
出22:1 “如果人偷了牛或是羊,无论是宰了或是卖了,他必须赔偿,以五牛还一牛,以四羊还一羊。(本节在《马索拉抄本》为21:37)

出22:1 If a man takes without right another man's ox or his sheep, and puts it to death or gets a price for it, he is to give five oxen for an ox, or four sheep for a sheep, in payment: the thief will have to make payment for what he has taken; if he has no money, he himself will have to be exchanged for money, so that payment may be made.

出22:2 “窃贼挖窟窿入屋的时候,如果被人发现,把他打了,以致打死,打死人的就没有流人血的罪。(本节在《马索拉抄本》为22:1)

出22:2 If a thief is taken in the act of forcing his way into a house, and his death is caused by a blow, the owner of the house is not responsible for his blood.

出22:3 如果太阳出来了,他就有流人血的罪。窃贼必须赔偿,如果他一无所有,就要卖身,还他所偷之物。

出22:3 But if it is after dawn, he will be responsible.

出22:4 所偷之物,无论是牛、是驴,或是羊,如果发现在他手中仍然活着,他必须双倍偿还。

出22:4 If he still has what he had taken, whatever it is, ox or ass or sheep, he is to give twice its value.

出22:5 如果有人在田间或葡萄园里放牲畜吃草,任由牲畜到别人的田里去吃草,就必须拿自己田间最好的,或自己葡萄园中最好的赔偿。

出22:5 If a man makes a fire in a field or a vine-garden, and lets the fire do damage to another man's field, he is to give of the best produce of his field or his vine-garden to make up for it.

出22:6 “如果火烧起来,烧着了荆棘,以致把别人堆积的禾捆、竖立的庄稼,或是田园都烧尽了,那点火的必须赔偿。

出22:6 If there is a fire and the flames get to the thorns at the edge of the field, causing destruction of the cut grain or of the living grain, or of the field, he who made the fire will have to make up for the damage.

出22:7 “如果人把银子或家中对象交给邻舍看守,这些东西从那人的家被偷去;如果把窃贼抓到了,窃贼就要双倍偿还。

出22:7 If a man puts money or goods in the care of his neighbour to keep for him, and it is taken from the man's house, if they get the thief, he will have to make payment of twice the value.

出22:8 如果找不到窃贼,那家主必要到审判官(“审判官”原文作“ 神”)那里,查明他有没有下手拿去邻舍的财物。

出22:8 If they do not get the thief, let the master of the house come before the judges and take an oath that he has not put his hand on his neighbour's goods.

出22:9 任何争讼的案件,无论是为了牛、驴、羊、衣服,或是什么遗失了的东西,如果一方说:‘这是我的’,这样,双方的案件就要带到审判官(“审判官”原文作“ 神”)面前,审判官定谁有罪,谁就要双倍偿还给他的邻舍。

出22:9 In any question about an ox or an ass or a sheep or clothing, or about the loss of any property which anyone says is his, let the two sides put their cause before God; and he who is judged to be in the wrong is to make payment to his neighbour of twice the value.

出22:10 “如果人把驴、牛、羊,或是任何牲畜交给邻舍看守,牲畜死亡、受伤,或是被赶去,又没有人看见,

出22:10 If a man puts an ass or an ox or a sheep or any beast into the keeping of his neighbour, and it comes to death or is damaged or is taken away, without any person seeing it:

出22:11 两人必须在耶和华面前起誓,表明他没有下手拿去邻舍的财物;如果物主接受那誓言,看守的人就不必赔偿。

出22:11 If he takes his oath before the Lord that he has not put his hand to his neighbour's goods, the owner is to take his word for it and he will not have to make payment for it.

出22:12 如果牲畜真的从看守的人那里被偷去,他就要赔偿给物主。

出22:12 But if it is taken from him by a thief, he is to make up for the loss of it to its owner.

出22:13 如果真的被野兽撕碎了,看守的人就要把被撕碎的带来作证据,这样,他就不必赔偿。

出22:13 But if it has been damaged by a beast, and he is able to make this clear, he will not have to make payment for what was damaged.

