
赛15:1 关于摩押的默示:一夜之间,摩押的亚珥受到蹂躏,就灭亡了!一夜之间,摩押的基珥受到蹂躏,也灭亡了!

赛15:1 The word about Moab. For in a night Ar of Moab has become waste, and is seen no longer; for in a night Kir of Moab has become waste, and is seen no longer.

赛15:2 他们进入房子,又往底本,上到高处去哭泣,摩押人为尼波和米底巴哀号;各人头上都光秃,胡须剃净。

赛15:2 The daughter of Dibon has gone up to the high places, weeping: Moab is sounding her cry of sorrow over Nebo, and over Medeba: everywhere the hair of the head and of the face is cut off.

赛15:3 他们在街上都腰束麻布;在房顶上,在广场上,各人都哀号,流泪痛哭。

赛15:3 In their streets they are covering themselves with haircloth: on the tops of their houses, and in their public places, there is crying and bitter weeping.

赛15:4 希实本和以利亚利都呼喊,他们的声音达到雅杂,因此摩押配带武器的人大声呼叫,各人的心都战兢。

赛15:4 Heshbon is crying out, and Elealeh; their voice is sounding even to Jahaz: for this cause the heart of Moab is shaking; his soul is shaking with fear.

赛15:5 我的心为摩押哀号,它的逃民一直去到琐珥,如同一头三岁大的牝牛,要挣脱苦轭,他们登上鲁希的山坡,随走随哭,他们在何罗念的路上,发出灭亡的哀号。

赛15:5 My heart is crying out for Moab; her people go in flight to Zoar, and to Eglath-shelishiyah: for they go up with weeping by the slope of Luhith; on the way to Horonaim they send up a cry of destruction.

赛15:6 因为宁林的众水都已荒凉,青草枯干,嫩草灭没,完全没有青绿之物。

赛15:6 The waters of Nimrim will become dry: for the grass is burned up, the young grass is coming to an end, every green thing is dead.

赛15:7 所以,他们把所得的和所积蓄的财富,都带过了柳树溪。

赛15:7 For this cause they will take away their wealth, and the stores they have got together, over the stream of the water-plants.

赛15:8 哀号的声音传遍了摩押四境,哀声直达以基莲,又传到比珥.以琳。

赛15:8 For the cry has gone round the limits of Moab; as far as to Eglaim and Beer-elim.

赛15:9 底们的水充满了血,我还要把更多的灾祸加给底们,使狮子临到摩押逃难的人和那地余下的人中间。

赛15:9 For the waters of Dimon are full of blood: and I'm sending even more on Moab, a lion on those of Moab who go in flight, and on the rest of the land.

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