
创27:1 以撒年老,眼睛昏花,看不见东西了;他把他的大儿子以扫叫了来,对他说:“我儿啊!”以扫回答他:“我在这里。”

创27:1 Now when Isaac was old and his eyes had become clouded so that he was not able to see, he sent for Esau, his first son, and said to him, My son: and he said, Here am I.

创27:2 以撒说:“现在我已经老了,不知道什么时候会死。

创27:2 And he said, See now, I am old, and my death may take place at any time:

创27:3 你现在拿你打猎的用具,就是你的箭囊和弓,出到田野去为我打猎。

创27:3 So take your arrows and your bow and go out to the field and get meat for me;

创27:4 照我所喜欢的,给我预备美味的食物,拿来给我吃;好让我在未死以前给你祝福。”

创27:4 And make me food, good to the taste, such as is pleasing to me, and put it before me, so that I may have a meal and give you my blessing before death comes to me.

创27:5 以撒对他儿子以扫说话的时候,利百加也听见。以扫到田野去打猎,要带些野味回来。

创27:5 Now Isaac's words to his son were said in Rebekah's hearing. Then Esau went out to get the meat.

创27:6 利百加就对她儿子雅各说:“我听见你父亲对你的哥哥以扫这样说:

创27:6 And Rebekah said to Jacob, her son, Your father said to your brother Esau in my hearing,

创27:7 ‘你去为我打些猎物回来,给我预备美味的食物,让我吃了,在我未死以前可以在耶和华面前给你祝福。’

创27:7 Go and get some roe's meat and make me a good meal, so that I may be full, and give you my blessing before the Lord before my death.

创27:8 我儿啊,现在你要听我的话,照着我吩咐你的去作。

创27:8 Now, my son, do what I say.

创27:9 你快到羊群那里去,给我牵两只肥嫩的小山羊来,我要照你父亲所喜欢的,给他预备美味的食物。

创27:9 Go to the flock and get me two fat young goats; and I will make of them a meal to your father's taste:

创27:10 然后你要拿去给你父亲吃,好让他在未死以前给你祝福。”

创27:10 And you will take it to him, so that he may have a good meal and give you his blessing before his death.

创27:11 雅各对他的母亲利百加说:“但是哥哥以扫浑身是毛,而我却是个皮肤光滑的人。

创27:11 And Jacob said to Rebekah, his mother, But Esau my brother is covered with hair, while I am smooth:

创27:12 万一我父亲摸着我,必以为我是骗子,那时我就必自招咒诅,而不是祝福了。”

创27:12 If by chance my father puts his hand on me, it will seem to him that I am tricking him, and he will put a curse on me in place of a blessing.

创27:13 他母亲对他说:“我儿啊,愿你所招的咒诅归到我身上吧,你只管听我的话,去把羊牵来给我。”

创27:13 And his mother said, Let the curse be on me, my son: only do as I say, and go and get them for me.

创27:14 他就去把羊羔牵来,交给他母亲,他母亲就照他父亲所喜欢的,预备美味的食物。

创27:14 So he went and got them and took them to his mother: and she made a meal to his father's taste.

创27:15 利百加又把大儿子以扫留在家里最好的衣服拿来,给她小儿子雅各穿上。

创27:15 And Rebekah took the fair robes of her oldest son, which were with her in the house, and put them on Jacob, her younger son:

创27:16 又用小山羊的皮,包在雅各的手上和他颈上光滑的地方。

创27:16 And she put the skins of the young goats on his hands and on the smooth part of his neck:

创27:17 然后,她把自己所预备美味的食物和饼,放在她儿子雅各的手里。

创27:17 And she gave into the hand of Jacob, her son, the meat and the bread which she had made ready.

创27:18 雅各来到他父亲那里,说:“我父啊!”以撒说:“我在这里,我儿啊,你是谁?”

创27:18 And he came to his father, and said, My father: and he said, Here am I: who are you, my son?

