
申24:1 “人娶了妻子,得着她以后,如果发现她有丑事,以致不喜悦她,他就可以给她写休书,交在她手里,叫她离开夫家;

申24:1 If a man takes a wife, and after they are married she is unpleasing to him because of some bad quality in her, let him give her a statement in writing and send her away from his house.

申24:2 她离开夫家以后,就可以去再嫁别人。

申24:2 And when she has gone away from him, she may become another man's wife.

申24:3 如果后夫又恨她,也给她写休书,交在她手里,叫她离开他的家;或者娶她为妻的后夫死了;

申24:3 And if the second husband has no love for her and, giving her a statement in writing, sends her away; or if death comes to the second husband to whom she was married;

申24:4 那么,叫她离开的前夫,不可在她受了污辱以后,再娶她为妻,因为这在耶和华面前是可厌可恶的事;你不可使耶和华你的 神赐给你作产业的土地蒙受罪污。

申24:4 Her first husband, who had sent her away, may not take her back after she has been wife to another; for that is disgusting to the Lord: and you are not to be a cause of sin in the land which the Lord your God is giving you for your heritage.

申24:5 “如果人娶了新妇,不可从军出征,也不可派他担任什么公务,他可以在家赋闲一年,使他所娶的妻子快乐。

申24:5 A newly married man will not have to go out with the army or undertake any business, but may be free for one year, living in his house for the comfort of his wife.

申24:6 “不可拿人的磨,或是上磨石作抵押,因为这等于拿人的生命作抵押。

申24:6 No one is to take, on account of a debt, the stones with which grain is crushed: for in doing so he takes a man's living.

申24:7 “如果发现有人拐带了以色列人的一个兄弟,把他当作奴隶看待,或是把他卖了,那拐带人的就要处死;这样,你就把那恶从你中间除掉。

申24:7 If a man takes by force one of his countrymen, the children of Israel, using him as his property or getting a price for him, that thief is to be put to death: so you are to put away evil from among you.

申24:8 “在大痲风的灾病上,你要谨慎自己,照利未支派的祭司指教你们的一切,认真地谨守遵行;我怎样吩咐了他们,你们就要怎样谨守遵行。

申24:8 In connection with the leper's disease, take care to keep and do every detail of the teaching of the priests, the Levites: as I gave them orders, so you are to do.

申24:9 你当记得你们出了埃及,在路上的时候,耶和华你的 神向米利暗所行的事。

申24:9 Keep in mind what the Lord your God did to Miriam on the way, when you came out of Egypt.

申24:10 “如果你借东西给你的邻舍,不论所借的是什么,总不可走进他的家里去拿抵押。

申24:10 If you let your brother have the use of anything which is yours, do not go into his house and take anything of his as a sign of his debt;

申24:11 你要站在外面,等那向你借贷的人把抵押拿出来给你。

申24:11 But keep outside till he comes out and gives it to you.

申24:12 他若是个穷人,你不可留他的抵押过夜。

申24:12 If he is a poor man, do not keep his property all night;

申24:13 到了日落的时候,你要把抵押品还给他,好使他可以用自己的衣服盖着睡觉,他就给你祝福,这在耶和华你的 神面前,就算是你的义了。

申24:13 But be certain to give it back to him when the sun goes down, so that he may have his clothing for sleeping in, and will give you his blessing: and this will be put to your account as righteousness before the Lord your God.

申24:14 “困苦贫穷的雇工,无论是你的兄弟,或是寄居在你的地上你的城里的,你都不可欺压他。

申24:14 Do not be hard on a servant who is poor and in need, if he is one of your countrymen or a man from another nation living with you in your land.

申24:15 你要当日给他工钱,不可等到日落,因为他贫穷,把心放在工钱上,免得他对你不满而呼求耶和华,你就有罪了。

申24:15 Give him his payment day by day, not keeping it back over night; for he is poor and his living is dependent on it; and if his cry against you comes to the ears of the Lord, it will be judged as sin in you.

申24:16 “不可因儿子的罪处死父亲,也不可因父亲的罪处死儿子;各人要因自己的罪被处死。

申24:16 Fathers are not to be put to death for their children or children for their fathers: every man is to be put to death for the sin which he himself has done.

申24:17 “你不可向寄居的和孤儿屈枉正直,也不可拿寡妇的衣服作抵押。

申24:17 Be upright in judging the cause of the man from a strange country and of him who has no father; do not take a widow's clothing on account of a debt:

申24:18 你要记住你在埃及作过奴仆,耶和华你的 神把你从那里救赎出来;所以我吩咐你要遵行这话。

申24:18 But keep in mind that you were a servant in the land of Egypt, and the Lord your God made you free: for this is why I give you orders to do this.

申24:19 “你在田间收割庄稼的时候,如果遗留一捆在田里,就不可再回去拾取,要留给寄居的、孤儿和寡妇;好使耶和华你的 神,在你手里所办的一切事上,赐福给你。

申24:19 When you get in the grain from your field, if some of the grain has been dropped by chance in the field, do not go back and get it, but let it be for the man from a strange land, the child without a father, and the widow: so that the blessing of the Lord your God may be on all the work of your hands.

申24:20 你打橄榄树以后,枝上剩下的不可再打,要留给寄居的、孤儿和寡妇。

申24:20 When you are shaking the fruit from your olive-trees, do not go over the branches a second time: let some be for the man from a strange land, the child without a father, and the widow.

申24:21 你收取葡萄园的葡萄以后,剩下的不可再摘,要留给寄居的、孤儿和寡妇。

申24:21 When you are pulling the grapes from your vines, do not take up those which have been dropped; let them be for the man from a strange land, the child without a father, and the widow.

申24:22 你要记住你在埃及作过奴仆,所以我吩咐你遵行这话。”

申24:22 Keep in mind that you were a servant in the land of Egypt: for this is why I give you orders to do this.

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