
徒27:1 他们决定要我们坐船往意大利去,就把保罗和别的囚犯,交给皇家军营里的一个百夫长,名叫犹流。

徒27:1 And when the decision had been made that we were to go by sea to Italy, they gave Paul and certain other prisoners into the care of a captain named Julius, of the Augustan band.

徒27:2 有一艘亚大米田来的船,要开往亚西亚沿岸一带的地方,我们上去,船就开了。跟我们在一起的,还有马其顿的帖撒罗尼迦人亚里达古。

徒27:2 And we went to sea in a ship of Adramyttium which was sailing to the sea towns of Asia, Aristarchus, a Macedonian of Thessalonica, being with us.

徒27:3 第二天到了西顿,犹流宽待保罗,准他去看看朋友,接受他们的招待。

徒27:3 And on the day after, we came to Sidon; and Julius was kind to Paul, and let him go to see his friends and take a rest.

徒27:4 我们又从那里开船,因为逆风,就沿着塞浦路斯背风而行。

徒27:4 And sailing again from there, we went on under cover of Cyprus, because the wind was against us.

徒27:5 渡过基利家和旁非利亚对开的海面,就到了吕家的每拉。

徒27:5 And having gone across the sea off Cilicia and Pamphylia we came to Myra, in Lycia.

徒27:6 百夫长在那里找到一艘亚历山太来的船,要开往意大利去,就叫我们上了那船。

徒27:6 And there the captain came across a ship of Alexandria, sailing for Italy, and put us in it.

徒27:7 一连几天,船都走得很慢,好不容易才到了革尼土的对面。因为有风阻挡着我们,就沿着克里特背风而行,从撒摩尼对面经过,

徒27:7 And when we had gone on slowly for a long time, and had had hard work getting across to Cnidus, for the wind was against us, we went under cover of Crete, in the direction of Salmone;

徒27:8 沿着海岸行驶,航程很艰难,后来才到了靠近拉西亚城一个名叫美港的地方。

徒27:8 And sailing down the side of it, as well as we were able, we came to a certain place named Fair Havens, near which was the town of Lasea.

徒27:9 过了相当的时候,连禁食节也过去了,所以航行很危险,保罗就劝告他们,说:

徒27:9 And as a long time had gone by, and the journey was now full of danger, because it was late in the year, Paul put the position before them,

徒27:10 “各位,我看这次航行,不单货物和船只要遭到损失,大受破坏,连我们的性命也难保。”

徒27:10 Saying, Friends, I see that this journey will be one of great damage and loss, not only to the goods and the ship, but to ourselves.

徒27:11 但百夫长宁愿相信船长和船主的话,却不相信保罗所说的。

徒27:11 But the captain gave more attention to the master and the owner of the ship than to what Paul said.

徒27:12 而且这港口不适宜过冬,所以大多数人主张离开那里,也许可以到非尼基去过冬。非尼基是克里特的一个港口,一面向西南,一面向西北。

徒27:12 And as the harbour was not a good one in which to be for the winter, the greater number of them were for going out to sea, in order, if possible, to put in for the winter at Phoenix, a harbour of Crete, looking to the north-east and south-east.

徒27:13 这时南风徐徐地吹来,他们以为风势有利,就起锚沿着克里特航行。

徒27:13 And when the south wind came softly, being of the opinion that their purpose might be effected, they let the ship go and went sailing down the side of Crete, very near to the land.

徒27:14 可是过了不久,有一股名叫“友拉革罗”(“友拉革罗”意即“东北风”)的飓风,向岛上吹袭。

徒27:14 But after a little time, a very violent wind, named Euraquilo, came down from it with great force.

徒27:15 船给风困住了,不能迎风前行,只好随着风向飘流。

徒27:15 And when the ship got into the grip of it, and was not able to make headway into the wind, we gave way, and went before it.

徒27:16 有一个小岛名叫高达,我们就在这岛的背风岸急航,好不容易才把救生艇拉住。

徒27:16 And, sailing near the side of a small island named Cauda, we were able, though it was hard work, to make the ship's boat safe:

徒27:17 水手把艇拉上来,用缆索绕过船身捆好。他们怕船在赛耳底搁浅,就收下船帆,任船飘流。

徒27:17 And having got it up, they put cords under and round the ship; but fearing that they might be pushed on to the Syrtis, they let down the sails and so went running before the wind.

徒27:18 风浪把我们颠簸得很厉害,第二天他们就把货物抛在海里,

徒27:18 And, still fighting the storm with all our strength, the day after they made a start at getting the goods out of the ship;

徒27:19 第三天又亲手把船上的用具扔掉。

徒27:19 And on the third day, they let all the sailing apparatus go over the side.

徒27:20 好几天,都看不见星星和太阳,狂风大浪催逼着我们,这样看来,我们连生还的希望都没有了。

徒27:20 And as we had not seen the sun or stars for a long time, and a great storm was on us, all hope of salvation was gone.

徒27:21 大家很久没有吃饭了,保罗就站在他们中间,说:“各位,你们本来应该听我的话不离开克里特,就不会遭受这场损失和破坏了。

徒27:21 And when they had been without food for a long time, Paul got up among them and said, Friends, it would have been better if you had given attention to me and not gone sailing out from Crete, to undergo this damage and loss.

