
徒2:1 五旬节到了,他们都聚集在一起。

徒2:1 And when the day of Pentecost was come, they were all together in one place.

徒2:2 忽然有一阵好像强风吹过的响声,从天而来,充满了他们坐在里面的整间屋子。

徒2:2 And suddenly there came from heaven a sound like the rushing of a violent wind, and all the house where they were was full of it.

徒2:3 又有火焰般的舌头显现出来,分别落在他们各人身上。

徒2:3 And they saw tongues, like flames of fire, coming to rest on every one of them.

徒2:4 他们都被圣灵充满,就照着圣灵所赐给他们的,用别种的语言说出话来。

徒2:4 And they were all full of the Holy Spirit, and were talking in different languages, as the Spirit gave them power.

徒2:5 那时住在耶路撒冷的,有从天下各国来的虔诚的犹太人。

徒2:5 Now there were living at Jerusalem, Jews, God-fearing men, from every nation under heaven.

徒2:6 这声音一响,许多人都聚了来,人人都听见门徒讲出听众各人本乡的话,就莫名其妙。

徒2:6 And when this sound came to their ears, they all came together, and were greatly surprised because every man was hearing the words of the disciples in his special language.

徒2:7 他们又惊讶、又惊奇,说:“你看,这些说话的,不都是加利利人吗?

徒2:7 And they were full of wonder and said, Are not all these men Galilaeans?

徒2:8 我们各人怎么听见他们讲我们从小所用的本乡话呢?

徒2:8 And how is it that every one of us is hearing their words in the language which was ours from our birth?

徒2:9 我们帕提亚人、玛代人、以拦人和住在美索不达米亚、犹太、加帕多家、本都、亚西亚、

徒2:9 Men of Parthia, Media, and Elam, and those living in Mesopotamia, in Judaea and Cappadocia, in Pontus and Asia,

徒2:10 弗吕家、旁非利亚、埃及,并靠近古利奈的利比亚一带地方的人,客居罗马的犹太人和归信犹太教的人,

徒2:10 In Phrygia and Pamphylia, in Egypt and the parts of Libya about Cyrene, and those who have come from Rome, Jews by birth and others who have become Jews,

徒2:11 克里特人以及阿拉伯人,都听见他们用我们的语言,讲说 神的大作为。”

徒2:11 Men of Crete and Arabia, to all of us they are talking in our different languages, of the great works of God.

徒2:12 众人还在惊讶迷惘的时候,彼此说:“这是什么意思?”

徒2:12 And they were all surprised and in doubt saying to one another, What is the reason of this?

徒2:13 另有些人讥笑说:“他们是给新酒灌醉了。”

徒2:13 But others, making sport of them, said, They are full of new wine.

徒2:14 彼得和十一使徒站起来,他高声对众人说:“犹太人和所有住在耶路撒冷的人哪,你们应当明白这件事,也应该留心听我的话。

徒2:14 But Peter, getting up, with the eleven, said in a loud voice, O men of Judaea, and all you who are living in Jerusalem, take note of this and give ear to my words.

徒2:15 这些人并不是照你们所想的喝醉了,现在不过是上午九点钟罢了。

徒2:15 For these men are not overcome with wine, as it seems to you, for it is only the third hour of the day;

徒2:16 这正是约珥先知所说的:

徒2:16 But this is the thing which was said by the prophet Joel;

徒2:17 ‘ 神说:在末后的日子,我要把我的灵浇灌所有的人,你们的儿女要说预言,你们的青年人要见异象,你们的老年人要作异梦。

徒2:17 And it will come about, in the last days, says God, that I will send out my Spirit on all flesh; and your sons and your daughters will be prophets, and your young men will see visions, and your old men will have dreams:

徒2:18 在那些日子,我也要把我的灵浇灌我的仆人和使女,他们就要说预言。

徒2:18 And on my men-servants and my women-servants I will send my Spirit, and they will be prophets.

徒2:19 我要在天上显出奇事,在地上显出神迹,有血、有火、有烟雾;

徒2:19 And wonders will be seen in heaven, and signs on the earth, blood and fire and smoke:

徒2:20 太阳将变为黑暗,月亮将变为血红,在主伟大显赫的日子临到以前,这一切都要发生。

徒2:20 The sun will become dark and the moon will be turned to blood, before that great day of the Lord comes in glory:

徒2:21 那时,凡求告主名的,都必得救。’

徒2:21 And whoever makes his prayer to the Lord will have salvation.

徒2:22 “以色列人哪,请听听这几句话:正如你们所知道的, 神已经借着拿撒勒人耶稣在你们中间施行了大能、奇事、神迹,向你们证明他是 神所立的。

徒2:22 Men of Israel, give ear to these words: Jesus of Nazareth, a man who had the approval of God, as was made clear to you by the great works and signs and wonders which God did by him among you, as you yourselves have knowledge,

徒2:23 他照着 神的定旨和预知被交了出去,你们就藉不法之徒的手,把他钉死了。

徒2:23 Him, when he was given up, by the decision and knowledge of God, you put to death on the cross, by the hands of evil men:

徒2:24 神却把死的痛苦解除,使他复活了,因为他不能被死亡拘禁。

徒2:24 But God gave him back to life, having made him free from the pains of death because it was not possible for him to be overcome by it.

