
赛26:1 到那日,在犹大地必有人唱这歌:“我们有座坚固的城;耶和华把救恩作为城墙和外郭。

赛26:1 In that day will this song be made in the land of Judah: We have a strong town; he will make salvation our walls and towers.

赛26:2 打开城门吧!好让公义和信实的国民,可以进入。

赛26:2 Let the doors be open, so that the upright nation which keeps faith may come in.

赛26:3 专心倚靠你的,你必保护他一切平安,因为他倚靠你。

赛26:3 The man whose heart is unmoved you will keep in peace, because his hope is in you.

赛26:4 你们要倚靠耶和华,直到永远,因为耶和华是永存的盘石。

赛26:4 Let your hope be in the Lord for ever: for the Lord Jah is an unchanging Rock.

赛26:5 他使那些骄傲的降卑,使那些高耸的城败落;把它拆毁,散在地上,变作尘土。

赛26:5 For he has made low those who are lifted up, all the people of the town of pride: he makes it low, crushing it down to the earth; he makes it low in the dust.

赛26:6 它要被脚践踏,就是困苦人的脚和贫穷人的脚。

赛26:6 It will be crushed under the feet of the poor and the steps of those who are in need.

赛26:7 义人的路是正直的,正直的主啊!你必修平义人的路。

赛26:7 The way of the good man is straight; the road of the upright is made smooth by you.

赛26:8 耶和华啊!我们等候你那审判的路径;你的名字和称号,都是我们心里所爱慕的。

赛26:8 We have been waiting for you, O Lord; the desire of our soul is for the memory of your name.

赛26:9 夜间我的心渴想你,我里面的灵切切寻求你,因为你的审判临到大地的时候,世上的居民就会学习到什么是公义了。

赛26:9 In the night the desire of my soul has been for you; early will my spirit be searching for you; for when your punishments come on the earth, the people of the world will get the knowledge of righteousness.

赛26:10 恶人虽然蒙了恩待,他仍不知道什么是公义;在公义的地上,他仍然行恶,也看不见耶和华的威严。

赛26:10 Even if you are kind to the evil-doer, he will not go after righteousness; even in the land of the upright he will still go on in his wrongdoing, and will not see the glory of the Lord.

赛26:11 耶和华啊!你的手高举,他们还是看不见。愿他们因看见你对子民的热心而惭愧;愿那为你的敌人预备的火吞灭他们。

赛26:11 Lord, your hand is lifted up, but they do not see: let them see ... yes, your haters will be burned up in the fire.

赛26:12 耶和华啊!你必使我们得平安,因为我们所作的,都是你为我们成就的。

赛26:12 Lord, you will give us peace: for all our works are the outcome of your purpose.

赛26:13 耶和华我们的 神啊!在你以外,曾有别的主管辖我们,但只有你,我们要承认你的名。

赛26:13 O Lord, our God, other lords than you have had rule over us; but in you only is our salvation, and no other name will we take on our lips.

赛26:14 死去的不能再活,离世的不能再起来,因为你惩罚他们,消灭了他们,使他们完全不再被记念。

赛26:14 The dead will not come back to life: their spirits will not come back to earth; for this cause you have sent destruction on them, so that the memory of them is dead.

赛26:15 耶和华啊!你增添国民;你增添国民,你得了荣耀,又拓展了地的四境。

赛26:15 You have made the nation great, O Lord, you have made it great; glory is yours: you have made wide the limits of the land.

赛26:16 耶和华啊!我们在急难中寻求你;你的惩罚临到我们身上的时候,我们就倾心吐意低声祷告。

赛26:16 Lord, in trouble our eyes have been turned to you, we sent up a prayer when your punishment was on us.

赛26:17 怀孕的妇人临产时怎样疼痛,在绞痛中喊叫;耶和华啊!我们在你面前也是这样。

赛26:17 As a woman with child, whose time is near, is troubled, crying out in her pain; so have we been before you, O Lord.

赛26:18 我们也曾像怀孕一般疼痛,但所生的像风;我们未曾在地上行过拯救的事,世上的居民也未曾因我们生下来。

赛26:18 We have been with child, we have been in pain, we have given birth to wind; no salvation has come to the earth through us, and no children have come into the world.

赛26:19 属你的死人要活过来,他们的尸体要起来;那些住在尘土里的必醒起,并且欢呼。因为你的甘露像早晨的甘露般临到,使地交出离世的人来。

赛26:19 Your dead will come back; their dead bodies will come to life again. Those in the dust, awaking from their sleep, will send out a song; for your dew is a dew of light, and the earth will give birth to the shades.

赛26:20 我的子民哪!快来,进入你们的内室,把你们的门关上;隐藏片刻,直到 神的忿怒过去。

赛26:20 Come, my people, into your secret places, and let your doors be shut: keep yourself safe for a short time, till his wrath is over.

赛26:21 因为你看!耶和华从他的居所出来,要惩罚地上居民的罪孽;大地要露出其上所流的血,不再遮盖被杀的人。”

赛26:21 For the Lord is coming out of his place to send punishment on the people of the earth for their evil-doing: the earth will let the blood drained out on her be seen, and will keep her dead covered no longer.

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