1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

罗9:1 我在基督里说的是实话,并没有撒谎,因为我的良心在圣灵里一同为我作证;

罗9:1 I say what is true in Christ, and not what is false, my mind giving witness with me in the Holy Spirit,

罗9:2 我大大忧愁,心里常常伤痛。

罗9:2 That I am full of sorrow and pain without end.

罗9:3 为我的同胞,就是我骨肉之亲,就算自己受咒诅,与基督隔绝,我也甘心。

罗9:3 For I have a desire to take on myself the curse for my brothers, my family in the flesh:

罗9:4 他们是以色列人:嗣子的名分、荣耀、众约、律法、敬拜的礼仪和各样的应许,都是他们的。

罗9:4 Who are Israelites: who have the place of sons, and the glory, and the agreements with God, and the giving of the law, and the worship, and the hope offered by God:

罗9:5 蒙拣选的列祖也是他们的祖宗;按肉身来说,基督也是出自他们这一族。其实,他是在万有之上,永远受称颂的 神。阿们。

罗9:5 Whose are the fathers, and of whom came Christ in the flesh, who is over all, God, to whom be blessing for ever. So be it.

罗9:6 当然,这不是说 神的话落了空,因为出自以色列的,不都是以色列人;

罗9:6 But it is not as if the word of God was without effect. For they are not all Israel, who are of Israel:

罗9:7 也不因为他们是亚伯拉罕的后裔,就都成为他的儿女,只有“以撒生的,才可以称为你的后裔”,

罗9:7 And they are not all children because they are the seed of Abraham; but, In Isaac will your seed be named.

罗9:8 这就是说,肉身生的儿女并不是 神的儿女,只有凭着应许生的儿女才算是后裔。

罗9:8 That is, it is not the children of the flesh, but the children of God's undertaking, who are named as the seed.

罗9:9 因为所应许的话是这样:“明年这个时候我要来,撒拉必定生一个儿子。”

罗9:9 For this is the word of God's undertaking, At this time will I come, and Sarah will have a son.

罗9:10 不但如此,利百加也是这样:既然从一个人,就是从我们的祖宗以撒怀了孕,

罗9:10 And not only so, but Rebecca being about to have a child by our father Isaac--

罗9:11 双生子还没有生下来,善恶也没有行出来(为要坚定 神拣选人的旨意,

罗9:11 Before the children had come into existence, or had done anything good or bad, in order that God's purpose and his selection might be effected, not by works, but by him whose purpose it is,

罗9:12 不是由于行为,而是由于那呼召者), 神就对她说:“将来大的要服事小的。”

罗9:12 It was said to her, The older will be the servant of the younger.

罗9:13 正如经上所记的:“我爱雅各,却恶以扫。”

罗9:13 Even as it is said, I had love for Jacob, but for Esau I had hate.

罗9:14 既是这样,我们可以说什么呢? 神不公平吗?绝对不会!

罗9:14 What may we say then? is God not upright? let it not be said.

罗9:15 因为他对摩西说:“我要怜悯谁,就怜悯谁;我要恩待谁,就恩待谁。”

罗9:15 For he says to Moses, I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and pity on whom I will have pity.

罗9:16 这样看来,既不是出于人意,也不是由于人为,只在于那怜悯人的 神。

罗9:16 So then, it is not by the desire or by the attempt of man, but by the mercy of God.

罗9:17 经上有话对法老说:“我把你兴起来,是要借着你显出我的大能,并且使我的名传遍全地。”

罗9:17 For the holy Writings say to Pharaoh, For this same purpose did I put you on high, so that I might make my power seen in you, and that there might be knowledge of my name through all the earth.

罗9:18 这样看来,他愿意怜悯谁就怜悯谁,愿意谁刚硬就使谁刚硬。

罗9:18 So then, at his pleasure he has mercy on a man, and at his pleasure he makes the heart hard.

罗9:19 这样,你会对我说:“那么他为什么责怪人呢?有谁抗拒他的旨意呢?”

罗9:19 But you will say to me, Why does he still make us responsible? who is able to go against his purpose?

罗9:20 你这个人哪,你是谁,竟敢跟 神顶嘴呢?被造的怎么可以对造他的说:“你为什么把我做成这个样子呢?”

罗9:20 But, O man, who are you, to make answer against God? May the thing which is made say to him who made it, Why did you make me so?

罗9:21 陶匠难道没有权用同一团的泥,又做贵重的、又做卑贱的器皿吗?

罗9:21 Or has not the potter the right to make out of one part of his earth a vessel for honour, and out of another a vessel for shame?

罗9:22 如果 神有意要显明他的忿怒,彰显他的大能,而多多容忍那可怒、预备遭毁灭的器皿,

罗9:22 What if God, desiring to let his wrath and his power be seen, for a long time put up with the vessels of wrath which were ready for destruction:

罗9:23 为了要使他丰盛的荣耀,彰显在那蒙恩、早已预备要得荣耀的器皿上,这又有什么不可呢?

罗9:23 And to make clear the wealth of his glory to vessels of mercy, which he had before made ready for glory,

罗9:24 这器皿就是我们这些不但从犹太人中,也从外族人中蒙召的人。

罗9:24 Even us, who were marked out by him, not only from the Jews, but from the Gentiles?

罗9:25 就如 神在何西阿书上说的:“我要称那不是我子民的为我的子民,那不蒙爱的为蒙爱的;

罗9:25 As he says in Hosea, They will be named my people who were not my people, and she will be loved who was not loved.

罗9:26 从前在什么地方对他们说:你们不是我的子民,将来就在那里称他们为永活 神的儿子。”

罗9:26 And in the place where it was said to them, You are not my people, there they will be named the sons of the living God.

罗9:27 以赛亚指着以色列人大声说:“以色列子孙的数目虽然多如海沙,得救的不过是剩下的余数;

罗9:27 And Isaiah says about Israel, Even if the number of the children of Israel is as the sand of the sea, only a small part will get salvation:

罗9:28 因为主必在地上迅速而彻底地成就他的话。”

罗9:28 For the Lord will give effect to his word on the earth, putting an end to it and cutting it short.

罗9:29 又如以赛亚早已说过的:“如果不是万军之主给我们存留后裔,我们早就像所多玛和蛾摩拉一样了。”

罗9:29 And, as Isaiah had said before, If the Lord of armies had not given us a seed, we would have been like Sodom and Gomorrah.

罗9:30 既是这样,我们还有什么可说的呢?那不追求义的外族人却得了义,就是因信而得的义。

罗9:30 What then may we say? That the nations who did not go after righteousness have got righteousness, even the righteousness which is of faith:

罗9:31 但以色列人追求律法的义(“律法的义”原文作“义的律法”),却达不到律法的要求。

罗9:31 But Israel, going after a law of righteousness, did not get it.

罗9:32 这是什么缘故呢?因为他们不凭信心,只靠行为。他们绊倒在那绊脚石上,

罗9:32 Why? Because they were not searching for it by faith, but by works. They came up against the stone which was in the way;

罗9:33 正如经上所记:“看哪,我在锡安放了一块绊脚石,是绊倒人的盘石;信靠他的人,必不致失望。”

罗9:33 As it is said, See, I am putting in Zion a stone causing a fall, and a rock in the way: but he who has faith in him will not be put to shame.

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