
伯33:1 “可是,约伯啊,请听我的言语,留心听我的一切话。

伯33:1 And now, O Job, give ear to my words, and take note of all I say.

伯33:2 我现在开口,用舌头发言;

伯33:2 See, now my mouth is open, my tongue gives out words.

伯33:3 我的话表明我心中的正直,我所知道的,我的嘴唇就诚诚实实地说出来。

伯33:3 My heart is overflowing with knowledge, my lips say what is true.

伯33:4 神的灵创造了我,全能者的气使我存活。

伯33:4 The spirit of God has made me, and the breath of the Ruler of all gives me life.

伯33:5 你若能够办得到,就回答我,用话语攻击我,表明立场,当面攻击我。

伯33:5 If you are able, give me an answer; put your cause in order, and come forward.

伯33:6 在 神面前我与你一样,也是用土捏造的。

伯33:6 See, I am the same as you are in the eyes of God; I was cut off from the same bit of wet earth.

伯33:7 我的威严必不惊吓你,我的压力也不加重在你身上。

伯33:7 Fear of me will not overcome you, and my hand will not be hard on you.

伯33:8 你所说的,我已经听见了,也听到你言语的声音,说:

伯33:8 But you said in my hearing, and your voice came to my ears:

伯33:9 ‘我是洁净的,毫无过犯;我是清白的,没有罪孽。

伯33:9 I am clean, without sin; I am washed, and there is no evil in me:

伯33:10 神找机会攻击我,把我当作仇敌;

伯33:10 See, he is looking for something against me; in his eyes I am as one of his haters;

伯33:11 他把我的两脚上了木狗,又鉴察我一切所行的。’

伯33:11 He puts chains on my feet; he is watching all my ways.

伯33:12 我要告诉你,你这话错了,因为 神比世人大。

伯33:12 Truly, in saying this you are wrong; for God is greater than man.

伯33:13 你为什么对 神争辩,说:‘无论世人的什么话,他都不回答’呢?

伯33:13 Why do you put forward your cause against him, saying, He gives no answer to any of my words?

伯33:14 原来 神用这个方法或那个方法说了,只是,世人没有留意。

伯33:14 For God gives his word in one way, even in two, and man is not conscious of it:

伯33:15 世人都在床上打盹,沉睡临到他们的时候, 神用异梦与夜间的异象,

伯33:15 In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep comes on men, while they take their rest on their beds;

伯33:16 告诉他们,他坚定他们所得的训诲,

伯33:16 Then he makes his secrets clear to men, so that they are full of fear at what they see;

伯33:17 好叫人离开自己的恶行,又叫人与骄傲隔绝,

伯33:17 In order that man may be turned from his evil works, and that pride may be taken away from him;

伯33:18 拦阻人的性命不下在坑里,又阻止他的生命不死在刀下。

伯33:18 To keep back his soul from the underworld, and his life from destruction.

伯33:19 人在床上被痛苦惩治,他的骨头不住地痛苦挣扎,

伯33:19 Pain is sent on him as a punishment, while he is on his bed; there is no end to the trouble in his bones;

伯33:20 以致他的生命厌恶食物,他的胃口也厌恶美食,

伯33:20 He has no desire for food, and his soul is turned away from delicate meat;

伯33:21 他的肌肉消瘦以致看不见,以前看不见的骨头,现在都凸出来。

伯33:21 His flesh is so wasted away, that it may not be seen, and his bones. ...

伯33:22 他的性命接近深坑,他的生命靠近灭命的天使。

伯33:22 And his soul comes near to the underworld, and his life to the angels of death.

伯33:23 在一千位天使之中,若有一位作人的中保,指示人当行的事,

伯33:23 If now there may be an angel sent to him, one of the thousands which there are to be between him and God, and to make clear to man what is right for him;

伯33:24 恩待他,说:‘救赎他免下深坑;我已经得到了赎价。’

伯33:24 And if he has mercy on him, and says, Let him not go down to the underworld, I have given the price for his life:

伯33:25 他的肌肉就比孩童的更嫩,他更恢复满有青春活力的日子。

伯33:25 Then his flesh becomes young again, and he comes back to the days of his early strength;

伯33:26 他向 神祈求, 神就喜悦他,他也欢呼着朝见 神的面,人又恢复自己的义。

伯33:26 He makes his prayer to God, and he has mercy on him; he sees God's face with cries of joy; he gives news of his righteousness to men;

伯33:27 他在人面前歌唱,说:‘我犯了罪,颠倒是非,但我没有受到应得的报应。

伯33:27 He makes a song, saying, I did wrong, turning from the straight way, but he did not give me the reward of my sin.

伯33:28 他救赎我的性命免入深坑,我的生命必得见光明。’

伯33:28 He kept my soul from the underworld, and my life sees the light in full measure.

伯33:29 神总是三番四次,向人行这一切事,

伯33:29 Truly, God does all these things to man, twice and three times,

伯33:30 要把人的性命从深坑里救回来,好使活人之光光照他。

伯33:30 Keeping back his soul from the underworld, so that he may see the light of life.

伯33:31 约伯啊,你当留心听我,当默不作声,我要说话。

伯33:31 Take note O Job, give ear to me; keep quiet, while I say what is in my mind.

伯33:32 你若有话说,就请回答我;你只管说吧,因为我愿意以你为义。

伯33:32 If you have anything to say, give me an answer; for it is my desire that you may be judged free from sin.

伯33:33 你若没有话说,就要听我说,你当默不作声,我就把智慧教导你。”

伯33:33 If not, give attention to me, and keep quiet, and I will give you wisdom.

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