
赛21:1 关于海旁旷野的默示:有敌人从旷野,从可怕之地而来,好像南地的暴风猛烈扫过一般。

赛21:1 The word about the waste land. As storm-winds in the South go rushing through, it comes from the waste land, from the land greatly to be feared.

赛21:2 我被指示去看一个惨酷的异象:那行诡诈的仍然行诡诈,那行破坏的仍然行破坏。以拦哪,上去吧!玛代啊,围攻吧!我要使一切叹息止住。

赛21:2 A vision of fear comes before my eyes; the worker of deceit goes on in his false way, and the waster goes on making waste. Up! Elam; to the attack! Media; I have put an end to her sorrow.

赛21:3 因此,我满腰疼痛,痛苦抓住我,好像产妇的痛苦一样;我绞痛弯腰至听不见,我惊惶至看不到。

赛21:3 For this cause I am full of bitter grief; pains like the pains of a woman in childbirth have come on me: I am bent down with sorrow at what comes to my ears; I am shocked by what I see.

赛21:4 我的心迷糊,惊恐威吓着我;我所爱慕的黄昏,竟使我战兢。

赛21:4 My mind is wandering, fear has overcome me: the evening of my desire has been turned into shaking for me.

赛21:5 他们摆设筵席,铺张地毡,又吃又喝。领袖们,起来吧!用油抹净盾牌。

赛21:5 They make ready the table, they put down the covers, they take food and drink. Up! you captains; put oil on your breastplates.

赛21:6 因为主这样对我说:“你去设立守望的,叫他把所看见的报告出来。

赛21:6 For so has the Lord said to me, Go, let a watchman be placed; let him give word of what he sees:

赛21:7 他一看见骑兵一对一对而来,又有驴队和骆驼队,他就要留意,非常留意。”

赛21:7 And when he sees war-carriages, horsemen by twos, war-carriages with asses, war-carriages with camels, let him give special attention.

赛21:8 后来,守望者像狮子般吼叫着说:“主啊!我每日不断站在守望楼上,每夜立在我守望的岗位中。

赛21:8 And the watchman gave a loud cry, O my lord, I am on the watchtower all day, and am placed in my watch every night:

赛21:9 看哪!有一队骑兵来了,马兵一对一对而来。”又有人答话说:“倾倒了,巴比伦倾倒了!它所有雕刻的神像都被打碎在地上了。”

赛21:9 See, here come war-carriages with men, horsemen by twos: and in answer he said, Babylon is made low, is made low, and all her images are broken on the earth.

赛21:10 我那被打的禾稼啊!我禾场上的谷啊!我从万军之耶和华,以色列的 神那里听见的,都告诉你们了。

赛21:10 O my crushed ones, the grain of my floor! I have given you the word which came to me from the Lord of armies, the God of Israel.

赛21:11 关于以东(“以东”原文作“度玛”,意即寂静,在这里暗示以东的困境)的默示:有人从西珥呼叫我说:“守望的啊!黑夜还有多长?守望的啊!黑夜还有多长?”

赛21:11 The word about Edom. A voice comes to me from Seir, Watchman, how far gone is the night? how far gone is the night?

赛21:12 守望的说:“早晨到了,黑夜也会再来;你们若要问,就尽管问;也可以回头再来问。”

赛21:12 The watchman says, The morning has come, but night is still to come: if you have questions to put, put them, and come back again.

赛21:13 关于阿拉伯的默示:底但的商队啊!你们必在阿拉伯的森林中住宿。

赛21:13 The word about Arabia. In the thick woods of Arabia will be your night's resting-place, O travelling bands of Dedanites!

赛21:14 提玛地的居民哪!要拿水来给那些口渴的,拿饼来接待那些逃难的。

赛21:14 Give water to him who is in need of water; give bread, O men of the land of Tema, to those in flight.

赛21:15 因为他们逃避了刀剑、已出鞘的刀剑和上了弦的弓,以及严重的战祸。

赛21:15 For they are in flight from the sharp sword, and the bent bow, and from the trouble of war.

赛21:16 主对我这样说:“按照雇工的年数,一年之内,基达的一切光荣都必化为乌有。

赛21:16 For so has the Lord said to me, In a year, by the years of a servant working for payment, all the glory of Kedar will come to an end:

赛21:17 弓箭手剩余的人数,就是基达人的勇士,必定很少;这是耶和华以色列的 神说的。”

赛21:17 And the rest of the bowmen, the men of war of the children of Kedar, will be small in number: for the Lord, the God of Israel, has said it.

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