
赛27:1 到那日,耶和华要施用他锐利、巨大和有力的刀,惩罚鳄鱼,就是那快行的蛇;惩罚鳄鱼,就是那曲行的蛇;并且要杀海中的大龙。

赛27:1 In that day the Lord, with his great and strong and cruel sword, will send punishment on Leviathan, the quick-moving snake, and on Leviathan, the twisted snake; and he will put to death the dragon which is in the sea.

赛27:2 到那日,有个出酒的葡萄园,你们必指着这园歌唱说:

赛27:2 In that day it will be said, A vine-garden of delight, make a song about it.

赛27:3 “我耶和华是看守葡萄园的;我时刻浇灌着它,并且为免有人毁坏它,我日夜都看守着。

赛27:3 I, the Lord, am watching it; I will give it water at all times: I will keep it night and day, for fear that any damage comes to it.

赛27:4 我再没有忿怒,若荆棘和蒺藜与我交战,我就上前践踏它们,把它们全部焚毁。

赛27:4 My passion is over: if the thorns were fighting against me, I would make an attack on them, and they would be burned up together.

赛27:5 除非他们抓住我作他们的避难所,与我和好,与我和好。”

赛27:5 Or let him put himself under my power, and make peace with me.

赛27:6 在将来的日子里,雅各要扎根,以色列要发芽开花,他们的果实必遍布地面。

赛27:6 In days to come Jacob will take root: Israel will put out buds and flowers; and the face of the world will be full of fruit.

赛27:7 耶和华击打以色列人,岂像击打那些击打他们的呢?主杀戮以色列人,岂像杀戮那些杀戮他们的呢?

赛27:7 Is his punishment like the punishment of those who overcame him? or are his dead as great in number as those he put to the sword?

赛27:8 不,你只是渐渐地,借着他们被掳与他们相争;在吹东风的日子,就用暴风把他们逐去。

赛27:8 Your anger against her has been made clear by driving her away; he has taken her away with his storm-wind in the day of his east wind.

赛27:9 藉此,雅各的罪孽才得赦免;他的罪过得以除掉的条件全都在于此,就是他叫祭坛上所有的石头都变为破碎的灰石,使亚舍拉和香坛不再竖立。

赛27:9 So by this will the sin of Jacob be covered, and this is all the fruit of taking away his punishment; when all the stones of the altar are crushed together, so that the wood pillars and the sun-images will not be put up again.

赛27:10 坚固的城变为凄凉,成了被撇下、被放弃的居所,像旷野一样;牛犊必在那里吃草,在那里躺卧,并且吃尽那里的树枝。

赛27:10 For the strong town is without men, an unpeopled living-place; and she has become a waste land: there the young ox will take his rest, and its branches will be food for him.

赛27:11 枝条枯干了,就必被折断;妇女必来,拿去生火,因为这人民愚昧无知,所以他们的创造主不怜悯他们,那造成他们的,不向他们施恩。

赛27:11 When its branches are dry they will be broken off; the women will come and put fire to them: for it is a foolish people; for this cause he who made them will have no mercy on them, and he whose work they are will not have pity on them.

赛27:12 到那日,耶和华要从幼发拉底的溪流,直到埃及小河,收集他的谷物;以色列人哪!你们必一个一个被捡拾回来。

赛27:12 And it will be in that day that the Lord will get together his grain, from the River to the stream of Egypt, and you will be got together with care, O children of Israel.

赛27:13 到那日,必有大号角吹响,那些在亚述地快要灭亡的,以及那些被赶散在埃及地的,都要前来,在耶路撒冷的圣山上敬拜耶和华。

赛27:13 And it will be in that day that a great horn will be sounded; and those who were wandering in the land of Assyria, and those who had been sent away into the land of Egypt, will come; and they will give worship to the Lord in the holy mountain at Jerusalem.

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