徒27:22 现在我劝你们放心。除了这艘船以外,你们没有一个人会丧命的。

徒27:22 But now, I say to you, be of good heart, for there will be no loss of life, but only of the ship.

徒27:23 因为我所归属所事奉的 神,他的使者昨天夜里站在我的旁边,说:

徒27:23 For this night there came to my side an angel of the God who is my Master and whose servant I am,

徒27:24 ‘保罗,不要怕。你必定可以站在凯撒面前; 神已经把那些和你同船的人赐给你了。’

徒27:24 Saying, Have no fear, Paul, for you will come before Caesar, and God has given to you all those who are sailing with you.

徒27:25 所以,各位请放心。我相信 神对我怎样说,也必怎样成就。

徒27:25 And so, O men, be of good heart, for I have faith in God that it will be as he said to me.

徒27:26 不过我们必会搁浅在一个海岛上。”

徒27:26 But we will be sent on to a certain island.

徒27:27 到了第十四天的晚上,我们在亚得里亚海飘来飘去。约在半夜的时候,水手以为接近了陆地,

徒27:27 But when the fourteenth day came, while we were going here and there in the Adriatic sea, about the middle of the night the sailors had an idea that they were getting near land;

徒27:28 就探测一下,深三十六公尺;稍往前行,再探测一下,深二十七公尺。

徒27:28 And they let down the lead, and saw that the sea was a hundred and twenty feet deep; and after a little time they did it again and it was ninety feet.

徒27:29 他们怕我们会在乱石上搁浅,就从船尾抛下四个锚,期待着天亮。

徒27:29 Then, fearing that by chance we might come on to the rocks, they let down four hooks from the back of the ship, and made prayers for the coming of day.

徒27:30 水手们想要离船逃走,就把救生艇放在海上,假装要从船头抛锚的样子。

徒27:30 Then the sailors made attempts secretly to get away from the ship, letting down a boat as if they were about to put down hooks from the front of the ship;

徒27:31 保罗对百夫长和士兵说:“这些人若不留在船上,你们就性命难保!”

徒27:31 But Paul said to the captain and his men, If you do not keep these men in the ship, you will not be safe.

徒27:32 于是士兵砍断救生艇的绳子,任它掉下去。

徒27:32 Then the armed men, cutting the cords of the boat, let her go.

徒27:33 天快亮的时候,保罗劝大家吃饭,说:“你们一直不吃东西,挨饿苦候,到今天已经十四天了!

徒27:33 And when dawn was near, Paul gave them all orders to take food, saying, This is the fourteenth day you have been waiting and taking no food.

徒27:34 所以,我劝你们吃点饭,这可以维持你们的性命!因为你们没有人会失掉一根头发。”

徒27:34 So I make request to you to take food; for this is for your salvation: not a hair from the head of any of you will come to destruction.

徒27:35 保罗说了这话,就拿起饼来,在众人面前感谢 神,然后擘开来吃。

徒27:35 And when he had said this and had taken bread, he gave praise to God before them all, and took a meal of the broken bread.

徒27:36 于是大家都安心吃饭了。

徒27:36 Then they all took heart and did the same.

徒27:37 我们在船上的共有二百七十六人,

徒27:37 And we were, in the ship, two hundred and seventy-six persons.

徒27:38 大家吃饱了,把麦子抛在海里,好减轻船的负荷。

徒27:38 And when they had had enough food, they made the weight of the ship less, turning the grain out into the sea.

徒27:39 天亮的时候,他们不认得那个地方,只看见一个可以登岸的海湾,就有意尽可能把船拢岸。

徒27:39 And when it was day, they had no knowledge of the land, but they saw an inlet of the sea with a floor of sand, and they had the idea of driving the ship up on to it if possible.

徒27:40 于是把锚砍掉,丢在海里,同时又松开舵绳,拉起前帆,顺风向岸驶去。

徒27:40 So cutting away the hooks, and letting them go into the sea, and freeing the cords of the guiding-blades, and lifting up the sail to the wind, they went in the direction of the inlet.

徒27:41 但在海水夹流的地方,船就搁了浅,船头胶着不动,船尾被海浪冲击,就损坏了。

徒27:41 And coming to a point between two seas, they got the ship to land; and the front part was fixed in the sand and not able to be moved, but the back part was broken by the force of the waves.

徒27:42 士兵想把囚犯都杀掉,免得有人游泳逃脱。

徒27:42 Then the armed men were for putting the prisoners to death, so that no one would get away by swimming.

徒27:43 但百夫长想要救保罗,就阻止他们这样行。他吩咐会游泳的跳下水去,先到岸上,

徒27:43 But the captain, desiring to keep Paul safe, kept them from their purpose, and gave orders that those who had knowledge of swimming were to go off the ship and get first to land:

徒27:44 其余的人可以用木板,或船上的器具上岸。这样,大家都安全地上岸了。

徒27:44 And the rest, some on boards and some on things from the ship. And so it came about that they all got safe to land.

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