徒2:25 大卫指着他说:‘我时常看见主在我面前,因他在我右边,我必不会动摇。

徒2:25 For David said of him, I saw the Lord before my face at all times, for he is at my right hand, so that I may not be moved:

徒2:26 为此我的心快乐,我的口舌欢呼,我的肉身也要安居在盼望中。

徒2:26 And for this cause my heart was glad and my tongue full of joy, and my flesh will be resting in hope:

徒2:27 因你必不把我的灵魂撇在阴间,也必不容你的圣者见朽坏。

徒2:27 For you will not let my soul be in hell and you will not give up your Holy One to destruction.

徒2:28 你已经把生命之路指示了我,必使我在你面前有满足的喜乐。’

徒2:28 You have made me see the ways of life; I will be full of joy when I see your face.

徒2:29 “弟兄们,关于祖先大卫的事,我不妨坦白告诉你们,他死了,葬了,直到今日他的坟墓还在我们这里。

徒2:29 My brothers, I may say to you openly that David came to his death, and was put in the earth, and his resting-place is with us today.

徒2:30 他是先知,既然知道 神向他起过誓,要从他的后裔中立一位,坐在他的宝座上,

徒2:30 But being a prophet, and having in mind the oath which God had given to him, that of the fruit of his body one would take his place as a king,

徒2:31 又预先看见了这事,就讲论基督的复活说:‘他不会被撇在阴间,他的肉身也不见朽坏。’

徒2:31 He, having knowledge of the future, was talking of the coming again of Christ from the dead, that he was not kept in hell and his body did not see destruction.

徒2:32 这位耶稣, 神已经使他复活了,我们都是这事的见证人。

徒2:32 This Jesus God has given back to life, of which we all are witnesses.

徒2:33 他既然被高举到 神的右边,从父领受了所应许的圣灵,就把他浇灌下来,这就是你们所看见所听见的。

徒2:33 And so, being lifted up to the right hand of God, and having the Father's word that the Holy Spirit would come, he has sent this thing, which now you see and have knowledge of.

徒2:34 大卫并没有升到天上,他却说:‘主对我主说:你坐在我的右边,

徒2:34 For David has not gone up into heaven, but says, himself, The Lord said to my Lord, Be seated at my right hand,

徒2:35 等我使你的仇敌作你的脚凳。’

徒2:35 Till I put all those who are against you under your feet.

徒2:36 因此,以色列全家应当确实知道,你们钉在十字架上的这位耶稣, 神已经立他为主为基督了。”

徒2:36 For this reason, let all Israel be certain that this Jesus, whom you put to death on the cross, God has made Lord and Christ.

徒2:37 他们听了以后,觉得扎心,就对彼得和其余的使徒说:“弟兄们,我们应当作什么呢?”

徒2:37 Now when these words came to their ears their hearts were troubled, and they said to Peter and the other Apostles, Brothers, what are we to do?

徒2:38 彼得说:“你们应当悔改,并且每一个人都要奉耶稣基督的名受洗,使你们的罪得赦,就必领受所赐的圣灵。

徒2:38 And Peter said, Let your hearts be changed, every one of you, and have baptism in the name of Jesus Christ, for the forgiveness of your sins; and you will have the Holy Spirit given to you.

徒2:39 这应许原是给你们和你们的儿女,以及所有在远方的人,就是给凡是我们主 神召来归他的人。”

徒2:39 For the word of God is for you and for your children and for all those who are far off, even all those who may be marked out by the Lord our God.

徒2:40 彼得还用许多别的话,郑重作证,并且劝勉他们,说:“你们应当救自己脱离这弯曲的世代!”

徒2:40 And with more such words he gave his witness, offering them salvation and saying, Come out from this evil generation.

徒2:41 于是接受他话的人都受了洗,那一天门徒增加了约三千人。

徒2:41 Then those who gave hearing to his words had baptism: and about three thousand souls were joined to them that day.

徒2:42 他们恒心遵守使徒的教训,彼此相通、擘饼和祈祷。

徒2:42 And they kept their attention fixed on the Apostles' teaching and were united together in the taking of broken bread and in prayer.

徒2:43 使徒行了许多奇事神迹,众人就都惧怕。

徒2:43 But fear came on every soul: and all sorts of wonders and signs were done by the Apostles.

徒2:44 所有信的人都在一起,凡物公用,

徒2:44 And all those who were of the faith kept together, and had all things in common;

徒2:45 并且变卖产业和财物,按照各人的需要分给他们。

徒2:45 And exchanging their goods and property for money, they made division of it among them all, as they had need.

徒2:46 他们天天同心在殿里恒切地聚集,一家一家地擘饼,存着欢乐和诚恳的心用饭,

徒2:46 And day by day, going in agreement together regularly to the Temple and, taking broken bread together in their houses, they took their food with joy and with true hearts,

徒2:47 又赞美 神,并且得到全民的喜爱。主将得救的人,天天加给教会。

徒2:47 Giving praise to God, and having the approval of all the people; and every day the number of those who had salvation was increased by the Lord.

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