
赛56:1 耶和华这样说:“你们要持守公平,实行公义;因为我的拯救快要来到,我的公义快要显现了。

赛56:1 The Lord says, Let your way of life be upright, and let your behaviour be rightly ordered: for my salvation is near, and my righteousness will quickly be seen.

赛56:2 谨守安息日,不亵渎这日,保守自己的手不作任何恶事,这样行的人和坚持这样作的人,是有福的!”

赛56:2 Happy is the man who does this, and the son of man whose behaviour is so ordered; who keeps the Sabbath holy, and his hand from doing any evil.

赛56:3 与耶和华联合的外族人不要说:“耶和华必把我从他的子民中分别出来。”被阉割了的人也不要说:“看哪!我是一棵枯树。”

赛56:3 And let not the man from a strange country, who has been joined to the Lord, say, The Lord will certainly put a division between me and his people: and let not the unsexed man say, See, I am a dry tree.

赛56:4 因为耶和华这样说:“那些谨守我的安息日,拣选我所喜悦的事,持守我的约、被阉割了的人,

赛56:4 For the Lord says, As for the unsexed who keep my Sabbaths, and give their hearts to pleasing me, and keep their agreement with me:

赛56:5 在我的殿中和在我的墙内,我要赐给他们有记念,有名号,比有儿女更好;我必赐给他们永远不能废掉的名。

赛56:5 I will give to them in my house, and inside my walls, a place and a name better than that of sons and daughters; I will give them an eternal name which will not be cut off.

赛56:6 至于那些与耶和华联合的外族人,为要事奉他,爱耶和华的名,作他的仆人的,就是谨守安息日,不亵渎这日,又持守我的约的,

赛56:6 And as for those from a strange country, who are joined to the Lord, to give worship to him and honour to his name, to be his servants, even everyone who keeps the Sabbath holy, and keeps his agreement with me:

赛56:7 我必领他们到我的圣山,使他们在属于我的祷告的殿中喜乐;他们的燔祭和祭品,在我的祭坛上必蒙悦纳;因为我的殿必称为万族祷告的殿。”

赛56:7 I will make them come to my holy mountain, and will give them joy in my house of prayer; I will take pleasure in the burned offerings which they make on my altar: for my house will be named a house of prayer for all peoples.

赛56:8 主耶和华,就是招聚以色列被赶散的人的,说:“在以色列这些已经被招聚的人以外,我还要招聚别的人归给他们。”

赛56:8 The Lord God, who gets together the wandering ones of Israel, says, I will get together others in addition to those of Israel who have come back.

赛56:9 田野的百兽啊!你们都来吃吧。林中的百兽啊!你们都要这样。

赛56:9 All you beasts of the field, come together for your meat, even all you beasts of the wood.

赛56:10 我的守望者都是瞎眼的,都没有知识;他们都是哑巴狗,不能吠;只会作梦、躺卧,贪爱睡觉。

赛56:10 His watchmen are blind, they are all without knowledge; they are all dogs without tongues, unable to make a sound; stretched out dreaming, loving sleep.

赛56:11 这些狗十分贪吃,不知饱足;他们是牧人,但什么都不明白;他们都偏行自己的道路,各从各方求自己的利益。

赛56:11 Yes, the dogs are for ever looking for food; while these, the keepers of the sheep, are without wisdom: they have all gone after their pleasure, every one looking for profit; they are all the same.

赛56:12 他们说:“来吧!我去拿酒,让我们痛饮烈酒吧!明天必像今天一样,而且比今天还要盛大和丰盈。”

赛56:12 Come, they say, I will get wine, and we will take strong drink in full measure; and tomorrow will be like today, full of pleasure.

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