创27:19 雅各对他父亲说:“我就是你的长子以扫,你吩咐我作的,我已经照样作了。请坐起来,吃我的猎物,好给我祝福。”

创27:19 And Jacob said, I am Esau, your oldest son; I have done as you said: come now, be seated and take of my meat, so that you may give me a blessing.

创27:20 以撒问他的儿子:“我儿啊,你怎么这样快就猎到了呢?”雅各回答:“因为耶和华你的 神叫我碰着好机会。”

创27:20 And Isaac said, How is it that you have got it so quickly, my son? And he said, Because the Lord your God made it come my way.

创27:21 以撒对雅各说:“我儿啊,你上前来,让我摸摸你,看看你是不是我的儿子以扫。”

创27:21 And Isaac said, Come near so that I may put my hand on you, my son, and see if you are truly my son Esau or not.

创27:22 雅各就走近他父亲以撒身边,以撒摸着他,说:“声音是雅各的声音,手却是以扫的手。”

创27:22 And Jacob went near his father Isaac: and he put his hands on him; and he said, The voice is Jacob's voice, but the hands are the hands of Esau.

创27:23 以撒认不出他来,因为他的手上有毛,好像他哥哥以扫的手一样,于是给他祝福。

创27:23 And he did not make out who he was, because his hands were covered with hair like his brother Esau's hands: so he gave him a blessing.

创27:24 以撒问:“你真是我的儿子以扫吗?”他回答:“我是。”

创27:24 And he said, Are you truly my son Esau? And he said, I am.

创27:25 以撒说:“把食物递给我,好让我吃我儿子的猎物,我就给你祝福。”雅各把食物递给他,他就吃了;又拿酒给他,他也喝了。

创27:25 And he said, Put it before me and I will take of my son's meat, so that I may give you a blessing. And he put it before him and he took it; and he gave him wine, and he had a drink.

创27:26 他父亲以撒对他说:“我儿啊,你上前来,和我亲嘴。”

创27:26 And his father Isaac said to him, Come near now, my son, and give me a kiss.

创27:27 他就上前和父亲亲嘴;他父亲一闻到他衣服的香气,就给他祝福,说:“看哪,我儿子的香气,好像蒙耶和华赐福的田地所发出的香气一样。

创27:27 And he came near and gave him a kiss; and smelling the smell of his clothing, he gave him a blessing, and said, See, the smell of my son is like the smell of a field on which the blessing of the Lord has come:

创27:28 愿 神赐给你天上的甘露,地上的沃土,以及大量五谷和美酒。

创27:28 May God give you the dew of heaven, and the good things of the earth, and grain and wine in full measure:

创27:29 愿万民服事你,愿万族向你下拜,愿你作你兄弟的主人,愿你母亲的子孙向你下拜。咒诅你的,愿他受咒诅;给你祝福的,愿他蒙福。”

创27:29 Let peoples be your servants, and nations go down before you: be lord over your brothers, and let your mother's sons go down before you: a curse be on everyone by whom you are cursed, and a blessing on those who give you a blessing.

创27:30 以撒给雅各祝福完了,雅各刚刚从他父亲以撒那里出来的时候,他哥哥以扫就打猎回来了。

创27:30 And when Isaac had come to the end of blessing Jacob, and Jacob had not long gone away from Isaac his father, Esau came in from the field.

创27:31 他也预备了美味的食物,拿来给他父亲,对他说:“请我父起来,吃你儿子的猎物,好给我祝福。”

创27:31 And he made ready a meal, good to the taste, and took it to his father, and said to him, Let my father get up and take of his son's meat, so that you may give me a blessing.

创27:32 他父亲以撒问他:“你是谁?”他回答:“我就是你的长子以扫。”

创27:32 And Isaac his father said to him, Who are you? And he said, I am your oldest son, Esau.

