
代上17:1 大卫住在自己宫中的时候,他对拿单先知说:“看哪,我住在香柏木做的王宫,耶和华的约柜却在帐幕里。”

代上17:1 Now when David was living in his house, he said to Nathan the prophet, See, I am living in a house of cedar-wood, but the ark of the Lord's agreement is under the curtains of a tent.

代上17:2 拿单对大卫说:“你可以照你的心意去作,因为 神与你同在。”

代上17:2 And Nathan said to David, Do whatever is in your heart, for God is with you.

代上17:3 当夜, 神的话临到拿单,说:

代上17:3 But that same night, the word of God came to Nathan, saying,

代上17:4 “你去对我的仆人大卫说:‘耶和华这样说:你不可建殿给我居住。

代上17:4 Go and say to David my servant, The Lord says, You are not to make me a house for my living-place:

代上17:5 因为自从我领以色列人上来那天起,直到今日,我都未曾住过殿宇,只是从这帐幕到那帐幕,从这帐棚到那帐棚。

代上17:5 For from the day when I took Israel up, till this day, I have had no house, but have gone from tent to tent, and from living-place to living-place.

代上17:6 我和以色列众人,无论走到什么地方,从没有向以色列的一个士师,就是我所吩咐牧养我的子民的,说:你们为什么不给我建造香柏木的殿宇呢?’

代上17:6 In all the places where I have gone with all Israel, did I ever say to any of the judges of Israel, whom I made the keepers of my people, Why have you not made for me a house of cedar?

代上17:7 现在你要对我的仆人大卫说:‘万军之耶和华这样说:我把你从羊圈中选召出来,使你不再跟随羊群,使你作领袖管治我的子民以色列。

代上17:7 So now, say to my servant David, The Lord of armies says, I took you from the fields, from keeping sheep, so that you might be a ruler over my people Israel;

代上17:8 无论你到哪里去,我总与你同在;在你面前消灭你所有的仇敌;我必使你获得名声,好像世上伟人的名声一样。

代上17:8 And I have been with you wherever you went, cutting off before you all those who were against you; and I will make your name like the name of the greatest ones of the earth.

代上17:9 我要为我的子民以色列人选定一个地方,栽培他们,使他们住在自己的地方,不再受搅扰,也不再像从前被恶徒苦害他们,

代上17:9 And I will make a resting-place for my people Israel, planting them there, so that they may be in the place which is theirs and never again be moved; and never again will they be made waste by evil men, as they were at first,

代上17:10 好像我吩咐士师统治我的子民以色列人的日子一样。我必制伏你所有的仇敌,并且我告诉你,耶和华必为你建立家室。

代上17:10 From the time when I put judges over my people Israel; and I will overcome all those who are against you; and I will make you great and the head of a line of kings.

代上17:11 你的寿数满足,归你列祖那里的时候,我必兴起你的后裔接替你,他是你的众子中的一位;我必坚立他的国。

代上17:11 And when the time comes for you to go to your fathers, I will put in your place your seed after you, one of your sons, and I will make his kingdom strong.

代上17:12 他要为我建造殿宇,我必坚立他的王位,直到永远。

代上17:12 He will be the builder of my house, and I will make the seat of his authority certain for ever.

代上17:13 我要作他的父亲,他要作我的儿子;我的慈爱必不离开他,像离开在你以前的那位一样;

代上17:13 I will be to him a father and he will be to me a son; and I will not take my mercy away from him as I took it from him who was before you;

代上17:14 我却要把他坚立在我的家里和我的国里,直到永远;他的王位必永远坚立。’”

代上17:14 But I will make his place in my house and in my kingdom certain for ever; and the seat of his authority will never be overturned.

代上17:15 拿单就按着这一切话和他所见的一切,告诉了大卫。

代上17:15 So Nathan gave David an account of all these words and this vision.

代上17:16 于是大卫王进去,坐在耶和华面前,说:“耶和华 神啊,我是什么人?我的家算什么,你竟带领我到这个地步?

代上17:16 Then David the king went in and took his seat before the Lord, and said, Who am I, O Lord God, and what is my family, that you have been my guide till now?

代上17:17 神啊,这在你眼中看为小事,你对你仆人的家的未来发出应许!耶和华 神啊,你看我好像一个高贵的人。

代上17:17 And this was only a small thing to you, O God; but your words have even been about the far-off future of your servant's family, looking on me as on one of high position, O Lord God.

代上17:18 你把荣耀加在你仆人身上,我还有什么话可以对你说呢?你认识你的仆人。

代上17:18 What more may David say to you? for you have knowledge of your servant.

代上17:19 耶和华啊,为了你仆人的缘故,也是按着你的心意,你行了这一切大事,为要使人知道这一切大事。

代上17:19 O Lord, because of your servant, and from your heart, you have done all these great things and let them be seen.

代上17:20 耶和华啊,照着我们耳中所听见的,没有谁能与你相比;除你以外,再没有别的神。

代上17:20 O Lord, there is no one like you, and no other God but you, as is clear from everything which has come to our ears.

代上17:21 世上有哪一个国能比得上你的子民以色列呢? 神亲自把他们救赎出来,作自己的子民,又在你从埃及所救赎出来的子民面前驱逐列国,以大而可畏的事建立自己的名。

代上17:21 And what other nation in the earth, like your people Israel, did a god go out to take for himself, to be his people, making his name great and to be feared, driving out the nations from before your people whom you made free and took out of Egypt?

代上17:22 你使你的子民以色列永远作你的子民;耶和华啊,你也作了他们的 神。

代上17:22 For your people Israel you made yours for ever; and you, Lord, became their God.

代上17:23 耶和华啊,现在求你永远坚立你应许你仆人和他的家的话,照着你所说的实行吧。

代上17:23 And now, Lord, let your words about your servant and about his family be made certain for ever, and do as you have said.

代上17:24 愿你的名永远坚立、尊大,以致人人都说:‘万军之耶和华以色列的 神,实在是以色列人的 神。’这样,你仆人大卫的家就在你面前得到坚立了。

代上17:24 So let your words be made certain and your name be made great, when men say, The Lord of armies is the God of Israel; and when the family of David your servant is made strong before you.

代上17:25 我的 神啊,因为你启示了你的仆人,要你的仆人为你建造殿宇,所以你仆人才敢在你面前这样祷告。

代上17:25 For you, O my God, have let your servant see that you will make him head of a line of kings; and so it has come into your servant's heart to make his prayer to you.

代上17:26 耶和华啊,唯有你是 神,你曾应许把这福气赐给你的仆人;

代上17:26 And now, O Lord, you are God, and you have said you will give this good thing to your servant:

代上17:27 现在请你赐福你仆人的家,使它在你面前永远存留。耶和华啊,因为你已经赐福了你仆人的家,它必永远蒙福。”

代上17:27 And now you have been pleased to give your blessing to the family of your servant, so that it may go on for ever before you; you, O Lord, have given your blessing, and a blessing will be on it for ever.

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