出22:14 “如果人向邻舍借什么,所借的无论是受了伤,或是死了,物主不在场,借的人就必须偿还。

出22:14 If a man gets from his neighbour the use of one of his beasts, and it is damaged or put to death when the owner is not with it, he will certainly have to make payment for the loss.

出22:15 如果物主在场,他就不必偿还;若是雇来的,也不必偿还,因为他为雇价来的。

出22:15 If the owner is with it, he will not have to make payment: if he gave money for the use of it, the loss is covered by the payment.

出22:16 “如果人引诱还没有许配人的处女,与她同寝,他必须交出聘礼,娶她为妻。

出22:16 If a man takes a virgin, who has not given her word to another man, and has connection with her, he will have to give a bride-price for her to be his wife.

出22:17 如果处女的父亲坚决不肯把女儿嫁给他,他就要按照处女的聘礼,交出聘银来。

出22:17 If her father will not give her to him on any account, he will have to give the regular payment for virgins.

出22:18 “不可让行巫术的女人活着。

出22:18 Any woman using unnatural powers or secret arts is to be put to death.

出22:19 “凡与牲畜同寝的,那人必须处死。

出22:19 Any man who has sex connection with a beast is to be put to death.

出22:20 “除了独一的耶和华以外,还献祭给别神的,那人必须灭绝。

出22:20 Complete destruction will come on any man who makes offerings to any other god but the Lord.

出22:21 不可欺负寄居的,也不可压迫他,因为你们在埃及地也作过寄居的。

出22:21 Do no wrong to a man from a strange country, and do not be hard on him; for you yourselves were living in a strange country, in the land of Egypt.

出22:22 不可苦待任何孤儿寡妇。

出22:22 Do no wrong to a widow, or to a child whose father is dead.

出22:23 如果你们真的苦待他们,他们一向我呼求,我必定听他们的呼求,

出22:23 If you are cruel to them in any way, and their cry comes up to me, I will certainly give ear;

出22:24 并且我要发怒,用刀杀死你们,使你们的妻子成为寡妇,你们的儿女成为孤儿。

出22:24 And in the heat of my wrath I will put you to death with the sword, so that your wives will be widows and your children without fathers.

出22:25 “如果你借钱给我的人民,就是与你们在一起的穷人,你对待他们不可像放债的人一样,不可在他们身上取利。

出22:25 If you let any of the poor among my people have the use of your money, do not be a hard creditor to him, and do not take interest.

出22:26 如果你拿了邻居的衣服作抵押,必须在日落之前归还给他。

出22:26 If ever you take your neighbour's clothing in exchange for the use of your money, let him have it back before the sun goes down:

出22:27 因为这是他唯一的铺盖,是他蔽体的衣服;如果没有了它,他拿什么睡觉呢?如果他向我呼求,我必应允,因为我是满有恩惠的。

出22:27 For it is the only thing he has for covering his skin; what is he to go to sleep in? and when his cry comes up to me, I will give ear, for my mercy is great.

出22:28 “不可咒骂 神,也不可咒诅你人民的领袖。

出22:28 You may not say evil of the judges, or put a curse on the ruler of your people.

出22:29 要把你丰收的五谷和初榨的新酒献上,不可迟延;要把你头生的儿子献给我。

出22:29 Do not keep back your offerings from the wealth of your grain and your vines. The first of your sons you are to give to me.

出22:30 对于牛羊头生的,你也要这样作;七天之内,可以和母的在一起,第八天就要把牠献给我。

出22:30 In the same way with your oxen and your sheep: for seven days let the young one be with its mother; on the eighth day give it to me.

出22:31 你们要归我作圣洁的人;因此田间被野兽撕碎的肉,你们不可以吃,要把它丢给狗吃。”

出22:31 You are to be holy men to me: the flesh of no animal whose death has been caused by the beasts of the field may be used for your food; it is to be given to the dogs.

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