
赛8:1 耶和华对我说:“你拿一块大版,用通用的文字写上‘玛黑珥.色拉勒.哈施.罢斯’(“玛黑珥.色拉勒.哈施.罢斯”意即“赶快掳掠,急速夺取”)。

赛8:1 And the Lord said to me, Take a great writing-board, and on it put down in common letters, Maher-shalal-hash-baz;

赛8:2 我要叫两个诚实的见证人,就是乌利亚祭司和耶比利家的儿子撒迦利亚,来为我作见证。”

赛8:2 And take true witnesses to the writing, Uriah the priest, and Zechariah, the son of Jeberechiah.

赛8:3 我亲近了女先知,就是我妻子,她就怀孕生子。耶和华对我说:“给他起名叫‘玛黑珥.色拉勒.哈施.罢斯’,

赛8:3 And I went in to my wife, and she became with child, and gave birth to a son. Then the Lord said to me, Give him the name Maher-shalal-hash-baz,

赛8:4 因为在这孩子晓得喊叫父母以先,大马士革的财宝和撒玛利亚的掳物,必在亚述王面前被搬了去。”

赛8:4 For before the child is able to say, Father, or, Mother, the wealth of Damascus and the goods of Samaria will be taken away by the king of Assyria.

赛8:5 耶和华又再告诉我说:

赛8:5 And the Lord said again to me,

赛8:6 “这子民既然厌弃了西罗亚缓流的水,却喜悦利汛和利玛利的儿子,

赛8:6 Because this people will have nothing to do with the softly-flowing waters of Shiloah, and have fear of Rezin and Remaliah's son;

赛8:7 因此,主必使大河又强又大的水临到他们,就是亚述王和他一切威荣,水必涨起来,高过所有的水道;水要泛滥,漫过所有的河岸;

赛8:7 For this cause the Lord is sending on them the waters of the River, deep and strong, even the king of Assyria and all his glory: and it will come up through all its streams, overflowing all its edges:

赛8:8 然后必冲入犹大,涨溢泛滥,直到颈项,以马内利啊!它展开的翅膀必遮遍你广阔的地土。”

赛8:8 And it will come on into Judah; rushing on and overflowing, till the waters are up to the neck; *** and his outstretched wings will be covering the land from side to side: for God is with us.

赛8:9 列国之民啊!你们尽管作恶,但你们终必毁灭!所有在远处的人民啊,要留心听!你们尽管束腰吧,你们终必毁灭!你们尽管束腰吧,你们终必毁灭!

赛8:9 Have knowledge, O peoples, and be in fear; give ear, all you far-off parts of the earth:

赛8:10 你们尽管计划阴谋吧,这些终必失败;你们尽管提议吧,这些终必不能成立,因为 神与我们同在。

赛8:10 Let your designs be formed, and they will come to nothing; give your orders, and they will not be effected: for God is with us.

赛8:11 耶和华以大能的手托住我,教导我不要走这子民所走的道路;他对我这样说:

赛8:11 For the Lord, controlling me with a strong hand, gave me orders not to go in the way of this people, saying,

赛8:12 “这子民所称为阴谋的,你们都不要称为阴谋;他们所怕的,你们不要怕,也不要畏惧。

赛8:12 Do not say, It is holy, about everything of which this people says, It is holy; and do not be in fear of what they go in fear of.

赛8:13 你们要尊万军之耶和华为圣,他是你们当怕的,也是你们当畏惧的。

赛8:13 But let the Lord of armies be holy to you, and go in fear of him, giving honour to him.

赛8:14 他必向信靠他的人作圣所,却向以色列两家作绊脚的石头、跌人的盘石;又向耶路撒冷的居民作陷阱和网罗。

赛8:14 And he will be for a holy place: but for a stone of falling and a rock of trouble to the two houses of Israel, and to the men of Jerusalem, for a net in which they may be taken.

赛8:15 许多人必在其上绊跌、仆倒、跌碎,并且陷入网罗被捉住。”

赛8:15 And numbers of them, falling on the stone, will be broken, and will be taken in the net.

赛8:16 你要卷起律法书,在我的门徒中间封住训诲。

赛8:16 Let my teaching be kept secret: and my words be given to my disciples only.

赛8:17 我要等候那掩面不顾雅各家的耶和华,我要仰视他。

赛8:17 And I will be waiting for the Lord, whose face is veiled from the house of Jacob, and I will be looking for him.

赛8:18 看哪!我和耶和华赐给我的孩子,在以色列中作预兆与奇迹,都是从住在锡安山的万军之耶和华来的。

赛8:18 See, I and the children whom the Lord has given me, are for signs and for wonders in Israel from the Lord of armies, whose resting-place is in Mount Zion.

赛8:19 有人对你们说:“要求问那些交鬼的和行巫术的,就是那些喃喃细语的人。”一族之民不应当求问自己的 神吗?他们怎能为活人求问死人呢?

赛8:19 And when they say to you, Make request for us to those who have control of spirits, and to those wise in secret arts, who make hollow bird-like sounds; is it not right for a people to make request to their gods, to make request for the living to the dead?

赛8:20 他们应当求问 神的训诲和法度;他们若不照着这些准则说话,就见不到曙光。

赛8:20 Then say to them, Put your faith in the teaching and the witness. ... If they do not say such things. ... For him there is no dawn. ...

赛8:21 他们必经过这地,受困迫、受饥饿;他们饥饿的时候,就恼怒,咒骂自己的王和自己的 神;

赛8:21 And he will go through the land in bitter trouble and in need of food; and when he is unable to get food, he will become angry, cursing his king and his God, and his eyes will be turned to heaven on high;

赛8:22 他们仰脸向天观望,又俯视大地,只见困苦、黑暗、可怕的幽暗;他们必被赶入幽黑的黑暗中。

赛8:22 And he will be looking down on the earth, and there will be trouble and dark clouds, black night where there is no seeing.

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