
申25:1 “如果人与人之间有争讼的事,就上法庭去;审判官审判他们的时候,要定义人有理,定恶人有罪;

申25:1 If there is an argument between men and they go to law with one another, let the judges give their decision for the upright, and against the wrongdoer.

申25:2 如果有罪的人应受责打,审判官就要叫他伏下,当面按着他的罪,照着数目责打他。

申25:2 And if the wrongdoer is to undergo punishment by whipping, the judge will give orders for him to go down on his face and be whipped before him, the number of the blows being in relation to his crime.

申25:3 只可打他四十下,不可再多;恐怕你多打了他,过了这数目,你的兄弟就在你眼前受辱了。

申25:3 He may be given forty blows, not more; for if more are given, your brother may be shamed before you.

申25:4 “牛在踹谷的时候,不可笼住牠的嘴。

申25:4 Do not keep the ox from taking the grain when he is crushing it.

申25:5 “兄弟住在一起,他们中间如果有一个死了,没有留下儿子,死者的妻子就不可出嫁外人;她丈夫的兄弟要向她尽兄弟的本分,娶她为妻,和她同房。

申25:5 If brothers are living together and one of them, at his death, has no son, the wife of the dead man is not to be married outside the family to another man: let her husband's brother go in to her and make her his wife, doing as it is right for a brother-in-law to do.

申25:6 她所生的长子要归亡兄的名下,免得他的名字从以色列中被涂抹了。

申25:6 Then the first male child she has will take the rights of the brother who is dead, so that his name may not come to an end in Israel.

申25:7 那人如果不喜欢娶他兄弟的妻子,他兄弟的妻子就要到城门去见长老,说:‘我丈夫的兄弟不肯在以色列中为自己的哥哥立名,不肯对我尽兄弟的本分。’

申25:7 But if the man says he will not take his brother's wife, then let the wife go to the responsible men of the town, and say, My husband's brother will not keep his brother's name living in Israel; he will not do what it is right for a husband's brother to do.

申25:8 本城的长老就要把那人叫来,对他说明;如果他坚持说:‘我不乐意娶她’,

申25:8 Then the responsible men of the town will send for the man, and have talk with him: and if he still says, I will not take her;

申25:9 他哥哥的妻子就要当着长老的面前,走到那人跟前,脱去他脚上的鞋子,吐唾沫在他的脸上,说:‘那不为自己哥哥建立家室的,人人都要这样对待他。’

申25:9 Then his brother's wife is to come to him, before the responsible men of the town, and take his shoe off his foot, and put shame on him, and say, So let it be done to the man who will not take care of his brother's name.

申25:10 从此,在以色列中他的名字必称为‘脱鞋者之家’。

申25:10 And his family will be named in Israel, The house of him whose shoe has been taken off.

申25:11 “有两个人在一起打斗,如果其中一人的妻子走前来,要救她的丈夫脱离那打她丈夫的人的手,就伸手抓住那人的下体,

申25:11 If two men are fighting, and the wife of one of them, coming to the help of her husband, takes the other by the private parts;

申25:12 你就要砍掉那妇人的手;你的眼不可顾惜。

申25:12 Her hand is to be cut off; have no pity on her.

申25:13 “你袋里不可有两样不同的法码,一大一小;

申25:13 Do not have in your bag different weights, a great and a small;

申25:14 你家里不可有两样不同的升斗,一大一小。

申25:14 Or in your house different measures, a great and a small.

申25:15 你要有准确公正的法码,你要有准确公正的升斗,好使你在耶和华你的 神赐给你的地上,得享长寿。

申25:15 But have a true weight and a true measure: so that your life may be long in the land which the Lord your God is giving you.

申25:16 因为所有行这些事的,就是行不义的事的,都是耶和华你的 神厌恶的。

申25:16 For all who do such things, and all whose ways are not upright, are disgusting to the Lord your God.

申25:17 “你要记住你们出了埃及以后,亚玛力人在路上怎样对待你;

申25:17 Keep in mind what Amalek did to you on your way from Egypt;

申25:18 怎样在路上遇见了你,趁你疲倦困乏的时候,攻击你后方所有软弱无力的人,并不敬畏 神。

申25:18 How, meeting you on the way, he made an attack on you when you were tired and without strength, cutting off all the feeble ones at the end of your line; and the fear of God was not in him.

申25:19 所以耶和华你的 神使你脱离四围所有的仇敌,在耶和华你的 神赐给你作产业的地上,得享太平的时候,你务要把亚玛力这名号从天下涂抹,不可忘记。”

申25:19 So when the Lord your God has given you rest from all who are against you on every side, in the land which the Lord your God is giving you for your heritage, see to it that the memory of Amalek is cut off from the earth; keep this in mind.

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