创27:33 以撒就大大地战兢起来,说:“那么,刚才去打猎又拿猎物给我的是谁呢?在你未来以先,我已经吃了,又给他祝福了;他将来必定蒙福。”

创27:33 And in great fear Isaac said, Who then is he who got meat and put it before me, and I took it all before you came, and gave him a blessing, and his it will be?

创27:34 以扫听了他父亲的话,就非常痛心,放声大哭,对他父亲说:“我父啊,求你也给我祝福。”

创27:34 And hearing the words of his father, Esau gave a great and bitter cry, and said to his father, Give a blessing to me, even to me, O my father!

创27:35 以撒说:“你弟弟已经前来,用诡计把你的祝福夺去了。”

创27:35 And he said, Your brother came with deceit, and took away your blessing.

创27:36 以扫说:“他名叫雅各不是很对吗?因为他欺骗了我两次。从前他夺去我的长子名分,现在他又夺去我的祝福。”以扫又说:“你再没有祝福留给我吗?”

创27:36 And he said, Is it because he is named Jacob that he has twice taken my place? for he took away my birthright, and now he has taken away my blessing. And he said, Have you not kept a blessing for me?

创27:37 以撒回答以扫,说:“我已经立他作你的主人,又把他所有的兄弟给了他作仆人,并且把五谷和美酒供给他了。我儿啊,我还可以为你作什么呢?”

创27:37 And Isaac answering said, But I have made him your master, and have given him all his brothers for servants; I have made him strong with grain and wine: what then am I to do for you, my son?

创27:38 以扫问他的父亲:“我父啊,你只有一个祝福吗?我父啊,求你也给我祝福。”以扫就放声大哭。

创27:38 And Esau said to his father, Is that the only blessing you have, my father? give a blessing to me, even me! And Esau was overcome with weeping.

创27:39 他父亲以撒回答他,说:“你住的地方必远离地上的沃土,远离天上的甘露。

创27:39 Then Isaac his father made answer and said to him, Far from the fertile places of the earth, and far from the dew of heaven on high will your living-place be:

创27:40 你必依靠刀剑生活,你必服事你的弟弟;到你自由的时候,你必从你的颈项上挣脱他的轭。”

创27:40 By your sword will you get your living and you will be your brother's servant; but when your power is increased his yoke will be broken from off your neck.

创27:41 以扫因为他父亲给雅各所祝的福,就怀恨雅各;以扫心里想:“为我父亲守丧的时候近了,到时我必杀我的弟弟雅各。”

创27:41 So Esau was full of hate for Jacob because of his father's blessing; and he said in his heart, The days of weeping for my father are near; then I will put my brother Jacob to death.

创27:42 有人把利百加大儿子以扫所说的话告诉了利百加,她就派人把她小儿子雅各叫了来,对他说:“你哥哥以扫想要杀你,报仇雪恨。

创27:42 Then Rebekah, hearing what Esau had said, sent for Jacob, her younger son, and said to him, It seems that your brother Esau is purposing to put you to death.

创27:43 我儿啊,现在你要听我的话;起来,逃到哈兰我哥哥拉班那里去吧。

创27:43 So now, my son, do what I say: go quickly to Haran, to my brother Laban;

创27:44 与他住些时日,等到你哥哥的怒气消了。

创27:44 And be there with him for a little time, till your brother's wrath is turned away;

创27:45 你哥哥对你消了怒气,忘记了你对他所作的事,我就派人去把你从那里接回来。我何必在一日之内丧失你们两个呢?”

创27:45 Till the memory of what you have done to him is past and he is no longer angry: then I will send word for you to come back; are the two of you to be taken from me in one day?

创27:46 利百加对以撒说:“我因为这些赫人女子,连性命都厌恶了。如果雅各也从这地的女子中,娶了像这样的赫人女子为妻,那我活着还有什么意思呢?”

创27:46 Then Rebekah said to Isaac, My life is a weariness to me because of the daughters of Heth: if Jacob takes a wife from among the daughters of Heth, such as these, the women of this land, of what use will my life be to me?

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