, oxen, and winged ones; and the same on the frame; and over and under the lions and the oxen and the winged ones were steps.

王上7:30 每个盆座都有四个铜轮和铜轴,在盆座以下的四脚上有铸成的支架,各边都刻有花纹。

王上7:30 Every base had four wheels of brass, turning on brass rods, and their four angles had angle-plates under them; the angle-plates under the base were of metal, and there were ornaments at the side of every one.

王上7:31 盆座的口从内缘到顶,高四十五公分。盆口作圆形,照盆架上那座的样式,直径六十六公分。盆口的边上也有雕刻,盆座的边是四方形,不是圆形的。

王上7:31 The mouth of it inside the angle-plate was one cubit across; it was round like a pillar, a cubit and a half across; it had designs cut on it; the sides were square, not round.

王上7:32 盆座的四个轮子是在盆边的下面,轮座与轴相接,每个轮子高六十六公分。

王上7:32 The four wheels were under the frames, and the rods on which the wheels were fixed were in the base; the wheels were a cubit and a half high.

王上7:33 轮子的形状,好像车轮的做法,轮轴、轮辋、轮辐、轮毂都是铸成的。

王上7:33 The wheels were made like carriage-wheels, the rods on which they were fixed, the parts forming their edges, their rods and the middle points of them, were all formed out of liquid metal.

王上7:34 每一个盆座的四角都有四个支架;支架是与盆座一块铸成的。

王上7:34 And there were four angle-plates at the four angles of every base, forming part of the structure of the base.

王上7:35 盆座顶上有一个圆圈,高二十二公分;在盆座顶的座的撑子和边缘是与座一块铸成的。

王上7:35 And at the top of the base there was a round vessel, half a cubit high;

王上7:36 又在撑子和边缘的上面刻有基路伯、狮子和棕树,又在各空处,周围刻上花纹。

王上7:36 In the spaces of the flat sides and on the frames of them, he made designs of winged ones, lions, and palm-trees, with ornamented edges all round.

王上7:37 他这样做了十个盆座,铸法、尺寸和样式都是相同的。

王上7:37 All the ten bases were made in this way, after the same design, of the same size and form.

王上7:38 他又做了十个铜盆,每个铜盆能盛水八百公升;每个铜盆的直径都是一公尺八公寸。在十个盆座上,每个都安放一个铜盆。

王上7:38 And he made ten brass washing-vessels, everyone taking forty baths, and measuring four cubits; one vessel was placed on every one of the ten bases.

王上7:39 他把五个盆座放在殿的南边,五个放在殿的北边,又把铜海放在殿的南边,就是靠东南角的地方。

王上7:39 And he put the bases by the house, five on the right side and five on the left; and he put the great water-vessel on the right side of the house, to the east, facing south.

王上7:40 户兰又做了盆子、铲子和碗。这样,户兰为所罗门王完成了在耶和华的殿里所要作的一切工程。

王上7:40 And Hiram made the pots and spades and the basins. So Hiram came to the end of all the work he did for King Solomon in the house of the Lord:

王上7:41 所做的就是两根柱子和在柱子顶上碗形的柱顶;两块遮盖柱子顶上碗形柱顶的网子;

王上7:41 The two pillars and the two cups of the crowns which were on the tops of the two pillars; and the network covering the two cups of the crowns on the tops of the pillars,

王上7:42 在两块网子上的四百个石榴,每块网子上有两行石榴,遮盖在柱子上头两个碗形的柱顶;

王上7:42 And the four hundred apples for the network, two lines of apples for every network, covering the two cups of the crowns on the pillars;

王上7:43 十个盆座和盆座上的十个铜盆;

王上7:43 And the ten bases, with the ten washing-vessels on them;

王上7:44 一个铜海和铜海下的十二头铜牛;

王上7:44 And the great water-vessel, with the twelve oxen under it;

王上7:45 锅、铲子和盘子。以上这一切器皿都是户兰为所罗门在耶和华的殿里用磨亮的铜做成的。

王上7:45 And the pots and the spades and the basins; all the vessels which Hiram made for King Solomon, for the house of the Lord, were of polished brass.

王上7:46 是王在约旦平原,在疏割与撒拉之间用泥模铸造的。

王上7:46 He made them of liquid metal in the lowland of Jordan, at the way across the river, at Adama, between Succoth and Zarethan.

王上7:47 这一切器皿所罗门都没有称算过;由于数量太多,铜的重量也无法估计。

王上7:47 The weight of all these vessels was not measured, because there was such a number of them; it was not possible to get the weight of the brass.

王上7:48 所罗门又做了耶和华殿里的一切器具,就是金坛和放陈设饼的桌子,

王上7:48 And Solomon had all the vessels made for use in the house of the Lord: the altar of gold and the gold table on which the holy bread was placed;

王上7:49 内殿前面的精金灯台,右边五行,左边五行;还有金花、金灯盏,

王上7:49 And the supports for the lights, five on the right side and five on the left before the inmost room, of clear gold; and the flowers and the lights and all the instruments of gold;

王上7:50 精金的碗盆、烛剪、盘子、调羹和火鼎,内殿至圣所的门框和外殿的门枢。

王上7:50 And the cups and the scissors and the basins and the spoons and the fire-trays, all of gold; and the pins on which the doors were turned, the doors of the inner house, the most holy place, and the doors of the Temple, all of gold.

王上7:51 这样,所罗门为耶和华的殿所作的一切工程都完成了。所罗门把他父亲大卫分别为圣的金银和器皿,都运了来,存放在耶和华殿的库房里。

王上7:51 So all the work King Solomon had done in the house of the Lord was complete. Then Solomon took the holy things which David his father had given, the silver and the gold and all the vessels, and put them in the store-houses of the house of the Lord.

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